Advice For Dating Younger

Advice For Dating Younger


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Dating Younger Women | 5 Tips To Get Younger Women To Want You MORE!
Have you been interested in dating younger women, but just don’t know how to? Dating younger women does not have to be intimidating or taboo if you understand what they need and know how to date them. After all, age is just a number. Let’s be real – younger women can be extremely attractive and you may think to yourself, “Do they think an older man like me is even attractive or appealing”?’ The truth is, “yes”, they do. Being older can definitely work in your favor. And who knows, you may even find yourself with the love of your life 20 years younger than you! A lot of younger women actually look for older men because they presume, they are more emotionally mature and this is what attractions women emotionally. However it’s definitely important to know how to date younger women because it can pose its own unique challenges, and that’s what you’re here for. Welcome to dating younger women 101.
Want to get better at dating younger women. Visit Apollonia here through her YouTube Channel, and Attract a Woman E-Book.
Dating a younger girl can be very different from dating a woman in your own age range. While it might seem that dating someone around your age, whose experiences might mirror yours, is easier, dating a younger woman can have many unique advantages. Firstly, when you start to date a younger girl, find out where she’s at in her life. She could know exactly what she wants to do with her career, or she could still be figuring it all out. Admit it, you’ve been there too. If you’re dating someone between the age of 18-25, imagine all the life changes you had in those years of your own life and be aware that she may be going through similar changes. You don’t have to force your priorities to match up with hers. They may not because you’re at completely different points in your lives, and that’s okay. You can avoid pressuring her into things if you know exactly where she’s at in her life from the beginning of the relationship. The red flag that I would suggest for you to be aware of is, when a woman is not interested in learning or focusing on her personal growth. Some younger women just want to have fun and if you are looking for just fun then go ahead. But if it’s a relationship you’re after, you have to make sure that the younger woman is wanting the same thing as you.
Even if she is young, she could be a mature old soul at the age of 50 inside, or she could be a youthful spirit still figuring out her own likes and dislikes. Perhaps she’s had many long term relationships already, or maybe she’s only dated off and on. When dating younger women, try to find out at what stage of her life she’s in and what she might want or need from you as her partner.
Because the age gap is a big one between you two, it’s also really important to take it slow. In games of love and life, slow and steady always wins the race. Take the time to get to know her, understand what makes her tick, and find out what she’s looking for in a relationship. Don’t make quick moves on her – remember, especially because you’re older, that might make her uneasy. She may think your intentions are dishonest or that you’re trying to take advantage of her because she’s young. If you make the moves on her too fast, she might run off. Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Don’t push a relationship as you will know when a woman wants this.
Dating younger women definitely also involves keeping up with them. Keep her engaged, because she’ll definitely keep you on your toes! Young women like to have fun and experience new things, even if you’ve experienced this all before. Not interested in going to that club you used to go to ten years ago? Don’t feel like going on a strenuous long hike with her? Give it a shot, it won’t kill you. Dating a younger woman can challenge you to try new things and force yourself to go outside your comfort zone. In fact, research shows that older men who date younger women tend to be healthier and live longer — go figure! So if you try out things that engage her, maybe you’ll presently surprise yourself too.
Lastly, be receptive and open to the things she’s interested in. If you’re not open-minded, you may find that she’ll lose interest in you very quickly. You’ll find yourself in a game of cat and mouse, where she constantly makes you chase her, and you’ll lose sight of the relationship completely. Don’t fall into that trap — adapt to her and involve yourself in her interests.
There are 5 key tips you have to take into account when dating a younger woman, these are:
Read on below for an in-depth explanation on each tip!
Be mature! Younger women are attracted to a mature man, let’s be honest, it’s the reason she wanted to date an older man in the first place. She’s probably not particularly interested in men her age because they don’t know themselves well and play stupid games, like texting them late at night for booty calls or completely ghosting them. That being said, prove her right and show her that you know what you want. Be in touch with her consistently and don’t send mixed signals or not take her seriously just because she’s young. Don’t be afraid to be honest, and slowly let your feelings show as she shows hers for you. Your honesty is mature – and that’s sexy. There’s nothing sexier than a man that knows himself, is assertive, and isn’t afraid to show his feelings. Being honest with yourself and with her will benefit both of you in the long run.
Part of you being mature is letting her spread her wings and fly a little bit. Acknowledge the fact that because she’s younger, she has strong desires to try new things and fulfill her own curiosities. Don’t try to tell her what to do just because you’re older; she already has a father figure in her life,(possibly) and she probably doesn’t want her boyfriend to be one either. Your support of letting her fulfill her desires will be attractive to her, and your awareness of her needs will make you wise beyond your years – literally speaking, that is.
So, let’s review and add some new points for some easy tips for you to remember when dating a younger woman, and you’ll be off to some happy dating in no time!
