#KeepQASSA Mido & Whyred

#KeepQASSA Mido & Whyred

Bacalah sampai selesai sebelum install ROM dan bertanya ke grup / Read thoroughly before install and asking to support group

# Requirement / Yang dibutuhkan:

  • Recovery:

Mido: Official OrangeFox
OrangeFox by Shekhawat2

  • Gapps (Personally, I'm using Nikgapps core on mido and basic on whyred):

NikGapps Basic | FlameGapps Basic

(or you can also using core version if you wish; or if you want full gapps-alike build experience, install NikGapps stock variant)

# Install Steps

  1. Reboot to recommended recovery.
  2. Wipe: Cache, Data, System, Vendor (clean flash) | Cache (dirty flash).
  3. Install ROM together with Gapps.
  4. Reboot.
  5. (Optional) Install Magisk only after initial ROM setup is completed to avoid weird issues.
  6. Make sure to also reinstall the Gapps and Magisk together with ROM on dirty flash to avoid Google force closed, or missing root.

# Additional Step (Optional) / Langkahan Tambahan (Opsional) :


  • Jika ingin fitur Power Off alarm bekerja (atau fitur alarm bisa otomatis menghidupkan hp ketika posisi hp sedang mati), kecualikan aplikasi Google Clock dari instalasi Gapps. Caranya ada di catatan di bawah ini. Ingat, fitur ini membutuhkan aplikasi Jam dari ROM, bukan yang dari Playstore ini.
  • Pada saat booting pertama kali, layar blank atau stuck di bagian "Tunggu Beberapa Saat.." (jika install Gapps dengan setup wizard), jika itu terjadi tunggu beberapa saat (maksimal 1 menit). Untuk booting selanjutnya tidak akan terjadi lagi.
  • Jika menginginkan fitur Google Assistant "hey google", install add-ons Google Search dan Assistant dari Gapps masing-masing (NikGapps / FlameGapps)


  • If you want the Power Off alarm feature, then exclude Google Clock from Gapps installer. Look out the step below on how to do it. Remember, this feature needs Clock apps from the rom, not this one from playstore
  • On first time booting it might like stuck on "Just a sec", or blank for some time, just wait it like 1 minutes maximum. On the next booting it would be normal again.
  • If you want the "hey google" feature, make sure to install Google Search and Assistant addons from Gapps addons (NikGapps / FlameGapps)

# (Optional) How to configure NikGapps or FlameGapps to exclude Google Clock or Google Package Installer / (Opsional) Cara mengonfigurasi NikGapps atau FlameGapps agar mengecualikan app Google Clock dan Google Installer :

  1. Download file konfigurasi sesuai dengan GApps yang dipilih / Download the configuration file, choose according as your GApps choice : https://sourceforge.net/projects/moca-rafee/files/Miscellaneous/gapps-config/
  2. Letakan file konfigurasi tadi menjadi satu folder dengan file zip Gapps / Place the configuration file together with the Gapps file
  3. Flash ROM & Gapps seperti biasa / Flash the ROM & Gapps as usually

# How to fix "Google Account Attention required" after upgrade build / Jika Akun Google tiba-tiba Bermasalah atau Logout Sendiri setelah Dirty Flash


Lakukan langkah berikut ini

1. Hapus akun google dari settings hp

2. Clear data dari app Google Play Service

3. Hapus file di bawah ini


4. Restart, dan masuk lagi ke akun googlemu. Selesai


Do this

1. Delete your google account from settings

2. Clear GMS app data

3. Delete this files


4. Reboot, and relog into your google account

# Stuck after Install Old Version of Deagle Kernel (whyred specific) / ROM tidak Bisa Booting setelah Instalasi Kernel Deagle Versi Lawas (untuk whyred)


  1. Dirty flash ROM tanpa Magisk
  2. Lanjutkan instalasi kernel Deagle tadi tanpa reboot
  3. Reboot
  4. Install ulang Magisk
  5. Ga mau ribet? Install Magisk lawas 23.0
  6. Atau, sekalian saja install build Deagle yang sudah diupdate ini


  1. Do dirty flash without Magisk
  2. Continue install Deagle kernel
  3. Reboot
  4. Install Magisk again
  5. Wanna simplest way? Use Magisk version 23.0 instead
  6. Or, use this latest updated Deagle build instead

Penjelasan / Explanation:


Script installer bawaan Kernel Deagle tidak mendukung metode patching dari Magisk terbaru (>23.0) karena sudah lama tidak diperbarui, jadi antara hapus dulu Magisk terbarunya atau pakai Magisk lawas versi 23.0, atau


Deagle kernel installer script doesn't support latest Magisk patching method newer than 23.0 as it currently not maintained actively, so either remove Magisk first to avoid automatic patching by Kernel installer or use older version of Magisk.

Thank you for reading my notes till the end / Terima kasih sudah mau meluangkan waktu untuk membaca catatan tambahan ini sampai selesai ☺

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