Adam West Porn

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“It was the Swinging Sixties with free love.”
In these troubled dating times, wearing a latex bat suit won’t give you any advantages. But back in the ’60s, when the campy Batman TV series was in its prime, it could land you upwards of eight women a night.
The late Adam West , who played Batman from 1966 to 1968, sometimes used his superpowers for bad. The Sun compiled quotes from West and Burt Ward, who played sidekick Robin, that detail their lascivious pre-tabloid era exploits.
“Burt and I were like kids in a candy store. It was the Swinging Sixties with free love and women threw themselves at us,” West once said. “I’d have young female co-stars in my dressing room at 7:45 in the morning.”
“I remember one night with eight different women. Orgy is a harsh word, but it was eight at one time,” West once said of a definite orgy with The Riddler actor Frank Gorshin.
Sadly, the rubber suit presented its challenges. “Because of the physical limitations of the costume, you gotta have quickies,” West once admitted in a separate interview.
His longtime sidekick Burt Ward, now 71, has backed up West’s prowess. 
“When I entered Batman as a naive 20-year-old who had only dated a couple of girls, I met Adam West, who immediately introduced me to the wildest sexual debauchery that you can imagine,” Ward once said. 
“We often found that women were banging on our windows while we were bedded down with other women.”
“We’re talking about wild times in the dressing rooms, on the set, between the shots, in the lunch wagon. And then of course, doing the personal appearances on the weekend, that’s where it really got wild,” he added.
“And I have to be honest with you, we became like sexual vampires.”
Ward confirmed the costumes had something to do with it. “If you look at our show, you’ll see that we always stood with our legs open, our fists on hips and our bat bulges forward, which had a profound effect on women.”
Rest in peace Adam West, who lived life with his bat bulge forward.

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Caped Crusader star who died on Saturday aged 88 was a 'sexual vampire' behind the mask and turned to alcohol when the show was axed
HOLY family viewing, Batman – it turns out the Caped Crusader’s fetching satin pants spent a lot of time on the floor.
Adam West, who died on Saturday aged 88 , became a TV legend for his camped-up portrayal of the hero in the Sixties.
But behind the batmask was a sex-mad actor who slept with up to EIGHT women a night — and turned to booze when the show was axed.
He and co-star Burt Ward, who played sidekick Robin, also romped with eager groupies in their dressing rooms in between scenes.
In fact West discovered the only limits to his bedroom batpowers were those caused by his famous costume.
The actor explained years later: “Because of the physical limitations of the costume, you gotta have quickies.”
And he had an awful lot of them, as well as dates with fellow stars including actress sisters Natalie and Lana Wood, and Raquel Welch.
West explained: “Burt and I were like kids in a candy store. It was the Swinging Sixties with free love and women threw themselves at us.
“I remember one night with eight different women. Orgy is a harsh word, but it was eight at one time.
“I’d have young female co-stars in my dressing room at 7.45 in the morning.”
In fact, West did once turn up at what he did describe as an “orgy” in Hollywood with Frank Gorshin, who played Batman baddie The Riddler.
But they were thrown out for behaving like their TV alter-egos and making everyone laugh.
He said: “We walked in and it was an orgy. So I immediately went into the Batman character, and Frank went into the Riddler character, because we were getting the big giggles.
“It was so funny to us, what we walked into. And we were kicked out. We were expelled from the orgy.”
Meanwhile trusty Boy Wonder Ward, who is now 71, claimed West was definitely the ringleader when it came to their own adventures.
He recalled decades later: “When I entered Batman as a naive 20-year-old who had only dated a couple of girls, I met Adam West, who immediately introduced me to the wildest sexual debauchery that you can imagine.
“We often found that women were banging on our windows while we were bedded down with other women.”
He added: “We’re talking about wild times in the dressing rooms, on the set, between the shots, in the lunch wagon.
“And then of course, doing the personal appearances on the weekend, that’s where it really got wild.
“And I have to be honest with you, we became like sexual vampires.”
He added that the costumes seem to be part of the lure for women, revealing: “If you look at our show, you’ll see that we always stood with our legs open our fists on hips and our bat bulges forward, which had a profound effect on women.”
West was 37 years old and twice-divorced when he was offered the role that would define his life.
After years of small roles, he was deemed to be Batman material after bosses saw him playing a 007-type spy in a Nesquik advert.
When the show hit screens in 1966 he and Ward became overnight sensations, in what was the most expensive show on television at the time.
It was also one of the funniest, with its surreal double entendres.
In a BBC interview in tribute to his late friend, Ward said: “We were playing it on multiple levels, we were playing with our audience.