This is something for dating across the spectrum, but especially for dating younger women. They’re interested in older men particularly because they have maturity and experience. Don’t be inconsistent in your communication or not take her out on proper dates. Court her, show her that you’re a man that knows what he’s doing. If you’re not interested in a long term relationship, be clear about it. Younger women want a man that knows himself. Take her seriously, act maturely, and treat her with respect. Sometimes I’ve seen men belittle women because they’re young so be careful here. Also, sometimes this happens because a woman might not be very respectful at times or test you from time to time. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground and put her back into her place in a respectful manner. And don’t try to fit in with her crowd or her age group – just be yourself.
Engage her interests and excite her! Take her to a show, a new restaurant, cook with her. Be creative and think about fun things you could do with her. Be open-minded and receptive to her interests and ideas, even if you are thinking to yourself ‘been there, done that’ or ‘I’m too old for this.’ Maybe with her things are different or you’ll see life in a different way, so allow yourself to be spontaneous. If you show her a good time, most likely you’ll show yourself a good time too. Be bold enough to show her you have your act together, and young enough to still want to have fun and enjoy life’s thrills. Dating doesn’t have to be so serious.
Younger women are not dating older men because they want a sugar daddy, contrary to popular belief. You don’t have to impress her by buying her things to try to keep her by your side – if anything that shows insecurity. Showing her a good time, listening to her, and being open-minded to new activities is much more powerful than buying her love with money.
You may be thinking to herself, “Well, doesn’t she also like me because I have financial security because I’m older?” That may be so, and it’s nice to have a boyfriend who is financially secure, but that’s only one result of having your act together. Younger women like to be with older men because they’re secure in their life in general, at least much more so than a young guy. That’s enough for them. You don’t need to flash around your money – that will definitely make her feel uncomfortable. She will want to feel like she can contribute also to the relationship in some way, and if you make her feel like she can’t because she’s a) too young and b) doesn’t have a good job, that’ll make her feel way worse. Use your money with her with intelligence and not as a power tool or a way of showing yourself to be an amazing boyfriend. Don’t assume that she can’t take care of herself just because she’s young.
Be adventurous with the dates you take her on and share your own experience of the world. You have more years on her, so show her some interesting things you’ve discovered or never seen before. Take her outside of her comfort zone too and challenge her! You can feel comfortable to be especially assertive and she’ll want you to take the lead, so don’t be afraid to do it. When you walk into a restaurant with her, make your presence known – find the hostess, tell her about the reservation you made (because you’ve already taken the lead and planned in advance), and show her to the table. Take her to something unusual, like ax throwing or an interesting theater show. Impress her with your perceptiveness and your ability to take control and make plans yourself. That will show her that you have the potential to be an incredible partner.
Finally, don’t be afraid to initiate. A younger woman likes being with an older man precisely because they know how to take control. They’re sick of dating timid young guys that don’t know what they’re doing on dates or in the bedroom. You’ve got the experience, so show it. She’ll find your ability to take control of a situation refreshed and confidence, and will definitely want to see and hear from you more. Lure her in with your strong sense of self and fearlessness.
Understanding that women choose to be with younger men of presence they bring to the relationship. Women crave a man that can make them feel safe and give them access to resources. That does not mean money that means sustainability. Women are wired to make sure they make the best decision for themselves and future offspring. Even if they don’t want to have kids. If you think about history for a moment and think about why a man and woman were created one was masculine and one was feminine. More than ever these days men are becoming more feminine by becoming passive so women are drawn to men who aren’t. The ones that know themselves and the ones that are grounded and stable with life and understanding manhood. I do think that this is something that is not talked about enough so that’s why I travel the world and do intense Bootcamps with men. If you’re interested in signing up for one of my bootcamps I encourage you to click this link here.
Now, go and win that younger woman’s heart! Don’t be afraid to approach her either!
Apollonia Ponti, an international certified coach and founder of She works with men to attract the woman they desire, build confidence, master their attraction skills and helps rebuild relationships.
You can find her expert advice, plus a couple other of your core professional services, through her YouTube Channel, and Attract a Woman E-Book.
To get real results with women NOW! Change your life and master your attraction. Book a coaching session here.
Coaching helps you become a better version of you no matter what you’re going through right now. You can feel confident because Apollonia guides you every step of the way!
Dating Coach Shares How to Overcome Neediness, Attachments, and Insecurities!
It's very good for me although I'm not old but I've learnt a lot from it.
Hi Oliver,
Appreciate your comment and thanks for taking the time to read this article about dating younger women. Happy to help!
Excellent advice. Thank you for this blog. I have been dating younger women for the past 3+ years and find most everything you say to be right on point. So many women are starving to experience a real man with a mature masculinity who is also caring and compassionate.
Keep bringing more advice for we men (and for women who date older men) who are dating younger ladies.
Hi Wade,
Thanks so much for reading my blog about dating younger women. Yes, you are 100% correct. I sure will and appreciate you. :)
I appreciate this counselling so much. Am dating a 12years younger lady who's just about 20years.
