Ad41 Eroticillusions

Ad41 Eroticillusions


Ad41 Eroticillusions

Renderotica - 3D Adult Erotic Art

COMMUNITY NOTICE from SBE: Due to the current state of the world, the World Health Organization is still recommending social distancing and full vaccination!
You need to wash your hands and ALL SURFACES with soap and hot water! Don't forget to take your shots, too!
But we don't expect you to do it all alone. So come with us, we'll take care of you, virtually. You hold the soap, I'll turn the water on and make things...heat up...
And we'll be through this in no time! Stay positive, and remember we have your type of 'happy pills' right here!
Ah, there you are! I was waiting for you. What kept you? I don't like being here all alone! So together let's explore 2D and 3D artwork that reaches out for you, screaming to be seen.
Fantasy and mayhem. Mind twisting games. A sensual selection of eye candy but also with monsters that linger in dark corners waiting to pounce. Waiting for that one slippery tendril to catch
the leg of its victim and curl around so stealthily.
Now that I have your attention, how about I lead you on the hunt for more? But let's be very careful. There are so many things here that I still don't understand. And yet it just twists
my tummy up like butterflies! It's shocking how this artwork makes you feel oooohh all day. OK, follow me for the fiercest, most gut-wrenching erotic art you'll ever find.
I'll have to peek through my fingers because I'm afraid these shadowy monsters and wickedly wanton humans keep finding me! But at least I've finally unknotted the ropes that bound me, so now that I'm free,
I plan on taking you to a world you won't believe. Experience it with me...maybe you could hold my hand? Just in case...right? I never know what's in store for me.
Come with me down this road, let's see everything! From ravaging monsters carrying avarious appetites to confused college hotties waiting to be seductively subdued.
There are fantastic and unbelievable galleries to sift through! Our artists don't know when to quit but they sure do know the meaning of 'sexual play'. The wink of a vixen waiting to lure you in,
the breath-catching danger of an aroused demon! Together we'll feel it all. You'll beg for those wanton lips to part further, those limbs to spread wide with abandon,
those soft curves to press their yielding warmth against you. Goodness, I'm getting all fuzzy feeling inside! How do they do it? It's just not fair for girls like me! Am I hearing the
subtle moans of greedy need? Barely catching out of the corner of my eye the hardcore strokes of a Master's control. Art control of course! That's obviously what I meant!
Don't let me take this journey alone, please?
Do you ever wonder why I, Candice, a cute little pink-haired nobody from a small town in the middle of nowhere, was chosen to present our world to you? So do I! I don't seem to stand out or have
any special skills, right? But take this trip with me and I'll watch your backside - if you watch mine. Oh! You're watching it already - with your hands as well as your eyes! I'm here to entertain you,
but I didn't know it could be so much fun! I'll whisper softly in your ear of what could be around the next corner. Just don't let go of me! It's scary in here sometimes. But no ...
don't hold me too tight. I bruise easily with my pale, milky flesh.
I'm also going to show you such tragedy and emotion and all those naughty bits shaking with trepidation! It should be illegal! Well, only after I've had a peek. Maybe ... I mean ... it's not like I linger
behind the curtain all the time, but sometimes I just feel this need to watch. I can't help myself! Beauty and mystery await us both! I'm greedy for more. Aren't you? Oh I just knew I'd win you over!
By the way, could you hold my handbag for me? I keep little extras like spare clothes in there. Why, you ask? Are you kidding me? Every time I'm in here some disreputable human or some ... creature ...
is ripping my clothes off. And I just don't understand why! I always look my best for them! So if they want my special red party dress, they should just ask for it, I always carry extras!
Though once they have my clothes, they don't really want them anyway. They just throw them away and start to ... well ... I can't hardly tell you because I don't really know you all that
well yet and you might start getting wicked ideas about tying me up or something. Umm, let's get moving before your hands wander any further and I end up getting into trouble again!.
Stormbringer Enterprises understands that the environment is of increasing importance to a large number of our visitors. So we have taken steps to assure you that your visit
here does not in any way conflict with your valid concerns about global issues. Maybe one day all web sites will show the same degree of public-spirited responsibility!
NOTICE: The following pages contain a large collection of free erotic art, 3D nudes and cartoon sex.
By clicking Enter you affirm that you are at least 18 years old, that you have a legal right to view adult material, that you are entering this site solely for your personal entertainment,
that you are not offended by graphic representations of nudity and sexual acts, and that you will not show the contents to anyone under the age of 18. This is an adult fantasy art site exempt from USC2257.
Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH


- This symbol is for sites which have opened within the past month.
- This symbol indicates an archive. Archived sites are those where the membership area remains static, so subscriptions are one-time only. Other creators periodically add new content in the form of updates .
- This symbol will provide some indication of the number of items to be found within the membership area.
- This symbol will give some indication of the volume of movies and/or animations within the members area.
- This symbol represents a creator who has updated their *FREE* preview area in the last few months. Their focus or content may have changed since the last time you looked.