“For the kids it was serious hero worship, for the adults it’s the nostalgia, the comic book, and for that very difficult audience at that time to capture, the teenagers and the college kids, it was the insinuations, the double entendres, all the things that nobody had ever done with an audience.”
But in 1968, after just three seasons and 120 episodes, Batman was defeated by the most fearsome breed of arch-villains — bean counters.
The show was axed, its ratings dropped and deals with other stations fell through.
For West, being famous for wearing his underpants on the outside and for his joyous sense of kitsch, did not translate into new job offers.
One exception, incredibly, was an offer in 1970 to take over from Sean Connery as the new James Bond .
But he turned down the role because he believed that the secret agent should be British.
It was a mistake. Despite a few bit-parts he soon found himself reduced to appearing in safety adverts and schlepping round for paid personal appearances.
The lowest point was being fired out of a cannon at a carnival in Indiana dressed in his famous outfit.
West said later: “I was doing things I wasn’t very comfortable doing. I became very self-destructive.
“That came from being disillusioned and frustrated. I was bitter when I realised Batman had caused me to lose a lot of roles afterwards.”
He turned increasingly to booze, triggering behaviour so bad that he was even barred from the posh ski resort of Aspen, Colorado, for life.
Heavy drinking even almost ruined a meeting with Pope Paul VI.
West recalled the morning he was to meet the Pontiff: “I woke up with the worst hangover of my life.
“I made it to the Vatican, and I was at the back of this line of people who each knelt down to kiss his ring.
“Then it was my turn. He put out his hand. I realised that, if I knelt down, I wouldn’t be able to get up again, I was so hung over.”
Rather than kneeling he bowed his head. At this point the starstruck Pope cried: “Oh, Signor West. I have seen all of your shows.”
His fall from grace also led to depression — something that, along with alcoholism, ran in his family.
The young West, born Billy West Anderson, had a troubled upbringing in rural Walla Walla, in Washington State.
His opera singer mum Audrey had given up her career when she married West’s farmer dad Otto and regretted it.
She became an alcoholic, and when West was 12 he found her in bed with the local preacher.
One of West’s six children, daughter Nina, once said of Audrey: “There is a curse running through our family. Alcohol and manic depression. That’s what she suffered from.”
By the time West was 15 his parents had divorced and he was living in Seattle with him mum.
At 22, he wed Billie Lou Yeager, but they divorced after six years. In 1957 he wed second wife Ngahra Frisbie. That marriage ended in 1962.
It was only in 1970, when he married Marcelle Tagland Lear, that he found lasting love. They remained together until his death.
And over time the actor, who amassed a £20million fortune from re-run fees and personal appearances, also came to terms with being known “only” as Batman.
He even starred in 2003 TV movie spin-off Return To The Batcave with Burt Ward and a host of former co-stars.
He explained: “I decided that since so many people love Batman, I might as well love it too. So I began to re-engage myself with Batman.
“And I saw the comedy. I saw the love people had for it, and I just embraced it.”
ADAM WEST’S chief superpower was the ability to stay po-faced while delivering some of the most surreal and silly lines in TV history. Here are ten of his best.
1. “It’s sometimes difficult to think clearly when you’re strapped to a printing press.”
2. “It is the duty of every good citizen of Gotham City to report meeting a man from Mars in a public park.”
3. Miss Kitka (Catwoman in disguise): “When I close my eyes, I imagine a world at peace.”
Batman: “That’s strange . . . when I close my eyes, I imagine something quite astonishingly different.”
4. “No use, Joker! I knew you’d employ your sneezing powder, so I took an anti-allergy pill! Instead of a sneeze, I’ve caught your . . . cold!”
5. “It’s obvious. Only a criminal would disguise himself as a licensed, bonded guard yet callously park in front of a fire hydrant.”
6. Robin: “Where’d you get a live fish, Batman?”
Batman: “The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin.”
7. To Robin: “Stop fiddling with that atomic pile and come down here!”
8. About to cross a street: “Remember Robin, always look both ways.”
9. “Hieroglyphics self-taught are a chore, Robin. But it is a sure-fire way to unravel the secrets of the ancient mystics.”
10. “Salt and corrosion. The infamous old enemies of the crimefighter.”
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It wouldn't be the first time, not that I've ever watched a porn movie or anything.
did that article really say "you've got male"?
now that's the best article i've read in awhile haha.. adam west.. gay porn.. ahh that'll keep me going all day. not the thought of course.. man that just sounded wrong.
the producer seen with West is notorious in the business for "eating lots of hot dogs." Rightyo then.....