She's not financially demanding but not serious about the relationship the way I want her to...but like you said, "slow and steady" though its been 3years into the relationship.
Hey Andrew, thanks for stopping by and reading Dating younger women. Yeah just keep in mind age. She's early 20's so her priority is not on relationships but on finding out who she is as a woman and in this world. So it's up to you to decide what you're looking for and what you want and what your values are and if this person aligns with them. Just knowing where someone is at in their walk of life is a great start. Keep discovering and growing for yourself, too.
Apollonia :)
Thank you for your advice.I find it very helpful. I just started dating a girl 10 years younger than me about a week ago. I will definitely apply what you are saying.
When a younger woman says she likes you a lot and looks forward to meeting you and seeing where it goes but will wait and see.
And than says a second time: I really like you a lot and want to meet you.
Also send me a one word text saying only: PURSUING.
When a woman says she likes you a lot and looks forward to meeting you and seeing where it goes but will wait and see.
And than says a second time: I really like you a lot and want to meet you.
Also send me a one word text saying only: PURSUING.
Hi Mark,
She is wanting you to pursue her. So why aren't you doing it is the question? LOL
You are amazing mum.I am dating a younger woman but a distance relationship type and I found your tips very grateful
An Interesting Topic For Bootcamp #101! ????
A younger woman with a "mature old soul inside" that knows her value and focuses on her personal growth is ... How can I best say this properly.... A Sexy Combination!!! No Charge for the wisdom nugget. ☺
Hi Louis,
Yes- it will be one. :) see you soon!
Hello Apolonia,
I love your channel.
This article is amazing. You give excellent advice as always. I get what your saying. I’m 48 years old and I’m a relationship with a younger woman. Let say she’s in her late 30s. For me it’s a little complicated due to the fact that she’s in the military and I don’t get much time to chat with her but when I do I take advantage of it. As always keep up the good work and I must say that your channel has helped me a lot.
Thanks!!!! Jose Mercado
Hi Jose,
Thanks so much! Happy you love my channel. So happy you enjoyed my dating younger women article. So happy my channel has helped you and thank you for your support.
it's good but I'm not saying anyone and their is a girl I met at school she is 24 and I'm 26 first time I went up to a girl.and ask for her number but it's like everytime i ask to hang out it was she is busy
Apollonia, thank you for your advices on how to date young women. I have my experience and lessons learned already. On 29th April 2019, I broke up with my young (@28 years old) insecure, manipulative, and loose girlfriend. I am at 47 years and I met this girl in May 2017. But before that I have my current girlfriend whom I met in December 2015. She's 25 years old and a 10 girl, who is faithful to me, makes my life seamless, enjoyable and very jovial. The reason why I started dating the insecure, manipulative and loose girlfriend for the last 2 years it was because my 25 years old girlfriend was studying at the university, which is far from where I am. When I started dating the insecure, manipulative and loose girlfriend, we discussed it with her and she was comfortable, because our meeting was intermittently. She has since graduated on 29th March, 2019. What actually happened was that in August 2018, I broke up with the insecure, manipulative and loose girlfriend after realizing that she was back with her EX. 3-days after No Contact, she called me back and apologized. I have realized that it was a mistake I did by accepting her back into my life. From August 2018, we were together, but I used to have this feeling that she was still cheating on me with her EX. This in a way made me to be insecure and needy. I also realized that she was just a material girl. This went on until 29th April 2019 just 5 days after celebrating my birthday when she started acting bitchy and was not willing to communicate at all. By 8pm the same day, she decided to go. I then applied the No Contact Rule and 2-days later I airlifted my graduated girlfriend (of 25 years) to come and join me. She now staying with me. Today morning (23rd May 2019). The insurance, manipulative and loose girlfriend sent me pictures showing me that they are together with her EX. In fact from the photos, it clearly showed that they were still hanging up with the EX even though she was still with me ( although I have to say that they didn't affect me in anyway because at the back of my mind, I had this feeling that she was still cheating on me with her EX who are almost the same age bracket). In her photos the captions were indicating that I am old and not of her age, that she was only using me as a sugar daddy and sponsor for her self, her 7 years old daughter and her entire family for financial support. I am glad that this relationship has ended and I have moved on with my 25 years old girlfriend. Therefore, I appreciate your tips on how to date young women and definitely those tips will come handy as I enjoy my relationship with my girlfriend whom we have been together for almost 4 years. Thank you so much
APOLLONIA, Great program you have, wish it was easier for Canadians to reach out and meet. Hope you make it to Canada soon, I have one concern, always when having a relationship with a much younger woman, and that is really the age gap, as a product myself, Father was 60, Mother was 28, was concieved on his Birthday. I lost him early at my age 15, Which was very difficult for me and I had a very unique upbringing, it was great yet so different, many questions have come out of it over the years, that I avoid simila
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