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Novosibirsk’s Siberian Beauties

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Anna Yuzhakova takes her laptop computer with her to the restaurant car. She wants to show her international visitor the many charms of Siberian beauties. They are the result, she says, of years of mixed marriages by citizens from different republics of the former Soviet Union.
Anna is a scout. She discovers new talents for the Noah Models agency in St. Petersburg.
She is herself a former model. Four times a year she crosses her native region by train searching for the next top models, the ones who will one day strut the catwalks of Paris or New York.
Her travelling companion, Stephane Hababou, watches the photos of would-be models scroll across the screen. He’s also a scout. He represents the prestigious Marilyn agency in Paris.
It’s his first trip to Siberia. Hababou says it’s the best way for him to find new prospects ahead of his competition.
There’s not a moment to waste. Anna and Stephane stop in every large city of the region, holding a casting call that is open to all.
About 50 teen girls in black undergarments and stiletto heels greet Anna and Stephane at every stop. Some move nervously. Others proudly show off their curves.
The presence of this visitor from Paris ramps up the pressure. Everyone knows Hababou holds the key to a possible career abroad. It’s an opportunity to follow both an American and French dream, a chance to escape the daily drudgery of life in Siberia.
Anna invites Marina Korotkova to step forward. The 17-year-old barely has the time to take two steps before a cutting remark welcomes her into the world of modelling, even if pronounced under the guise of humour. “Marina is a little overweight.” At 93 centimetres, her hips are too wide. The visitors still take a few photos and recommend she go on a diet.
Russia’s largest modelling school is in Novosibirsk. It’s a unique breeding ground for girls who start training as early as age 10 or 12. They learn fashion photography techniques and how to sway their hips on a catwalk.
Fifteen-year-old Kristina Churina, a recent graduate, catches Stephane Hababou’s eye. If she loses a little weight, she could end up in Paris within the year, modeling the creations of top designers.
But few are chosen. Anna selects about 30 young women during each of her Siberian scouting trips. Only a fraction of them will ever end up with real modelling careers.
To be ready to seize the opportunity if presented with it, Kristina has been taking intensive English courses. She also has a plan B. She’s studying tourism and hopes to one day manage a large hotel.
Anna Yuzhakova takes her laptop computer with her to the restaurant car. She wants to show her international visitor the many charms of Siberian beauties. They are the result, she says, of years of mixed marriages by citizens from different republics of the former Soviet Union.
Anna is a scout. She discovers new talents for the Noah Models agency in St. Petersburg.
She is herself a former model. Four times a year she crosses her native region by train searching for the next top models, the ones who will one day strut the catwalks of Paris or New York.
Her travelling companion, Stephane Hababou, watches the photos of would-be models scroll across the screen. He’s also a scout. He represents the prestigious Marilyn agency in Paris.
It’s his first trip to Siberia. Hababou says it’s the best way for him to find new prospects ahead of his competition.
There’s not a moment to waste. Anna and Stephane stop in every large city of the region, holding a casting call that is open to all.
About 50 teen girls in black undergarments and stiletto heels greet Anna and Stephane at every stop. Some move nervously. Others proudly show off their curves.
The presence of this visitor from Paris ramps up the pressure. Everyone knows Hababou holds the key to a possible career abroad. It’s an opportunity to follow both an American and French dream, a chance to escape the daily drudgery of life in Siberia.
Anna invites Marina Korotkova to step forward. The 17-year-old barely has the time to take two steps before a cutting remark welcomes her into the world of modelling, even if pronounced under the guise of humour. “Marina is a little overweight.” At 93 centimetres, her hips are too wide. The visitors still take a few photos and recommend she go on a diet.
Russia’s largest modelling school is in Novosibirsk. It’s a unique breeding ground for girls who start training as early as age 10 or 12. They learn fashion photography techniques and how to sway their hips on a catwalk.
Fifteen-year-old Kristina Churina, a recent graduate, catches Stephane Hababou’s eye. If she loses a little weight, she could end up in Paris within the year, modeling the creations of top designers.
But few are chosen. Anna selects about 30 young women during each of her Siberian scouting trips. Only a fraction of them will ever end up with real modelling careers.
To be ready to seize the opportunity if presented with it, Kristina has been taking intensive English courses. She also has a plan B. She’s studying tourism and hopes to one day manage a large hotel.
Siberia is known around the world for its frigid temperatures. But in the world of fashion, the region is famous for being home to the most beautiful women in the world.
The measuring tape is king. Minimum height: 172 centimetres (5 feet, 6 inches). Maximum hips: 90 centimetres (35.4 inches).
Casting calls are open to all and attract about 60 hopeful young women every time they are held.
The measuring tape is unforgiving. With hips measuring 93 centimetres (36.6 inches), Marina Korotkova is considered “a little fat.”
Stephane Hababou, from the Marilyn agency in Paris, has come to Siberia to find the most promising beauties before his rivals do.
Anna Yuzhakova (centre), herself a former model, visits Siberia four times a year on behalf of the Noah modeling agency in St. Petersburg.
Anna discovers 30 to 40 fresh and interesting faces every month.
Anastasia Akhmameteva catches the eye of Stephane Hababou. Her ticket to Paris is within reach.
For the ones left behind, the rejection is often brutal.
15-year-old Kristina Churina just graduated from Novosibirsk’s modelling school and has caught the attention of the Paris agency.
But Stephane Hababou hesitates about Kristina: “If she loses weight, we’ll see see how she changes.”
Siberia is considered a modelling reservoir, thanks to ethnic mixing.
A little powder, and barely pubescent girls turn into femmes fatales.
A fashion show after the casting call allows scouts to observe the models in real conditions.
For many young women from small villages, modelling offers a chance to travel and earn a lot of money.

