After The Club Stepsister Rub

After The Club Stepsister Rub


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I was at a basketball game and this hot guy was sitting next to me, he asked me what my name was, and asked some stuff about me, so we kinda got to know each other, but not that well of course. After everyone left, we were the last ones sitting there, so he puts his hand on my thigh. And moves it on down. I was wearing a mini skirt, so when he got all the way down there he moves my thong and sticks his two fingers in. It felt incredibly awesome. So I couldn't tell him to stop. But hello! He was a total stranger. Would you allow a total stranger to do that to you? Btw. I had just broken up with my boyfriend. And never heard from this guy again.
Would you let a total stranger finger you?
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As a guy it's harder to comment on whether I'd let somebody do that to me, but I would say that if you let him do it then he'll move onto the next girl and expect them to do it. They may not be so comfortable in allowing it to happen. Safety has to be your paramount concern. I think I'd be waiting until I knew the guy's address/contact details and a little about his history. Meeting his friends might be a good plan to get some idea of his character and social standing. Why do you think you never heard from this guy again? Do you think he may have shown more of an interest if he didn't get what he wanted straight away? How do you feel about it now? Disgusted? Shocked? Excited? Would you do it again? Please be careful and stay safe. It's possible to have the most exciting times within a safe environment. It's really easy to be safe - any guy worth anything won't force you to do something that you could reasonably consider to be unsafe. I'm not suggesting he forced you in this case and that you couldn't have called a halt, but if you make sure you never put yourself at risk of that then it certainly won't happen.
Seems like when a man is a woman's type (tall, hot, race-specific, young, rich, etc), he can pretty much get what he wants with women and it's perfectly ok. Any other man(which makes up 90% of the male population) would have been slapped or arrested for harassment and sexual assault. You did allow it and being that you are at least 18, you are old enough to have a clue what you are doing. From a man's point of view, I can easily allow a woman whom I have never bet before to touch my crotch or even go all the way with me. Sure, I am a man but there are some of us who would not do this with a stranger. But with women, yes, I would allow a stranger (must emphasize the point that it MUST be a woman) to play with me.
Archer, you'll never know whether you are the woman's type unless you take a chance. Looks like this guy took a chance and both of them had some fun.
Couldn't see myself doing that much less on a basketball court. Ha. I meet guys in the club I will hug them bye that is it. Had one try and kiss me a few weeks ago I pushed him back and told him "no" because I just respect myself. If he is into me so much he can take me out then we can see from there
No I don't think I could do that, but then again I've never been in that exact situation. I know that I have been very attracted to complete strangers, but I think I'd be weirded out by some guy, cute or not who just wanted to stick his fingers up my skirt.
WTF! This guy could have been a total psycho and by what he did he was a freak I would NEVER let that happen him touching my thigh would have made my slap him and walk off.
Meh as long as you liked it and didn't feel bad about it after. Like if it feels wrong than its wrong for you. If not then go for it. Sounds pretty hot lol.
The key is, hot guy. I'm sure if the guy was the average joe or some bad looking one, you would have called the police on him, but given that he was hot, you felt ok with it. I have a friend like that who gets away with anything cause he is very good looking and women throw themselves at him. So when you're hot, you can get away with murder, it seems.
Well I was at a bar a few year ago and I met a girl and dance for a while then she came to our table, she also was wearing a mini skirt but not sure anymore if she had any panties or thong but she sat somewhat on my lap then took my hand and moved it to her pussy, so I did, I fingered her till she came , she was so wet good thing there was music cause she was loud. after she came she just turned around and cave me a kiss the left. so yes it did happen to me. Maybe those two are together now?
I actually knew a girl who had done this. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. As long as you're consenting and you know you might not see him again, it's not that bid a deal. But you don't want to broadcast it to people you know.
People have regularly one night stands with strangers so I think this all depends on whether you hit it off and the current circumstances. Sounds like you loved the thrill of the moment so more power to you. If I was not involved and an attractive women presented herself and there was an opportunity to have some fun, yeah, I'd go for it...
I would but on the flip side I would have zero respect for any girl that allowed me to do that to her as a total stranger. I am not surprised you never heard from him again, I can imagine what opinion he had of you.
As long as you are totally comfortable and if your not then please don't do it! But go for it if you like it!
Yeah, if I was not attached, I would so go for that! As long as you are comfortable with it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with consenting pleasure. But to be totally honest, your story is exactly the reason guys don't take rape seriously.
Anonymous you are a raging shithead. Guys don't take rape seriously because they choose not to. There was nothing confusing about Lady-Bird's actions; she did not say 'No' then push his hand farther up her leg. She did not say 'Stop' then object when he removed his hand. Men tend to be more sexually aggressive than women, I'll give you that. But men also need to open their damn eyes and ears and be prepared to accept that their advances may not always be accepted. #thisisrapeculture
i wouldn't mind this happening at all! especially if it felt good hell yah!
There's nothing wrong about what you did and I think I probably done the same thing lol:)
I was fingered at a party by someone I didn't know. It was fun.
No I wouldn't let a stranger do that to me, I would only do that with my boyfriend, you should respect yourself.

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