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Born to be Bound: A Darkverse Romance Novel (Alpha's Claim Book 1) Kindle Edition
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“Unapologetically raw and deliciously filthy, Shepherd & Claire's dark, gritty story is an emotional punch to the gut!” - Anna Zaires, New York Times bestselling author At the mercy of a jealous, possessive villain, gentle Claire begs her city’s savage conqueror to save the vulnerable Omega females, from the violence his soldiers have inspired in her fallen city. Not only does Shepherd refuse her, he takes the desperate and rare Omega woman for his own. The first book in Addison Cain's exciting, raw, and suspense-filled Paranormal series is an addictive Dark Romance that will consume you mind, body, and soul.

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Beautiful and devastating. Poetic. Addison Cain's Born to be Bound is the perfect example of why she's a master at the genre. With heartrendingly beautiful prose, a complex and vivid storyline, and torrid love scenes, the story of Claire and Shepherd stole my heart. Jane Henry, USA Today bestselling author "You always know when you pick up an Addison Cain novel to buckle your seat belt and prepare for a wild ride. Well, Born to be Bound doesn't disappoint! I was immediately thrust into another world. I loved this book from the first to the last word and I am dying to continue this dark series of sexy alpha's that steam up the pages." -Alta Hensley, USA Today bestselling author " Unapologetically raw and deliciously filthy , Shepherd & Claire's dark, gritty story is an emotional punch to the gut!" - Anna Zaires, New York Times bestselling author "Born to be Bound is one of my favorite books of 2016. Once I one clicked, I read it four times in as many days , finally kicking it off my kindle so I could get some life done. The writing is addictive, with a fast paced plot, the well-written post-apocalyptic world, the strong heroine Claire. Best of all, there's a sexy, dominant alpha, anti-hero, Shepherd." "The violence, emotional trauma, and complete subjugation were hard to process at times, but at the same time, I couldn't put it down ." -The Romance Reviews Well, I'm not sure what the hell I just read, but I do know that it's on my Best of 2016 list and I f**king loved it . - Summer's Eve Reads
Excerpt from Born to be Bound: It was the same every day. Shepherd was almost constantly buried inside her womb. He took her when she woke, after she ate, roughly if she seemed irritable. And he always made her climax... simply to prove that he could. It left her boneless and complaisant, shut off the mind screaming at her to remember herself. And the damn purr; Shepherd exercised it expertly when she paced in frustration or fussed. Time became irrelevant. Claire was not even sure how long she had been underground, if it had been days or weeks. Anytime she wanted to know the hour she had to ask, and it eventually grew confusing. Night was day, day was night--everything was turned around. Even the arrival of meals followed no set pattern, though she was never hungry for long. Shepherd was feeding her so much, in fact, it seemed sacrilegious when she could not always empty her plate. The man was fattening her up. Random things arrived in the room for her use: products for her hair, a brush, clothing of a sort--all dresses worn only by the elite women housed at the warm levels nearest the top of the Dome--but no shoes or underwear. When Shepherd was gone, she slept; almost the instant she woke, he returned. It was odd--like he knew--like he felt her cycles on his side of the thread. And always, before words were spoken, he took off his clothing, came to the bed, and lay with her. Claire knew nothing about the man but had memorized every inch of his body, the random placement of scars, the smoothness of his skin. And she knew how every inch of him tasted. None of the attention was out of affection - it was just part of the spell he would build. Though her tongue might lick his flesh, Claire never once returned any kiss he tried to press against her mouth. That was one thing he couldn't take and couldn't force. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Want sneak peeks, exclusive giveaways, and new release updates? Subscribe to my newsletter: Find Addison Cain on Facebook: --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.



