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👓 Stewart Edward White

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✅ Stewart Edward W <hite (12 March 1873 – September 18, 1946) was an American writer, novelist, and spiritualist. Whites books were popular at a time w >¬<hen America was losing its vanishing wilderness. He was a keen observer of the beauties of nature and human nature, yet could render them in a plain-spoken style. Based on his own experience, whether writing camping journals or Westerns, he included pithy and fun details about cabin-building, canoeing, logging, gold-hunting, and guns and fishing and hunting.This book has been deemed as a classic and has stood the test of time. The book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of t >¬</he knowledge base f d>¬<bor fu dy>¬5️⃣0️⃣1️⃣¬</body>¬</hture generations. ml>




Виктор Боярский «Гренландский меридиан 🌐»

Виктор Боярский «Гренландский меридиан 🌐»

E <html>
<headuard Strasburg >
</her «S ad>
</htreifzuge an der Riviera» ml>

E <html>
<headuard Strasburg >
</her «S ad>
</htreifzuge an der Riviera» ml>

Douglas Frazar «Prac <htica ml Sailing on Tr >
<headi >
</htiona ml Boats» >

Douglas Frazar «Prac <htica ml Sailing on Tr >
<headi >
</htiona ml Boats» >

Вольфганг Рессиг,Клаудиа Пеннер,Лариса Башкина,Ульрике Тойшер «Индия. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником (+ карта)» <html>

Вольфганг Рессиг,Клаудиа Пеннер,Лариса Башкина,Ульрике Тойшер «Индия. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником (+ карта)» <html>

Marc At <hanase Parfait Oeillet des Murs «Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de l.Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro A Lima, Et de Lima au Para, Vol. 2. Ex >
<hecutee par Ordr >
</he du Gouvernement Francais Pendant les Annees 1843 A 1847; Hist >
<boire du Voyage (Classic Reprin >
</ht)» ml>

Marc At <hanase Parfait Oeillet des Murs «Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de l.Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro A Lima, Et de Lima au Para, Vol. 2. Ex >
<hecutee par Ordr >
</he du Gouvernement Francais Pendant les Annees 1843 A 1847; Hist >
<boire du Voyage (Classic Reprin >
</ht)» ml>

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