Addressing The Claims About Savitri Devi

Addressing The Claims About Savitri Devi

Esoteric Hitlerism

I've noticed a lot of hostility and Criticisms about Savitri Devi. These criticisms have reached across religious and ethnic backgrounds. In this brief write up I'll will try to answer some of the questions and and criticisms I have come across.

To start with I would reccomend reading her books if you havent already. Reading them would put to rest a lot of doubts.

The first criticism I often see is that Savitri Devi is a traitor for leaving Europe for India.

Savitri Devi went to India to study Vedic culture and become active in the Hindu Nationalist movement. She also left Europe at the time because during and after World War I, France where she was living had become totally enmeshed in Allied propaganda and the destruction of Germany. She did spend much of her life in France and in Europe, though. And in India one of her jobs was teaching English.

2. Savitri Devi was a race mixer. This has been debunked again and again but I'll go through it. She married an National Socialist of the Brahmin caste. It was a platonic marriage. She and her husband also spied for Japan during World War II.

I'll now quote part of a letter. This letter was written by Devi's literary executor, R.G Fowler, to an Inquirer on this very issue:

"He really was a Brahmin from Bengal, and there was no reason to think he was not of entirely Caucasian descent. I have met members of his family, and although they have dark hair and complexions, their features are Caucasian, although few if any of them could be taken for European. If the Aryans who settled India originally resembled Europeans (which is probable, but not certain), they have become mixed to varying degrees with the dark Caucasoid Dravidian sub-race that established the first Indian civilization, the so called 'Indus Valley' civilization (which probably embraced the whole sub-continent).

Of course this might not be 'good enough' for enough for some, who do not consider Indians to be 'white enough' even though many are perfectly Caucasian. But then their objection should not be to 'race-mixing' but to 'sub-racial mixing,' and no matter how much one might deplore sub-racial mixing, it is clearly not as bad as race-mixing.

Third, it is worth noting that both Savitri Devi and her husband thought that sub-racial mixing is a bad idea, thus that they were not appropriate marriage partners. Indeed, the Indian caste-system prohibits Brahmins from marrying even other Brahmins if they are from different regions of India (i.e., if they are too different genetically).

Fourth, the genetic differences between Savitri Devi and her husband did not matter to them, since they did not intend to have children. And since Savitri and her husband thought that the sole purpose of sex is procreation, theirs was a completely celibate marriage. (Savitri claimed as late as 1968 that she had never in her life had sexual intercourse, and there is no reason think that she ever did.")

Fifth, Savitri Devi did not choose to marry just any Indian, but a comrade in faith and struggle. A.K Mukherji was a highly valued ally and agent of the three main Axis Powers. Publicly he was the editor of The New Mercury, the only pro-Fascist and pro-National Socialist publication in India, from 1935-1937, when it was closed by the British government. From 1937-1941, he was editor of 'The Eastern Economist', in collaboration with the Japanese. ...

Sixth, although both Savitri and Mr. Mukherji thought that the main purpose of marriage is procreation, and they probably would have agreed that mixed marriages (racial or otherwise) set a bad example even if they remained childless, such considerations were outweighed by a compelling practical reason: At the beginning of the Second World War, Savitri was a known Axis sympathizer with Greek Nationality. The British rounded up and interred citizens of Axis nations and foreign sympathizers. By marrying Mr. Mukherji, Savitri obtained British Indian citizenship, by which she hoped to avoid internment, on the assumption that the British would not intern their own citizens for Axis sympathies. This assumption, of course, turned out to be mistaken, as around 1,000 British Axis-sympathizers were eventually detained under defence Regulation 18B. Mr. Mukherji himself was detained, questioned, and released a short time later. Nevertheless, Savitri Devi remained free for the duration of the war and aided her husband in spying for the Japanese.