Keep me close! The artists and writers around here know no limits when it comes to mistreating a poor, innocent, helpless girl such as myself. They are quite capable of tying me up and making me really frightened. I think they enjoy hearing me beg to escape, especially when I have to promise all sorts of naughty things before they let me go!
I mean, being spanked or whipped is one thing and sometimes when I don't do my job well enough, I know I have to be punished. Stormbringer taught me that. Often! But the creators down here don't stop at that. They use fiendish devices, or put me into frightful situations where I sometimes wonder if I'm even going to come out alive.
Of course I always do, but only after they've taken advantage of me for hours, making me do everything they demand, laughing when I shiver so much I can hardly bear to sit still
And you know the worst part? They make me sort of get excited while they're doing it... twisting my emotions up into knots while my body gets all hot and bothered and I don't know if I want them to stop or if I want them to keep on doing it forever.
What's a girl like me supposed to do at a time like that? Oh you... you would say that! And you've got that glint in your eye again!
Why are you looking at those horribly sexy machines so intently...
Beautiful babes rendered in 3D art moments before they take their last breath! Their fates are sealed, and you're invited front row center to watch where it all comes to an end!
Her pants are slipping off, the tentacles are sliding up her slender young body, and no one is coming to answer her screams - and YOU get to watch every minute!
What pleasure is more exquisite than watching the slow tainted process of corrupting an angel? Angelo Michael captures this and more in his 3D erotic art site.
Hot chicks turned into dariy cows or permanent fixtures. Tentacled terrors taking out their fantasies on innocent bikini-clad ladies! Blunt, direct, this site is HOT!
Sadistic lesbian torture, lovely cartoon heroines caught in the deadliest traps. Bondage, cartoon babes, thrown up against monsters and aliens!
The enchantment of panties on the bodies of women, from sweet college girls to captives, all displayed in delectable positions while being whipped or abused.
Lions, tigers and maybe even bears, oh my! Delicious ladies turned into tender morsels by these ravenous beasts! Its a menagerie you've never yet tasted, sweet flesh victimized by sharp talons and pointed teeth!
Charlie Gulf offers us his CGErotics site where we find women in bondage, thrown into prison or locked away in dungeons, and those are the fortunate ones.
This artist uses poser art to lure you into his dark and twisted sexual fantasies in a world of heroines in nude peril!
You've never seen such an onslaught of peril as here, where beautiful ladies fall prey to predators human and animal alike! What devious plans are set in motion by these wicked women and dominating men? These torturers and seducers? Spiders, dragons, an octopus... it never ends!
She's buxom, wild, and untameable. Does she haunt your dreams too, riding you like a beast? Beautiful classic black and white beauties in this site!
Eyeteeth Productions presents a look at powerful women fighting one another in skimpy clothes and bathing suits, women in peril and sci-fi babes in trouble!
Mouth open, jaw agape, you watch as these hapless victims are dragged kicking and screaming in video and still image series, to their dooms by leaf covered tentacles and relentless vines! No place is safe, not the office, not the living room - and certainly not the bedroom!
In hand drawn art, these graphic stories are filled with the busty women at the call of men, plants and aliens, with no mercy!
This site explores all your darkest fantasies in stark simple black and white, no fluff, pure sadistic peril and pain!
Trolls, snakes, worms, bugs - and especially GOBLINS! - are out to satisfy their ravenous appetites. And they are hungry only for the soft, tender flesh of young, lithe and buxom women! Dinner's ready and you're invited!
Lucian has a taste for the strength of warriors and loves to see them bound, chained, shackled and strapped to various devices and machines where they get fucked, some brutally, some not.
He's crazy! He's insane! And you have to step inside to see what twisted things he's going to do to these lovely creations of his Are they breeders? Feeders? Or just playthings for his monsters?!?
Lynortis, the Mad Scientist, presents a new perspective! A place where slaves are bought and sold, bound and chained, and traded like meat. Shemales, ponygirls, and nuns are in jeopardy here!
Watch out! Masaya heralds the Invasion of the Sex Maniacs! Be careful, there are strange beings cumming for our women!
Amazonia's ultra violent femmes are back with a vengeance and they're here to please or kill you! Do what they say or you'll be on their very deadly list!
Mad Scientists, Aliens, Monsters galore, and the average Joe-Next-Door enact their most erotic fantasies. The Hallways are thick with fear, lust, and wonderous illusion!
The Hack Brothers have cloned their sister and now they can do what they want with her various copies, and they really do what they want!
Defined by the artist as a world of black and white, pen and ink...pain, torment and DEATH! Jungle prisons, cruel overlords, and crucifiction!
Anxious Amazons and bold nude babes having perilous adventures, struggling with strange creatures, entangled in tentacles, captive in bondage.
Outsider's Delusions show women bound, gagged and tied; too hot to be committed!
Come with an appetite to see graphic stories of sexy women being served up for pleasure and a full belly, rendered in detailed hand drawn artwork.
Gorgeous girls are treated to PD's imaginitive ministrations - from being packed up for the holidays to being served for dinner.
Where size does matter… would you be big to play with the tiny women or small to be played with by the big… used and eaten…
Pheezyck knows just what to show us to bring out the goosebumps, his peril art will set your flesh trembling!
You have never had a Sexual Encounter like this before! The Real Manga Girl brings live action to a whole new meaning as she fucks her way through the universe!
These Dark Tales are a collection of graphic stories and comics from various artists that depict many bondage and science fiction scenarios for your viewing pleasure?
Original artwork from the 60’s and 70’s show a misconception that dark, depraved erotic pleasure is a modern delight but found in these classic works.
In this artist's world there are plenty of beautiful young women in situations that are filled with danger, cute girls are served as the dinner of a variety of men and monsters.
A delicious mix of voracious beasts, damsels in distress, and appetites so like you're own you just might drool! Enter to see excellent photo-manips or traditional drawings of ladies in danger of becoming dinner!
The Wytchfinder's job is to gain confessions from those who have been accused of heresy, or witchcraft-by any means possible. If tales of torture, rape and bondage excite you, this is the site for you!
Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH

