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Afult Search
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Our private browser for mobile comes equipped with our search engine, tracker blocker, encryption enforcer, and more. Available on iOS & Android .
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We don't store your personal info. We don't follow you around with ads. We don't track you. Ever.
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Our privacy policy is simple: we don’t collect or share any of your personal information.
We don’t store your search history. We therefore have nothing to sell to advertisers that track you across the Internet.
Other search engines track your searches even when you’re in private browsing mode. We don’t track you — period.
No tracking, no ad targeting, just searching.
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We make our money from private ads on our search engine. On other search engines, ads are based on profiles compiled about you using your personal information like search, browsing, and purchase history. Since we don’t collect that information, search ads on DuckDuckGo are based on the search results page you are viewing, not on you as a person. For example, if you search for cars, we’ll show you ads about cars.
Not only does Google keep your search history forever by default, their trackers have been found on 75% of the top million websites, which means they are tracking most everywhere you go on the Internet (unless you stop them with DuckDuckGo!). And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Ever notice ads constantly following you around? That’s in part because Google tracks your searches and hides trackers on millions of websites. By contrast, our private search engine doesn’t track your searches and our DuckDuckGo browser extension and mobile app block Google’s (and many other companies’) trackers across the Internet, helping to keep your browsing history more private, as it should be. And that’s just the beginning — by using DuckDuckGo you also escape the manipulation of the filter bubble and can use the Internet faster (after all that tracking code is disabled).
DuckDuckGo search gives you truly private search results without tradeoffs in result quality. We have everything you’ve come to expect in an online search experience, and a few bonus features that make searching the Internet not only private, but also a bit more fun! And, on top of that, because there is no search history on DuckDuckGo, you escape the filter bubble of manipulated results.
Unlike some other search engines, we don’t alter search results based on someone’s previous search history. In fact, since we don’t track our users we don’t have access to search histories at all! Those other search engines show you results based on a data profile about you and your online activity (including your search history), and so can be slanted towards what they think you will click on the most based on this profiling. This effect is commonly known as the search filter bubble , but using DuckDuckGo can help you escape it. This does not mean our search results are generally “unfiltered” because, for every search you make online, a search engine’s job is to filter millions of possible results down to a ranked order of just a handful. In other words, a search engine has to use algorithms programmed by people to determine what shows up first in the list of results, what shows up second, and so on. Otherwise, for every search you’d just get a completely random set of results, which of course wouldn’t be very useful.
No, we are not and have never been owned by Google. We have been an independent company since our founding in 2008 and, unlike some other search engines, we don’t rely on Google’s results for any of our search results. You may notice that we offer a Google Chrome extension and a Google Android app, but these are also not in partnership with Google and actually aim to protect you from Google’s online trackers.
It is a myth that you can’t be tracked while using so-called “Incognito” mode. In fact, Incognito mode mainly just deletes information on your computer and does nothing to stop Google from saving your searches, nor does it stop companies, Internet service providers, or governments from being able to track you across the Internet. By contrast, DuckDuckGo search is completely anonymous and if you add our app & extension on top, we help keep you private when browsing off of search results.
We don’t track our users, so it’s actually impossible for us to know how many users in total are using our products. However, we are able to make an estimate based on the number of searches we get per month. Our best guess — over 50 million people!
The DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser mobile app and Privacy Essentials desktop extension both come with our best-in-class tracker blocker, encryption enforcer, and private search engine – all in one simple package. This gives you all the key privacy protection tools to search and browse privately, curbing the constant monitoring of your Internet activity by companies like Google and Facebook.

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2246 people found this article helpful

Paul Gil, a former Lifewire writer who is also known for his dynamic internet and database courses and has been active in technology fields for over two decades.

Christine Baker is a marketing consultant with experience working for a variety of clients. Her expertise includes social media, web development, and graphic design.