Now THERE'S something the world simply is not ready for. *looks for a bucket*
Is that a hotdog in your pocket? or are you just glad to see me?
Insert obligatory joke about the 'boy wonder' here
Wasn't Adam West in "Lady Chatterly's Lover"? That's soft-core porn
"You've Got Male"... that's classic. And you have to love the fact that the smut guy is notorious for eating lots of hot dogs. This is by far the funniest thing I've read all day.
Sammysamsam- He was in Young Lady Chatterly 2 as the bumbling researcher. He didn't do anything nude-like or get it on with Harlee McBride. Uh, at least that's what I heard...
Now, aided by new sidekick Little Blue Friend, BatCoot faces his worst nemesis: The Piddler...
Badger : You are correct, sir. BTW, it's a pretty decent soft-core porno flick.
I remember hearing a story about Robin having to take some type of 'size reducing' drug beacause he filled up his tights.
This is right?? RIGHT?? What will the citizens of Quohog think?
He's going to team up with Tom Byron for "Dickman and Throbbin 2".
Put this in unlikely. He was a sci-con I attended a week or so ago, and believe me, the guy is in no condition to be even thinking about doing something like'd probably kill him.
Quick, Robin! Fetch me the Bat Lube from my utility belt...
"Dickman and Throbbin": Cheesiest porno ever. Spicing the article up with the titles this guy produced ("Put me in Coach", and the aforementioned "You've Got Male") was classic. Sad knowing that at 8.30 AM it's the funniest thing I'll see all day. PS, if you don't think Adam West is in any kind of shape to do porn, you've obviously not seen Ron Jeremy lately. Thankfully, they made him keep his shirt on for the last one I saw him in.
Thwap! Biff! Blammo! Just where would these comedic balloons apply?
Hmmm, gives a whole new meaning to "Sliding down the bat pole".... (Sorry)
Correct me if I'm worng but wasn't Adam West in a lot of porn before?
I heard that back in the day West got all the action... doesn't surprise me at all if he might have thought about doing it then (not that a younger Adam West porn is something I'd want to see), but I'm hope he's not thinking of making pornos now. That'd be scary (*shudder*).
adam west, the batman adam west, was in fact in Young Lady Chatterly II and the Happy Hooker Goes to Hollywood and HHGT Washington, I'm not sure in what capacity, and he played himself in The Size of Watermelons (I'm not sure what that means).
I thought the old series was gay porn? 1. You had an old man running around calling the boys "master" i.e. - "Master Dick, Master Bruce" 2. Batman never got catwoman or batgirl 'in that way'. 3. Rocket powerered car with red interior. Notice TvLand's commercial for a bat marathon has Adam West and the Ridler: Ridler: What Do you get when you cross baseball equipment with underwear? West: A Bat Marries A Thong Whamo Slamo
Imagine if you will: the caped crusader desparately running around, bat pole in hand, moneyshot ready to pop. Oops, nuns. Turns around, girl scouts. Nope, can't shoot at the ducks. Dang, not a face in sight!
All we need now are photoshopped screenshots of the reruns....
Pay some women enough, and they'll polish even old knobs like Adam West.
He was in a couple of Happy Hooker movies also and one called Hollywood Blue...,+Adam
However, a reporter for stands by the story and says the producer seen with West is notorious in the business for "eating lots of hot dogs." Hmm. I wonder...
adam west, born in september 1928.. dont think he will be doing a lot of porn anytime soon.. jesus christ hes 74 years old.. look at his shiat on, hes done plenty of shiat. he just wants to die already, im guessing.
[image from too old to be available] this is the bat person i wanna see in porno
I would have killed to see Julie Newmar or Yvonne Craig in a porn movie about 30 years ago.
I was at a Con last summer, where the guests were Adam West, Julie Newmar, Frank Gorshin, and Yvonne Craig. West was charging $40.00 per autograph, and would not sign anything unless he personalized it, and then you couldn't take his picture with a flash (after paying him $40.00 for spending eight seconds signing his name) because it would "Hurt his eyes". A friend told me that West just appeared at Chiller in N.J., and so many people complained, that he probably won't be asked back. I think he would do well in a porn flick, he's already a big prick.
SLAYER mmmmmmm Y v o n n e C r a i g mmmmmmm Had adolescent chubbies for her! She was also the green chick in Star Trek! Way Yummy!!! Just hum the Star Trek theme song....LOL Cheers, Dawg [image from too old to be available]
DUH, you retards -- Adam West got his start in showbusiness in the porn industry long ago, before most of you were born. -he who stacks pork
It would be awesome if Asam West did pr0n, then they could create new archvillans to fight,
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