Advance SEO tips You Should Know in 2021

 Advance SEO tips You Should Know in 2021

It is a list of 17 advanced SEO strategies, techniques, and tactics. These strategies have helped my site bring in 350,973 visitors per month from all over the world. So if you’re sick of reading the same old beginners stuff (“create great content!”), you’ll enjoy this list.

1. Rank for “Journalist Keywords.”

2. Use Animated Images to Improve Time On-Site

3. Create Content Hubs

4. Target Comparison Keywords

5. Use Dynamic Parameters for Pagination

6. Build backlines with podcasts.

7. Forge a content Alliance.

8. Maximize SERP real estate.

9. Embed original images in your content.

10. Optimize your content by keyword relevance.

11. Create a comment section in your blog.

12. Uncover people also ask keywords.

13. Publish topic plus a content year.

14. Get backlines from unliked brand mention.

15.Add content features to your page.

16. Find flow competition.

17. Optimize for google discover.

But here we discuss only the top 5 of them.

1. Rank for “Journalist Keywords.”

Journalist Keywords are terms that journalists search for. And they’re a super powerful way to build backlinks at scale. For example, a while back, we published this page speed study.

2. Use Animated Images to Improve Time On-Site

Our recent search engine ranking factors found that time on site correlates with Google rankings. Website time on site has a good relationship with higher Google rankings.

And I recently came to know a simple way to improve it: animated images. Specifically, it has high-res animated images (like animated SVGs). These are animated GIFs. But MUCH higher quality.

That way, they read more of your content. And spend more time on your page.

For example, this post from Backlinko has a handful of animated images. And it’s no coincidence that the time on site for that page is 3:27.

3. Create Content Hubs:

28% of Backlinko’s organic traffic comes from content hubs.

What’s a content hub?

It’s a mini Wikipedia on a given topic.

For example, I published our SEO Marketing Hub a year ago.

The SEO bureau Noord-Holland Hub is a collection of SEO resources organized by category (like “Technical SEO” and “Link Building”). These entries are all optimized around a single keyword (usually a long-tail). They’re NOT written like normal blog posts. Instead, each entry is more like a Wikipedia article.


First off, this style is a better search intent fit for these types of keywords. For example, someone searching for “LSI keywords” doesn’t want my opinion on it. Instead, they’re wondering what it is, why it’s important. And some first steps to get started.

And these content hub entries are strategically designed to PERFECTLY match that search intent.

4. Target Comparison Keywords:

Comparison Keywords are terms that compare different things, like:

Content Marketing vs. SEO

iPhone vs Android

Webflow vs WordPress

5. Use Dynamic Parameters for Pagination

Exploding Topics ran into a serious technical SEO issue pretty much from day

1: It took days (and sometimes WEEKS) to get a new page indexed.

The reason? Our crawl budget was getting eaten up SUPER quickly.

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