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Most people prefer to rely on just one or two search engines that deliver three key features:

The options this article highlights should help you find the best search engine for your needs.

These are mainly web page search engines, but others exist, too, for specific searches. Other search engines exist just for people, images, and, of course, jobs.
Hidden content might damage ranking.

Google is the reigning leader of spartan searching and is the most used search engine in the world. Google is fast, relevant, and the most extensive single catalog of web pages available.

Try Google images, maps, and news features; they are outstanding services for locating photos, geographic directions, and headlines.

Does not track or store user information.

At first, looks like Google. However, many subtleties make this search engine different.

DuckDuckGo offers some slick features, like zero-click information wherein all your answers appear on the first results page. DuckDuckgo offers disambiguation prompts that help to clarify what question you are asking. Most significantly, DuckDuckGo does not track information about you or share your search habits with others.

Give a try. You might really like this clean and simple search engine.

Favors older, established web pages.
Crawls hidden and non-hidden content equally.
Ranks forums low in search results.
Instant search is slower than Google.
Some ad-heavy search result screens.

Bing is Microsoft's attempt at unseating Google, and it's arguably the second-most-popular search engine today.

In the leftmost column, Bing tries to support your research by offering suggestions; it also provides search options across the top of the screen. Things like wiki suggestions, visual search, and related searches might be beneficial to you. Bing is not dethroning Google soon, but it is worth trying. 

Links to "favorite fetches" on whimsical home screen.
Pulls from multiple databases for broad results.
Result screen entries aren't dated.

Years ago, Dogpile preceded Google as a fast and efficient choice for web searching. Things changed in the late 1990s, Dogpile faded into obscurity, and Google became the leading platform.

Today, however, Dogpile is coming back, with a growing index and a clean and quick presentation that is a testimony to its halcyon days. If you want to try a search tool with an engaging appearance and desirable crosslink results, definitely try Dogpile.

Results include how many times an article has been cited and by whom.
Wide-ranging but not comprehensive.
No criteria for what makes a result "scholarly."
No way to limit results by discipline.

Google Scholar is a particular version of the main platform. This search engine will help you win debates.

Google Scholar focuses on scientific and hard-research academic material that has been subjected to scrutiny by scientists and scholars. Example content includes graduate theses, legal and court opinions, scholarly publications, medical research reports, physics research papers, and economics and world politics explanations.

If you're looking for critical information that can stand up in a heated debate with educated people, then Google Scholar is where you want to go to arm yourself with high-powered sources.

Focuses on technical terms and applications.
A different Term of the Day every day.
Searches only Webopedia's 10,000+ word and phrase database.
You have to open the article to find out more.

Webopedia is one of the most useful websites on the web. Webopedia is an encyclopedic resource dedicated to searching technology terminology and computer definitions.

Teach yourself what domain name system is, or what DDRAM means on your computer. Webopedia is a perfect resource for non-technical people to make more sense of the computers around them. 

Home screen includes news and trending topics.
One-stop shop for search, email, horoscope, and weather.
Options to search verticals rather than the web.

Yahoo is several things: a search engine, a news aggregator, a shopping center, an email service, a travel directory, a horoscope and games center, and more.

This web-portal breadth of choice makes this a beneficial site for internet beginners. Searching the web should also be about discovery and exploration, and Yahoo delivers.

Search text, news, archived websites, and much more.
"Wayback Machine" lets you search old websites.
Vast amount of archived content can be overwhelming.
Advanced search requires a learning curve.

The Internet Archive is a favorite destination for longtime Web lovers. The Archive has been taking snapshots of the entire World Wide Web for years now, helping users to virtually travel back in time to see what a web page looked like in 1999, or what the news was like around Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

It's essential to think of the Internet Archive as much more than a web page archiver; it's a versatile search engine that also finds movies and other videos, music, and documents.

You won't visit the Archive daily like you would Google or Yahoo or Bing, but when you do need historical context, use this search site.

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