Aged Man Sex

Aged Man Sex


Aged Man Sex

by Timothy Salgado
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As a man, a lot of your identity and who you are is probably rooted in your sexuality and libido. If you take care of yourself, you should be able to live a healthy and happy sex life for many years to come.
Aging plays a factor, but you can mitigate many of the issues that come with age and still hold onto your sexual prowess.
So how long can a man be sexually active? Consider these points of information.
On a basic level, there is no age that a man has to stop having sex. Several people remain sexually active well into their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Today, 40% of people between the ages of 65 years old and 80 years old remain sexually active.
Among those, more than 50% say that sex is a priority when it comes to their overall quality of life.
Age does play a role in the way that your sex life evolves. Many men experience setbacks, such as shorter or less intense orgasm, weaker or no erections, impotence, and a host of other sexual problems that are less than desirable.
Keep an eye on these symptoms and situations as you age. These sorts of issues can potentially cause anxiety and even mental health issues. Some of these issues are physical, while others are rooted in holistic issues.
Get a handle on your sex drive and libido to understand more about why these changes are occurring and what you can do about them.
One of the best things that a man can do is make changes to his lifestyle to counteract sexual problems. Here are a few of the many different lifestyle alterations you can make so that you’re able to still enjoy a healthy and happy sex life:
Exercise is the best thing that you can do to keep your sex life intact. Lots of men with sexual issues have trouble getting adequate blood flow, or they have circulatory issues. When you exercise several times per week, it becomes easier for you to promote this blood flow in your body and build a healthier heart.
Exercising regularly also helps you to boost your testosterone levels. Since this is the primary male sex hormone, it directs your libido, the quality of your sex life, and your ability to perform in the bedroom.
There are several different exercise regimens you can take up.
Choose an exercise regimen that puts you up against resistance so that you can build strength and muscle tone. Going to the gym four to five times per week can revolutionize your sex life. You don’t have to lift incredibly heavy weights well into your old age, but the resistance training alone can help you keep your sex drive and testosterone levels intact.
Never living a sedentary lifestyle. If you sit around all day, you will not only have poor blood circulation, but you will also have more body fat, which is antithetical to testosterone production.
If you can’t get to the gym due to COVID-19 or simple inconvenience, feel free to build a home gym. You can rack up some free weights, buy some kettlebells, install a pull-up bar, or take other measures that let you get in a good pump several times per week.
Staying healthy in this way promotes the regulation of hormones in your body so that your energy levels are consistent and you always feel like your old self.
Aside from strength training, spend plenty of time doing cardiovascular exercise. Running, doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises, and yoga can really improve your cardiovascular health.
This will promote blood flow and keep you healthy for years to come.
If you’re going to have a long life filled with lots of great sex, you have to get a handle on your stress levels. Stress not only kills your libido, but it can also wreck your testosterone levels.
Figure out the stressors in your life and what you can do about them.
Many people embrace meditation to get rid of the stress that they experience. It’s been proven that meditation can also help you improve your libido and sexual performance as a whole. You don’t have to have a deep spiritual life to still take advantage of the health benefits of meditation.
By simply sitting calm and still, while also watching your breathing, you’ll be able to get rid of the cortisol stress levels in your life and make sure your libido stays high. Exercising, mixed with a meditation cooldown can keep you level-headed and stress-free each day.
Figure out your work situation and lean toward the things that make you happy. Know when to take time off, and prioritize rest and relaxation on a regular basis.
It’s also important that you prioritize sex and romance in your life so that you can get the most out of it. If you’re married or in a relationship, take the time to keep the spark alive by spending time with each other, going on dates, and keep getting to know each other.
If you’re single or dating around, make sure that you are only engaging in healthy sexual relationships. By engaging in relationships that benefit your life, you will be better able to relax and enjoy yourself when sexual encounters occur.
One of the best things that you can do with a partner is going to sex and relationship counseling. This will keep you all on the same page and make sure that you’re able to express ourselves to each other and get past sexual hang-ups.
When things are light and fun, there’s no pressure, and you can feel free to get vulnerable and expressive with each other.
Working out is critical, but as the old adage says, you can’t outwork a poor diet. To make certain that your body is working and responding as it should, you should only be feeding yourself the highest quality nutrients.
In this day and age, a lot of men in their old age are moving toward a plant-based lifestyle.
With a plant-based lifestyle, you’re cutting out meat and dairy, both of which can be inflaming and clogging to your arteries. This reduces your blood flow and makes it difficult for you to experience peak sexuality.