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I've read many of the reviews for this book and understand the reactions. However, I feel many of them are misguided, mainly because of the intended nature of the book itself. It is an omegaverse book, it is not a romance. It is not a "love" story in the sense many expect, it is a post-apocalyptic survival story that includes love within a realm of horrific brokenness. So to be honest, I don’t really understand the folks shouting about there not being a HEA, because come-on, not every damn story HAS a HEA. SO, for those looking for a typical shifter-esque alpha, all brooding and angry but with hidden romantic qualities that lead to swooning, keep moving right on past this one. Because “Born to be Bound” by Addison Cain is definitely NOT that. Rather it is about something grittier, more real, it’s about the idea that when things are at their bleakest, there most horrific, sometimes understanding and compassion can evolve. Additionally, it showcases strength of character and illustrates how, in life, the best choice can also be ghastly, violent, and soul crushing, at times requiring the sacrifice of our very selves for the protection and survival of the greater good. Claire and Shepard being merely the vehicles Cain utilizes to paint this extremely vivid picture. “Born to be Bound” is outstandingly caustic. It is beyond dark and not for the easily offended or faint of heart. It contains a dystopian theme so violent, so abhorrently disturbing it will churn your stomach and make your mind swirl with thoughts for days on end. However that is its purpose within the literary omegaverse framework in which it resides and sadly given today’s worldwide social climate, contains an underlying plot not really all that far-fetched. Cain boldly gives a stark and frightening glimpse into a post doomsday world were a biological plague has wiped out much of humanity forcing remaining societies under the protection of bio-domes. It focuses on one bio-dome city, Tholos, and is a master/slave socio-sexual exploration of a corrupt civilization taken over by the very underclass the elites of the society painstakingly oppress for years. And it is bravely raw and realistic. Yes it contains rape. Yes is contains infidelity. Yes it contains violence, and coercion, oppression, injustice, and great suffering. But folks, that’s what a dystopian society is, and this book isn’t at all more outrageous, more violent, or more repulsive than others within this sub-genre. It is an expansion of the archetype of alpha and omega beings, beings imprinted at birth and driven by animalistic instincts beyond their control. Here, alphas are by nature, violent, possessive, and driven by predisposition to mate and claim an omega. Omegas are born tethered by biological heat cycles that instinctually drive them to mate and be claimed. It is an uneven and oppressive power dynamic right from the start. One both parties are born into. And with this birth come the biological markers of their station, such as the nesting instinct of the omegas and the purring instinct of the alpha, each specific to their individual roles but necessary and complimentary to the others well-being and survival. It is eerily allegorical to stations of class and class behavior, and to the very real struggles of the poor underneath the crush of the super-rich of our current world. Especially where in relation to the very real realm of sex trafficking and slavery created by elites and going unchecked. One read of the details into a very real billionaire such as Jeffrey Epstein, brings instant understanding that although a work of fiction, the underlying points being made within this book are not so terribly outrageous. Yes “Born to be Bound” may be more sexually violent than others in this subgenre, but so what. It’s a dystopian exploration, not a damn literary romcom! Did I wish there was more character development to Shepard in this first installment, yes, yes I did. Does it need to be so sadistically violent? No, probably not. But I understood why it was, and read it and related to it for what it was, a dark, gritty, and bravely honest portrayal of the horrors of a society at its worst. Not all romances are designed to be feel good pieces written to give people hope of true love. Some are meant to be warnings of what NOT to do. Some, like this one, created to warn us to beware the evils lurking within the very stations charged with overseeing our safety, contentment, and existence within the realm of day-to-day living. Because the reality is, the oppressive Tholos regime created Shepard, Shepard in turn acted accordingly toward Claire, and ultimately Claire acted and reacted in keeping with all of the above. It is all connected, just as we are all connected as citizens of our realms, and ultimately molded and conditioned to act according to its acceptable edicts.

This is the first of a three book series about Shephard and Claire and it launched the M/F Omegaverse genre forward. I enjoy Omegaverse and have read both the darker and lighter side. That this book is advertised as a romance, in any capacity, is extremely misleading. It is not. While authors like to push the envelope these days on what is tolerated within the romance sphere, (mostly so they can advertise within romance and get more sales) a romance is a book where the relationship between the characters drives the plot, and it ends in a happy for now, or happy ever after. These are sacred things. End of story. There are some plot spoilers ahead. While some readers may tolerate a hero that cheats - I do not. That happens in this book. Out of nowhere you will feel like someone came out of the book and slapped you when the "hero" (loose term there) Shepherd starts having sex with another woman (that just violated the heroine by the way) right in front of her. This is right at the end of the book. The heroine goes into a total collapse corpse state and he still has sex with her in that state many times to try to get her out of it. I read the next book because that was where this book ended and I thought - there must be some sort of redemption right? Even though I don't think cheating should ever be in a romance and I couldn't see how the author could do it. I was correct. There is no redemption of Shepherd for this act. While we understand WHY he did it - all he ever says to Claire is: 'That's over with. I won't do it again.' Or something similar to that. Oh great. You are such an amazing guy! Thank you for deciding to stop bedding other people! That makes everything better. Fantastic groveling! Some redemption. He never explains anything to her. It's overall so deplorable, that even though I already hated him, I would have hated him for this and never forgiven him anew. But the real question is this - Does he change and become better? No. He's the same solid jerk from start to finish. There is no redemption. If you are like me, someone reading and reading waiting for that moment when the Alpha realizes what he's done wrong and changes... you will be sorely disappointed. And Claire is whiny, and annoying, and you want her to make better decisions the entire time. All this trilogy really is at its core - is a slow grinding away of a heroine that does not want this hero, until she finally submits. It's stockholm syndrome and a realization that she can never get away from him. Oh - and guess what? There is no happy ever after. So if you DO fall for them as a couple (as many clearly have based on the popularity of this series) there is death and more rape in the ending for you. BUT guess what? If you want to know more about happened to Claire and Shepherd, after the events of this book you have to buy MORE of Addison's books in this world featuring more deplorable Alphas. And those books, while advertised as such, are NOT about Claire and Shepherd, they just "may" show up to give you hope about a better future for them. The blurb for those books are in Shepherds POV, but those books are NOT in his POV or about him. Extremely misleading and intended to get the people that love Claire and Shepherd to buy those books - which based on reviews - feature an Alpha even worse than Shepherd, are really dark, have no romance, and are not as po
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