Advanced Sustainability Quiz - study material and references

Advanced Sustainability Quiz - study material and references

Mark L. Miller

Need some revision before starting the quiz? We got you backed up. Here you have a list of articles to tackle all the 30 questions like a pro. If you need to dig in a little further, check out the references at the bottom.

Study material

Section 1: The History of International Sustainability

[1] Must-read: The history of international sustainability policy

Section 2: Sustainable Business

[2] Must-read: Are you paying the real price?

[3] Nice-to-read: The "Four Spheres" framework for sustainability (Fig.1)

[4] Nice-to-read: Assessing sustainability at farm-level: Lessons learned from a comparison of tools in practice (part 1.1, 1.2, 2.1)

Section 3: Sustainable Farms

[5] Better-to-read: What is RISE

Section 4: The Environmental Impact of Farming

[6] Must-read: “Eat locally” now also available for livestock

[7] Better-to-read: Cowspiracy - Facts

Section 5: Sustainable Tourism

[8] Better-to-read: Making tourism more sustainable - A guide for policy makers (part 1.4 - box 1.1)

Section 6: Sustainable Innovation

[9] Must-read: The dynamics of the sustainable transition and why sustainable innovation is lacking

[10] Nice-to-read: Sustainable Development: Definitions, Principles, Policies


Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (2016, June). Global Livestock Numbers. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Andersen, K. & Kuhn, K. (2014). Cowspiracy - Facts. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Arrow, K., Bolin, B. [...] Perrings, C. & Pimentelet, D. (1995, 28 April). Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment. Science 268 (5210), pp. 520

Bregman, R. (2017, 16 February). Hierdoor werd ik in een klap vegetarier. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Butler, C.D. (2017, April). Limits to growth, planetary boundaries, and planetary health. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 25, pp. 59-65 Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Cambridge University (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved on 18 March 2017, from

Cambridge University (2017). Greenwash. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Club of Rome (2019). Home. Retrieved on 7 December 2019, from

Crane, A. & Matten, D. (2010). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press pp. 31-37

Daly, H. E. (2006). Sustainable Development—Definitions, Principles, Policies. In M. Keiner (Ed.), The Future of Sustainability. Springer

de Olde, E. M., Oudshoorn, F. W., Sørensen, C. A. G., Bokkers, E. A. M., & de Boer, I. J. M. (2016). Assessing sustainability at farm-level: Lessons learned from a comparison of tools in practice. Ecological Indicators, 66, 391–404.

Elkington, J. (1999). Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. North Mankato, MN: Capstone Publishers

Van Geel, J. (2012, 16 May). ‘Voor 1 kilo biefstuk is 25 kilo voer nodig’. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Gómez-Baggethun, E. & Naredo, J.M. (2015, 22 May). In search of lost time: the rise and fall of limits to growth in international sustainability policy. Sustainability Science 10 (3), pp. 385–395. Retrieved on 24 December 2019, from

Grenz, J. (2015). RISE user manual. RISE 3.0 (p. 29). Bern University of Applied Sciences.

Hoekstra, E. (2020, 10 January). The history of international sustainable policy? Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Hoekstra, E. (2019, 14 June). “Eat locally” now also available for livestock. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Hoekstra, E. (2019, 8 January). Are you paying the real price? Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Hoekstra, E. (2017, 26 May). The dynamics of the sustainable transition and why sustainable innovation is lacking. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

Machiavelli, N. (1513). The Prince. Retrieved on 3 January 2020, from

Mak, G. (2019, November). Grote verwachtingen In Europa - 1999-2019. Atlas Contact: Amsterdam

O’Connor, M. (2006). The “Four Spheres” framework for sustainability. Complexity and Ecological Economics, 3(4), 285–292.

UNEP & WTO. (2005). Making tourism more sustainable - A guide for policy makers, pp.11-12

Voedingscentrum (n.d.). Watergebruik. Retrieved on 12 May 2020, from

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