Take in plant-based, protein-rich foods, such as walnuts, hemp seeds, goji berries, quinoa and lentils.
Stay hydrated each and every day. A lot of men skip this step and deprive themselves of proper blood flow and nutrients as a result. When you hydrate every day, your body is better able to synthesize protein so that you don’t deal with the unnecessary breakdown of muscles.
Drinking enough water helps you to keep more lean muscle on your body, which makes it easier for your body to produce testosterone. You’ll also have a healthy and thriving libido.
Go out of your way to learn about all of the foods that promote a healthy sex life and a healthy mind and body overall.
You also need to make sure that you’re visiting the doctor on a regular basis. When you visit the doctor, they can run some bloodwork to pinpoint any underlying issues that might be getting in the way of healthy sex life.
For instance, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low testosterone, or heart issues, your doctor exams will reveal these issues. Your doctor can also put you on a new diet regimen, and can prescribe you medicines that can help, if necessary.
The doctor will be able to let you know whether the sexual issues you’re having are purely physical, or if there could potentially be some mental or emotional issues getting in the way.
While older men often have more to concern themselves with when fixing sexual issues, there’s no reason that age alone should preclude you from having a healthy sex life .
Going to the doctor will rule out problems and let you know if you’re dealing with natural aging or a more serious health issue. A physician’s visit can even save your life since penis and sex health deficiencies often point toward larger issues that could spell trouble in your later years.
Never underestimate the importance of getting plenty of sleep.
If you’re the type that is always on the go, you might even feel that sleep is weak or counterproductive. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Instead, strive to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night so that your body is able to restore all of its systems and keep your hormones and checks.
When your body lacks sleep, a dip in testosterone is one of the first symptoms you will see. Sleeping allows your body to more optimally synthesize your food and restore your body to peak health. It will also help you to get rid of stress issues so that you can age gracefully overall.
Come up with a sleep routine that helps you to drift off without a problem.
Many people have sleep issues because their mind is wandering out of control when it’s time to relax and go to bed. You can try a sleep meditation ritual, or listen to binaural beats or Tibetan singing bowls before bedtime. You might also try a pre-bedtime workout or taking a melatonin supplement.
Regardless of what you have to do, give yourself plenty of time to drift off so that you’re able to experience restorative, high-quality rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
Take time to check your thought processes and attitudes regarding sex. It would surprise you to know how many problems can manifest simply because your mind is not in the right place.
Whether you are distracted and unable to stay in the moment or you have trauma or hang-ups, they can all get in the way of you living the sex life that you always wanted to.
Going to a therapist could be one of the best steps to take in this situation.
When you visit a therapist versed in sex counseling and potential trauma issues, it makes it easier for you to get past these issues and simply exist in your own skin. Take the time to also embrace what you like and dislike and get past any issues of guilt that you might experience due to limiting sexual attitudes or beliefs.
It all starts with you, so allow yourself to be open and vulnerable.
Take the time to also add to your intake with plenty of vitamins and supplements that can be helpful to you. There are a number of health supplements you can take that will improve your sex life, such as ashwagandha root, Tribulus, maca root, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, Zinc, and magnesium.
Be sure to also take a reliable men’s multivitamin that will give you the building blocks that you need on a daily basis. Sites like sell some of the best supplements you can take.
How long can a man be sexually active? As you can see, there are a variety of factors at play.
Use these tips and check back with us to learn more about how health and wellness can affect your sex drive and libido well into your old age.
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What Age Do Men Stop Being Sexually Active?
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Lindau, S.T. & Gavrilova, N. (2010). Sex, health, and years of sexually active life gained due to good health: evidence from two US population based cross sectional surveys of ageing. BMJ. 340, c810. Retrieved from Nassar, G.N. & Leslie, S.W. (2021, January 9). Physiology, Testosterone. StatPearls. Retrieved from Does a person’s libido/sexual desire necessarily decline with age? (n.d.). Retrieved from Ferrini, M.G., Gonzalez-Cadavid, N.F. & Rajfer, J. (2017, February). Aging related erectile dysfunction—potential mechanism to halt or delay its onset. Translational Andrology and Urology. 6 (1), 20–27. Retrieved from Symptoms & Causes of Erectile Dysfunction. (2017, July). Retrieved from
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Getting older has a few perks, from wisdom and a greater perspective on life to simple things like senior discounts. 
From a physical standpoint, however, most of us associate aging with wrinkles, joint problems and a decline in sexual performance. 
