After Spanking

After Spanking


After Spanking
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You know what happens next young lady!
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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
A few spanking illustrations. November 28, 2018 With 1 comment
After a good spanking. December 19, 2018 With 1 comment
Just before their spanking. February 9, 2019 With 1 comment
Lovely pictures of girls faces as they are being spanked!!
Especially if a girl has never been properly spanked before, the experience of having her bottom bared and turned up for warming and reddening is bound to be completely overwhelming. To me, that’s the sheer genius of over-the-knee, bare bottom spanking. Shame & pain.
Who regularly lowers a naughty girl’s knickers and thrashes her bare bottom with a Lochgelly tawse? (First name of girl and age, please.)
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Выбрать язык русский азербайджанский аймара албанский амхарский арабский армянский ассамский африкаанс бамбара баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский бходжпури валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский греческий грузинский гуарани гуджарати датский догри зулу иврит игбо идиш илоканский индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский кечуа киргизский китайский (традиционный) китайский (упрощенный) конкани корейский корсиканский коса креольский (гаити) крио курдский (курманджи) курдский (сорани) кхмерский лаосский латинский латышский лингала литовский луганда люксембургский майтхили македонский малагасийский малайский малаялам мальдивский мальтийский маори маратхи мейтейлон (манипури) мизо монгольский немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория оромо панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский самоанский санскрит себуанский сепеди сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили сунданский таджикский тайский тамильский татарский телугу тигринья тсонга турецкий туркменский узбекский уйгурский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чви чева чешский шведский шона шотландский (гэльский) эве эсперанто эстонский яванский японский
I’ve already told you how I got paddled for passing notes in class – this is the story about what happened when I got home that day, with an already sore bottom.
As I noted in my previous story, prior to being paddled that day at school, I had not been spanked in over two years. I hadn’t even really been threatened with a spanking. Grounding had replaced the parental hand.
As I went through the rest of my school day, squirming in hard chairs, feeling a little feverish, I mentally played the ‘how long will I be grounded for’ game. It’s amazing I didn’t get in trouble again that day, for not paying attention.
My mind wandered a couple of times to a rule I had known throughout my younger years – that being in trouble at school would result in an immediate spanking. However, I dismissed the possibility. That rule was for back when I was still being spanked, after all.
When I finally reached the final bell and shuffled off to home, I was dreading what was sure to be an exceptionally long chewing out and the forthcoming sentence. Caroline and I wished each other luck as we left the building. So I walked on home.
When I finally got there, my mom was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at the door. There was none of the calm coldness of Mrs Jamison. Rather, the fire of anger animated her entire face.
“Sit your little fanny down and do your homework right this second, young lady – then we are going to talk.”
Well, that didn’t sound good. I complied, thinking she was giving herself time to calm down. As I worked through my assignments, I actually found myself settling down. I didn’t exactly forget that I was in big trouble, but I pushed the thought aside.
When my homework was finished, Mom swooped right back in and told me: “Go to my bedroom, right now.” Her bedroom? That was weird – that had never happened before. But I wasn’t exactly feeling confident that I could question her right then. So upstairs and into my parents’ bedroom I went. My mom followed, and her voice was rising as we entered. “What were you thinking – if you were even thinking? School is not a spot to act up, young lady.”
I don’t remember her ever once bringing up the note-passing or the profanity – just the very fact that I had been sent to the principal and that I had been paddled. My offence wasn’t the specific action, in her mind, but merely the very basic misdemeanour of getting in trouble at school. Did I say she was taking time to calm down? I’m a damn fool, because she was as angry as I had ever seen her in my life.
Then came a very unexpected sentence. “Let me see how bad it is.” “What?” “Pull your jeans down so I can see how bad you got it.”
So my jeans came down. Remember, removing clothing was never part of my spankings, so I still wasn’t really thinking in that direction. I stood there in just my yellow panties. Thirty-five years later, I still remember the panties I wore that day – not what shirt or shoes, but I remember the underwear.
I also remember Mom looking at my butt. I caught a glance in her mirror and my left thigh had a pretty clear bruise. Before I thought much else, her hands were suddenly whisking down my yellow undies to join my jeans, and my right cheek was also clearly showing the results of the punishment.
My bottom wasn’t exactly a mess of bruises, but there was a splotch of purple on my right cheek and another on my left thigh, and a lot of red all around. I quickly pulled my panties back up but before I could reach for my jeans, my mom froze me in fear.
“Don’t move another muscle, Samantha Lynn,” she ordered.
She opened a dresser drawer and removed a wooden hairbrush I had never seen before. I should’ve known at that point what was in my future, but I swear it didn’t register.
“What’s that for mom?” “What do you think, that’s it to fix your hair? Come here.” And so for the first time in two years, and the first time as a teenager, I found myself across my mother’s lap.
Then the brush began to come down, right on my utterly too-thin-to-help panties, and I began to scream. For the first time in my life, I got a true bottom tanning. The brush continued to talk well past the point that I myself could even verbalise. My mom was spanking me well past the point of crying; she was going for hysterical. She was trying to make sure I never sat comfortably again, or so it seemed at the time.
Finally, after what felt like hours, she pushed me off her lap. I grabbed my bottom and tried to rub the fire away. “You are not too old for a spanking, Samantha, and I hope you remember that – because this can be done again, and worse.”
I finally got myself together enough to leave her room and go to mine. I fell asleep still crying.
Over the next two or three years, Mom threatened me with the brush on several occasions (often using the euphemism ‘do we need to go fix your hair?’). Just one more time, she proved true to her word: that I was not too old to be spanked; and that it could indeed be done again, and worse.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

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