Sexy Sci-fi and Erotic Art, Tentacle and Monster Sex at Cybrotica: Studio AD

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Erotic Illusions

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The amazing artistry of Studio AD is renowned for its ability to turn people on. I was so excited to be able to get into the depths of this site, to see what they would offer me. And there it was, on a silver platter, the best of forceful monster sex you could ever want for.
The first section is commissioned artwork. Someone out there has one heck of an imagination. They ordered up something hot and delicious from AD41. A series about werewolves attacking a familiar looking warrior woman. Right there on the streets of a medieval city, in broad daylight, the two hairy beasts ravish and ravage our starlet look-alike. She doesn’t stand much of a chance but really, with the ghastly hot breath of a werewolf breathing down my naked neck and over my breasts, I’m not sure I’d be much of a fight either. The sunlight shines just so, revealing every fur covered curve. I’m talking about the boys, of course, not our luscious little star. I wish the Middle Ages had looked that good when I took a spin through time in their direction. Yum!
Also inside this site are series. One series was about an epic battle in outer space. I thought at first it must be a hot knock-off of other famous sci-fi shows that one could see on television lately. Thankfully I was wrong, it was better! The sexy space cadet finds herself forced to her knees to please a very alien master, intent on breaking her spirit – among other things. She’s saved at the last minute, before her upcoming demise, but boy do you just want to see her keep taking it and taking it! A very hot series.
Of course, a Studio AD site isn’t complete without Carey, Queen of Escapes. And she’s in her best form in this exciting series. We’ll skip through all the adventure stuff – it’s great to read but you just want me to tell you the naughty bits, and what’s time warp ability for if not for skipping right to the juicy parts of a story? Carey finds herself facing a troll hung like an ox. No, like a horse! Oh, you get the idea. He’s really big! And he has no trouble twisting and turning our heroine to suit his needs. Mee…owwww! She escapes, as she always does, but oh what a lovely time she has in capture. And the slick wetness of the troll is so very touchable. You feel like you’re there…come inside and you can be…
So you wish to know more, my travelling friend? That is wondrous news. In order to see these illicit images, I will require proper authorization and identification. If you please, go to the artist's site at Erotic Illusions and sign up for that one. Then return here with the codes you have been given for full unadulterated access to both that site and this one. After that, we will spend some quality time together within this exciting gallery, seeing what is on ... display...!

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Title: Erotic Art of Studio AD Description: A hub of paysites featuring all original art and stories about females *** and in peril, alien encounters, fantasy worlds, ***, ***, lesbianism, BDSM, fetishes, trans-gender. Not all sites are CG.
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