While the belief that sexual activity tends to decline with age is accurate, the link between age and sexual dysfunction isn’t as strong as you might think.
In fact, with the right habits, it’s often possible to maintain a strong sex drive and good sexual performance well into old age.
Below, we’ve looked at the science behind aging and sexual health to explain when most men start to experience a decline in their sexual performance and incline in instances of sexual dysfunction. 
We’ve also shared a few actionable tips that you can use to maintain a healthy, enjoyable sex life in your 60s, 70s and beyond. 
Since male sex drive and physical health can vary hugely from person to person, there’s no specific age at which most men give up on sex. There’s also no real answer to the question, “ What age does a man stop getting hard? ”
That’s right, fellas. Don’t let the “old men having sex is weird” or “old people having sex is a myth” comments bother you — they’re nonsense. 
However, research suggests that most men have a “sexual life expectancy” (the estimated age at which they’ll stop engaging in sexual activity on a regular basis) of around 75 to 85 years.
In a 2010 study conducted by the University of Chicago, researchers looked at the link between age and sexual activity in men and women throughout the United States.
The study used data sourced from large-scale surveys of the US population and found that 38.9 percent of men between 75 to 85 years of age remained sexually active.
It also noted that 70.8 percent of sexually active men reported that they had a “good quality” sex life. 
Interestingly, the men who reported being in either very good or excellent health were more likely than their peers to maintain a high level of interest in sex.
In short, most men remain sexually active well into retirement age, with the majority of sexually active senior men happy with their sex lives.
Sex drive, or libido, tends to decrease with age in men and women. Part of this is due to natural changes in your production of testosterone that occur as you get older.
Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It’s responsible for many of your male secondary sex characteristics, such as your voice and the amount of muscle mass on your frame.
It’s also directly responsible for regulating your sex drive.
So, what age group is most sexually active for men? Well, it’s hard to pinpoint, as every man is different. 
However, as you age, it’s normal for your testosterone production to slowly decline. Most men begin to produce less testosterone after age 30 , with testosterone production dropping by about one percent every year.
Women experience a similar drop in hormone levels, with estrogen production declining after menopause.
While there’s no official “sex after 60 statistics” page on the NIH site for us to look at, or no real indicator of what the frequency of sex after 60 looks like, we can assume that since testosterone plays a major role in regulating your sexual desire, this decline in testosterone production may cause you to gradually feel less interested in sexual activity as you age. 
Beyond the age-related decline in testosterone production, other factors related to aging can also affect your answer to the question, “When do men lose their sex drive?” And your answer will probably differ from everyone else’s. 
As people get older, medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and others become more prevalent. 
Many of these conditions can have a negative effect on sexual performance and libido.
Certain medications used to treat age-related issues, such as blood pressure medications or antidepressants, can also affect male sex drive.
Finally, issues such as depression , anxiety and stress — which often develop in middle age or later in life — can also have a negative effect on sexual desire.
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While it’s normal to experience some amount of slowdown in your sexual desire as you grow older, entering your 60s, 70s or even your 80s doesn’t mean that you need to throw in the towel.
By taking steps to avoid poor health, treating medical conditions as they arise and, if necessary, using medication to prevent issues such as erectile dysfunction , it’s absolutely possible to enjoy satisfying sexual relationships well into old age.
When it comes to staying sexually active as you grow older, good physical health usually equals good sexual health and healthy sexual desire. 
Simple things such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol excessively all have a positive impact on your sexual health and ability to maintain a healthy sex life in your 60s and 70s.
Our guides to protecting your erections naturally and increasing your testosterone levels share simple, proven habits that you can use to maintain your sex drive and sexual function.
Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages, but it’s particularly common in older men.
In fact, research suggests that men have about a 40 percent risk of developing some form of ED in their 40s, with this risk increasing by 10 percent with each additional decade.
The good news is that modern ED prescriptions can make it easy to maintain an erection, even if you’re one of the many men affected by ED.
Popular medications for treating ED include sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra ®), tadalafil (generic Cialis®) , vardenafil (Levitra®) and avanafil ( Stendra® ). 
Used before sex, these medications make it easier to get and maintain an erection, allowing you to have satisfying sexual intercourse without having to worry about ED. 
Our guide to the most common ED treatments goes into more detail about how ED medications work, as well as what you should be aware of before using them. 
Many sexual performance issues that affect older men are either directly caused or made worse by chronic health conditions. 
For example, erectile dysfunction is often caused by high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other physical conditions that become more prevalent with age.
If you have a chronic disease or other health issues that could affec
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