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Published: 19:29 BST, 22 August 2014 | Updated: 23:17 BST, 22 August 2014
A mother-of-two called the police after finding out that her 13-year-old daughter had been sending and receiving nude pictures of herself and other teens on her tablet computer.
The mom, who has not been named to protect her identity, from Dinwiddie County, Virginia, was horrified when she discovered sexually explicit content on her daughter’s electronic devices.
Her daughter had been 'sexting' boys a series of naked images on her cell phone and tablet computer and had received similar pictures back in response.
Images: The mom of a teenage girl found out that her daughter had been sending and receiving naked pictures of herself and other teens using her tablet and phone
Police: The worried mom made the difficult decision to call the police over the incident to protect her daughter
Her mother told WTVR : ‘What scares me is... this much bigger than we realize. How many others are doing this and you don't realize it.’
The parents became aware of their 13-year-old’s activity when their other child heard voices in her bedroom around 4 a.m.
They punished her and took away her electronic devices.
But when they had a quick look through the device they were unprepared for what they found.
‘Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find, sexual pictures, conversations, that were very inappropriate for her age,’ she said.
However, while none of the images showed their daughter with anyone else she was sending most pictures to boys who would then text one back to the eighth grader.
But worryingly, one 'sext' involved a high school senior.
‘We believe them to be 17-18ish... Definitely older than her, did request they have sex,’ she said.
‘Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now.’
The girl could face criminal charges.
But her concerned parents said that they called in the sheriff's office to protect her.
‘We did this now to protect her. For now and in the future, because this could get worse, she could be taken,’ she said.
Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system.
Charges: Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system
However, the older teens could face felony charges depending on their ages.
Now, the mom is urging other parents to do more to protect their kids.
She said parents should start by having all electronics fitted with parental controls to keep children away from dangerous apps.
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The father was confronted by another swimmer for his 'inappropriate' behaviour. But his wife says he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Pip Christmass / Parenting / Updated 19.01.2021
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A dad has been shamed for showering naked with his six-year-old daughter after a swim at a local public pool.
The wife of the man took to Kidspot to share the altercation between the dad and another man in at the pool’s change rooms.
The dad Kyle had gone swimming with his daughter Isla (not their real names) on a hot day.
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Everything went along wonderfully until it was time to get out of the pool and have a quick shower before heading home.
“Kyle collected the bags and towels and ushered Isla into the men’s change room to have a quick shower and get dressed,” the mum wrote.
The change rooms were empty so Kyle decided it would be OK for him and Isla to have a quick shower to wash off the chlorine and for him to wash Isla’s hair.
“But as they stood together under the water, a man in his 50s walked into the change room and saw them,” the mum wrote.
Kyle saw the man’s “disgusted” look before the man in his 50s spoke up.
“Not really the right place for your daughter, is it?” the man said.
“This is the male change room, not the female. She shouldn’t be showering like that in here.”
Kyle was in a state of “shock” at the man’s comments, his wife said.
They quickly got out of the shower, got dressed and left.
Back at home, Kyle discussed the incident with his wife, who became “absolutely infuriated.”
“He asked me if I thought that him showering naked with Isla was inappropriate in the men’s change room,” she wrote.
“He explained that while he hadn’t given it a second thought at the time, now he was second-guessing himself and his decision to do it.”
But Isla’s mum said it was a completely “normal and practical” thing to do.
“Not only was I infuriated that this man has made this remark to a father caring for his daughter, but infuriated that now my husband was insecure in his own parenting abilities and the decision he made,” she wrote.
“How is a father helping his six-year-old daughter shower in a changeroom after a swim wrong?”
" ‘How is a father helping his six-year-old daughter shower in a changeroom after a swim wrong?’ "
The mum pointed out that Isla, at six years old, was too young to be sent off to the female change room by herself and it was the most “responsible” option for Kyle to have taken her with him.
“I understand that everyone comes with their own views and beliefs and perhaps if Isla was older ... I would have understood where this man was coming from,” she wrote.
“But she is a six-year-old girl - and nothing about her using a public changeroom, even if it is the men’s, with her father, is wrong.”

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