Afghan incense

Afghan incense

Afghan incense

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Афганские сорта марихуаны: обзор на семена Афганки

First off, what other product, compared to Afghan Incense, smells so good and feels like the real deal? You get the best of both worlds with this smoking blend. What sets Afghan Incense apart from other herbal blends is that it not only makes you feel good but it can cause visual distortions like it did for me. The only other product I can think of that altars your visual experience is Salvia and that may be too strong for some people. Afghan Herbal Incense is strong enough, it is aromatic and feels like the real thing. The blend also has powerful flavorings, which give off a strong aroma, as well as resins, which are solids. This smoking blend looks like Hashish and smells like it too. The herbs are dried up and made into the incense. It is said that the blend is made according to an ancient recipe from Afghanistan. After using various other herbal products, it appears that Afghan Incense is at the top of the list of most powerful blends. To use the blend, you must break open the contents first. You can then fill a small container with the content and let the natural fragrance take over the room. Or, you can add the mixture into your favorite tobacco product and smoke it, which is what most people are now doing. Afghan Herbal Incense provides a tranquilizing experience, leaving you feeling relaxed. Like mentioned above, some people experience visual distortions and may even get an energy boost. It all depends on the body, the amount used and the method of consumption. The effects of Afghan Incense are short but worth the experience. The Good The product can be burned as incense or added to tobacco for smoking and the aroma of Afghan incense is unlike any other smoking blend. The Bad Afghan Incense is a powerful product and may be too strong for first time users. In other words, be cautious if it is your first time. The Verdict Because Afghan Incense smells incredibly aromatic and wonderful, it is simply worth the experience just for the scent and flavors. Above all, the outcome and effects are just like the real deal. Stuff like blue lotus and Kratom did nothing for me. I was shocked and amazed how just a tiny ball the size of pea was more than enough. This is just like good weed. I guess at high doses it could cause the more adverse effects that pot has such as paranoia, anxiety, nervousness ect. Just start out with a samll amount to make sure you can handle the high. OMG just got this stuff two days ago and was taken over by the feelings and sinsations you get from this i can deff. I do recommend this product! As the others have stated, this is as close to the real deal as you can get. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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