

Mike B

Версия на русском: https://telegra.ph/Adult-HR-03-31

How to post a job at @Adult_HR

At the @Adult_HR channel, we only publish jobs in Adult Digital and IT, such as:

SEO, link building, PPC, SMM, design, marketing, copywriting, translations, development, server administration, content, etc.

You can see the real distribution of professions amongst channel subscribers here: https://t.me/adult_hr/36.

See how many percent of subscribers speak English - https://t.me/adult_hr/39, how many speak Russian - https://t.me/adult_hr/46.

What’s the definition of “Adult” projects? Read here

Send your job text via private message to a bot @AdultHRbot

  1. We list jobs for free.
  2. We add approved job offers to the queue.
  3. There are no guarantees on the terms of publication.
  4. Your vacancies can be in Russian or English.
  5. Urgent listings are also possible, for a fee.

Vacancy text should contain:

  1. Job title - in the nominative case.
  2. Requirements - list a few or more points of requirements for knowledge and skills + the necessary experience, education.
  3. Responsibilities - list the duties that must be performed by a person in this position.
  4. Work format - remotely or in an office, agency or in-house. Mixed options are allowed.
  5. Location - if the work is in the office, specify the city/country where the office is located.
  6. Salary - specify either the range “from X to Y” (the minimum or maximum amount is possible) or the average monthly wage.
  7. Contact - we accept only username in Telegram format @username.


  • You can add a small description of the company: what it does, the location of the office, what size it is. A company name is optional.
  • Engage potential employees by listing bonuses, if any.
  • Moderately use emoji, if they fit and help the meaning.


  • We do not guarantee the listing terms since the queue can be quite long.
  • We reserve the right to refuse to list your job offers without giving a reason.
  • The administration of the channel is not responsible for the contents of all the vacancies and ads.
  • We will remove all #hashtags, emails, phone numbers, and links to web pages with job descriptions. Perhaps we will add our #hashtags for easier navigation in the channel.
  • We reserve the right to remove yours and/or add our emojis.
  • If you couldn't get in touch via @AdultHRbot, don't hesitate to email camspy at gmail.
  • Is SEO your business or a hobby? Come to our chat @Adult_SEO

Advertising on @Adult_HR:

We can publish posts containing your advertising, and it may include external links or other Telegram groups or channels. Here are the details:

  • Your ad stays as the newest post for 2 hours (no other posts would appear within 2 hours after your ad got published).
  • Your ad stays on the channel for 1 week (so significant part of users, if not all, would see your ad) and then it gets deleted.
  • The price of advertising is negotiable, surprise us.
  • You give us the text of your ad, we can advise on changes/improvements, but won't be rewriting it.
  • Ads in English have a hashtag #advertising, ads in Russian - #реклама. You can't pay more to get this tag removed.
  • It is not possible to cancel your order after you paid.
  • For ordering your advertising, please get in touch with us via @AdultHRbot

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