Additional post-installation tips for Q and R

Additional post-installation tips for Q and R

Matt - @matt_zer01

Update included Kowalski Kernel to the latest release (for Q,R):

Just flash the latest release on top of the old one. No wipe needed.

Re-installing your apps + data using Migrate

If you made a zip with Migrate, now it's the right time to flash it.
Those zips needs to be flashed always after the initial setup and configuration.

Setup Google Pay on Android R and Q

Attention: the guide is correctly followable also on Android Q. ALSO, IT DOES NOT WORK ON MICROG, STOP ASKING.

1) Install SQLite binary using Magisk Manager and reboot WITHOUT USING THE MAGISK BUTTON (you can reboot normally on Q)

2) After the reboot, enable Magisk Hide, then install Gpay SQLite Fix via Magisk Manager

3) After the installation, reboot and make sure SafetyNet passes.


Configuring the Google-Camera and its configs on Android R and Q

Notes: the Google Cameras (or GCam, as you prefer) taken in exam here are Burial GCam and ButcherCam, since are the two that I've tested personally on R without issues. The method of functioning is pretty much the same, you choose which one you'll end up using. If you are not either a gapps or a MicroG user, you need the GCam Service Provider before using and following the guide.

Before starting, you may want to visit, if you haven't already, the unofficial support group maintained by @mark199850 for support and asking in regards of ONLY the Burial Gcam. If you want to use Butchercam, skip this step. Another little thing: DO NOT ASK for things like "which one is the best gcam pls help" or stuff like that: be real, test them all in REAL SITUATIONS and give your own conclusion without load the support chat with bullshits. Thank you.

Android R - Burial:

For reposting purposes only, the Config XML's are this and this one.

Android Q:

For reposting purposes only, the Config XML is easily reachable here.

The X represents the portion of the screen where you have to press for load the configuration.


1) Open your chosen file manager.

2) In the internal storage, make a folder with name 'GCam' (without the quotation marks).

3) Now make another folder inside GCam with name 'Configs7' (without the quotation marks)

4) The final path will be: /internalstorage/GCam/Configs7)

5) Copy/Paste the required .xml files inside Configs7

6) Now open Burial GCam and double tap at the bottom blank area near shutter button (see picture)

7) Select the xml you want and hit 'Update'

8) Profit.


Info: The Folder should create automatically. If it's there, start from step 4.

1) Open any file explorer

2) In the internal storage, make a folder with name 'GCam'

3) Now make another folder inside GCam with name Configs7 and inside that a Folder with the name Butchercam (the final path would be like /internalstorage/GCam/Configs7/Butchercam)

4) Copy/Paste the required .xml file inside Butchercam

5) Now open your GCam and double tap at the bottom blank area near shutter button (see picture)

6) Select the xml you want and hit 'Restore/Update'

7) Profit

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