After the war, Savitri and Mr. Mukherji stayed married, apparently because they believed that marriage should be indissoluble. Other factors were probable friendship and shared values. But they spent very little time together. In the fall of 1945, Savitri returned to Europe for almost 12 years. During this time, however, Mr. Mukherji gave Savitri financial support, helped publish her books, aided in her defense when she was arrested in Occupied Germany in 1949, and eventually secured her release from prison by obtaining the aid of the Indian government. When Savitri lived in again in India from 1957-1960, she spent only part of the time with Mr. Mukherji in Calcutta, then she returned to Europe for eleven years."

This concludes the excerpt from the letter.

Here is a clarification from Savitri Devi herself on the subject:

"So how did he marry me? Well, we got married so I wouldnt be interred when the war broke out. If he hadn't married me, I would have ended up in a concentration camp. All people known to be anti-British, known to have subversive ideas, were put into camps immediately after the war broke began. So we got married when the war broke out, on September 29, 1939. We celebrated both a religious wedding ceremony according to the Hindu rites and a civil wedding, because I had adopted the Hindu faith long before I got to know him. The religious ceremony was performed by a Brahmin from the Hindu mission, the priest Girja Kanta Goswami, who knew me very well, and he was us in front of the sacred fire, as was done in the ancient Aryan days. It's a wonderful ceremony. The sun, moon and stars were our witnesses. Although of course it was 10.00 p.m. in Bengal, weddings are held at night. I was wearing a bright purple Sari and he was wearing white and we had garlands of flowers around our necks.

And we got married, and after that he went to his house and I to my house. Finally, after a few months, we shared and apartment. Four rooms, two for me and two for him. And we had no married life at all. We were ideological comrades in arms, friends, and that was it. Every now and then we used to meet and discuss things, read books together and that was all.

The rules of Orthodox Hinduism are very strict when it comes to weddings. According to the Aryan tradition in India, a Hindu brahmin is not even allowed to marry a brahmin from his province if that brahmin is not from the same sub-caste, sreni, as himself. ...And if he marries someone else, he shouldn't have children. He shouldn't start a family like that. You dont have a family in India. One finds entry into an already existing family, a family that has been around for centuries. You keep a family and you cant keep a family unless you are of the appropriate caste.

So we decided to have no family at all and no family at all means no intimacy at all. If you dont want a family, you have nothing but platonic relationships with other people."

Savitri Devi

And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews.

This really should put to rest any accusations of race mixing or miscegenation. I can't help noticing the hypocrisy of some that make these claims. Some of the same people who make these claims about Savitri Devi are avid followers of a part Jewish race-mixer who never misses a chance to point out he lives in Japan with his Asian wife and mixed kids and a Dravidian who has a Germanic wife who lives in Europe. The hypocrisy is baffling.

Next claim, Savitri Devi is subversive because of her interest in Ancient Egypt. Really this claim is laughable but I decided to address it anyway. Deciding if someone is a good National Socialist or not because of their interest in Egypt is really stupid and not worth even thinking about. A lot of people are interested in Ancient cultures, including a lot on National Socialists. Its worthwhile to have a broad background. In her writings she pointed out several good points as well as bad points about the Egyptian civilization.

Next point. Savitri Devi is Afrocentric. No where in her writings or in her life has she ever had anything good to say about Africa. She paid no attention to Africa at all.

Another claim that I have seen is that Devi could be subversive because she didnt dress like a German. This is another claim that is so ridiculous I really shouldn't even address it but I couldn't resist it. Her dress was a Sari. Her faith was Hinduism, what we also Sanatana Dharma or the Vedic Faith. It was the original Aryan Faith. Those of us following native Faiths arent bound by a set of one rule.

Savitri Devi went back to Europe after the war. She went to prison for the German and Aryan people. That's a lot more than her internet detractors have done. She was also valued very highly by National Socialists such as George Licoln Rockwell, Matt Koehl and William Luther Pierce.

I hope this write up dispels some of the claims about Savitri Devi. I know for some nothing will ever be good enough but here I presented the truth and tried to set the record straight.

Sieg Heil!

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