



/ December 15, 2011 December 15, 2011 /

36 thoughts on “The Top Eleven Models Of All Time”

Legendary director/producer with the best fucking job in the entire world Dink Flamingo emailed me last week to let me know that has been redesigned and has an easier navigation system (you can search movies by model and view all of his scenes and galleries in one place), which is great. But what’s most important is that now members have access to the entire library of scenes (over 600), and all of them are, for the first time, downloadable.
I’ve always been a fan of in part because the guys are ridiculously hot, but more so because the the guys are actual service members and not just models in military costumes. Dink’s email prompted me to try and rank my top ten favorite, but that’s impossible. So, I bumped it up to 11. And I can’t even begin to “rank” them.
Here then, in no particular order, are the eleven guys I’ve been masturbating to for the past six or seven years. I trust you to tell me who I left out.
Blake and David (whose scene together , incidentally, is one of the best gay porn scenes of all time):
Kaden and Cole (a.k.a. “King Cole”). Arguably two of the most popular performers—not just from Active Duty, but from amateur gay porn in general:
Conrad! The epitome of young, hung, dumb (in a hot way), and full of cum :
(I’ve watched Conrad’s scene with Kaden at least 50 times).
(You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Kaden and Thomas together. )
And last but not least…two of the newer recruits. Rusty and Nick Gunner :
I just began watching Active Duty. Why isn’t there a site today like this one? (I’m not counting the later videos on the site, which mostly suck, but rather the earlier ones before the original director sold the site.)
What I wouldn’t do for a night in the sack with so many of these hot guys. Hard to narrow my tops to 11, but think they’d have to be – Elijah, Shane, Landon, Jamie, Spencer, Colin, Bric, Taylor, Levi (dark haired one), David Bradberry, and Bailey. Though hard to discount Nick Gunner, Gage, Zander, Hops, Jonathan, Rusty, Kaden, and Zarek too.
Active Duty in its original incarnation is some of the best hottest gay porn there is. Loved watching the “straight” guys experience gay sex for the first time and take it from there. You could see their excitement and trepidation in some of their early shoots, and then watch them get more and more into it with every new scene.
My top eleven to whom I’ve been jacking off for years would have to be: Elijah, Shane, Landon, Spencer, Evan, Diego, Nick Gunner, Taylor, Bric, Colin, and David Bradberry.
I’m a late-comer to the party and have only recently become an ActiveDuty fan.
Man, what have I been missing out of!
Do any of these hot boys escorts? These are the hottest guys anywhere.
Shane (such a beautiful face and body, love how sweet he is, amazing kisser, loves sex)
Bric (sooo hot and sexy, love watching him enjoy gay sex more and more in every scene, sweet guy)
Cole (great personality, fun guy)
Adam Wells (really gets into his scenes, so cute and fun, love him sitting atop Shane in a group scene)
Chaz (similar to Adam Wells, horny fuck)
Nick Gunner (hottie)
Taylor (beautiful guy, love his scenes with Bric)
Hoss (love his mischievous demeanor and hot body)
Kaden (great mentor to the kiddies, and beautiful body)
Zane (loved his early scenes, especially when he finally lives out a fantasy with a high school classmate of his)
I think I really like how so many of these boys start out as straight and then over time obviously realize how much fun gay sex can be. Unlike some of those other straight sites where they bitch and moan about having to have gay sex for money, these guys clearly get into it and just shed all their preconceived notions and enjoy it.
If anyone knows if any of these boys or others escort, hope they’ll post here or lmk!
I love Taylor. I think he is the personification of beauty. I love every scene he’s in, how in his first solo he said he’d never do certain things, and then he did… and you could see the excitement in him as he experienced gay sex and took things to the next level. I just loved his innocence as he began and the grin on his face as he tried new things.
But the thing is, as hot as he is, he’s just a beautiful guy who seemed really kind too.
I wish there were a way to meet him. I am definitely smitten!
Okay, I will just make it official + post some of the best guys ever on the site (in no order):
Brock (Penn) [His shower scene with Dean in “Rear Gunners”…their bodies…everything]
Kaden Saylor
Kasey (Shane on BluLife, etc)
DJ (That pretty, Alan Ritchson-looking motherfucker is just…mmph)
Dean (particularly his sleepover vid with eager Tony)
Jack (from that video with his buddy Kane + the British reporter, Mark Simpson joining in)
King Cole
Colin (ass, ass, ass)
Dorian (points for resembling a real-life friend)
Jake (dark-haired ‘Big Jake’ from the older films, not the other Jake)
My top four guys would have to be Levi, Hoss, Luke and Shane. Unfortunately, the first three never kissed another guy (unless I somehow missed that scene!), but Shane made up for that in spades. Honorable mention to Dorian.
What about Zack. I loved Zack. He always seemed so sweet yet very horny. Zack and Cole were good together but Damien got in the way (for me anyway). I would have preferred just Cole and Zack. I sometimes wonder what happened to Zack.
Thomas! Hands down for me, it’s Thomas. Granted he was somewhat lackluster in his performances a lot of the time, but that cock and furry chest made it for it in the end. I would do quite a lot for the chance to spend a little time with him. His scene with Trent and also when he gave it to Randy were some of the hottest moments in gay porn – in my opinion. Also when he let Damien have it in the bathroom. I could go on and on. I know that most dismiss him as robotic and another dumb jock, but I think he was awesome!
The one who got me hooked was Luke. That tanned body, great smile..incredible. Shane gives the best performances of all the guys…he really seems to enjoy what he’s doing, and what a kisser! Hoss doesn’t seem very into things, but with a body like that, I can let him slide. But my all-time favorite is probably Levi (the dark-haired Levi)who seems the most authentic of all the guys.
waaaaaoooooo those guys make my body tremble
Sorry, you need to check out Bric and Lucky, by far the two hottest A.D. models ever.
To me, Shane is the best AD guy.
I think he’s one of the most beautiful men who’s ever lived.
Don’t care for the tattoos, but those eyes and that smile just get me.
Also, he seemed to really enjoy what he was doing, and made sure others enjoyed themselves, too.
His scene with Cole (sigh…) and Swedish in BB Recruits 2 is one of the hottest porn scenes ever.
Kaden is the man of my dreams from another life. His eyes could melt glaciers.
I’ve always been partial to Cole, Luke, & Colin. I went to Active Duty after falling for Cole when he was on the now defunct “Jerk off Boys” website. I still have 2 of his solos and his bareback scene with the site owner. Luke was promising, but never really delivered; I just have a thing for him and his shockingly large teeth.
Colin is weird, but his ass keeps me interested. It’s just odd seeing a 30 something man, jacking off in the living room with a picture of his girlfriend/wife and their kid behind him. Then seeing him in a room filled with comic books/Manga and toys dancing like a rap video girl and poorly singing in falsetto to R&B music.
Tarzan (who used to broadcast from a military base), Jake, Hoss, & Kody round out my list. The one that worked for Falcon was okay too, but I forgot his name.
“The one that worked for Falcon was okay too, but I forgot his name.”
That would be Brock (Penn), I believe.
How could you not include the stalwalt that started it all? KODY. Shame, shame.
One more thought; one-scene-didn’t-do-anything JOSH ? are you kidding?? ? But you were right about the David (with the Elizabeth Taylor Violet eyes) and Blake scene – possibly the greatest love-making ever caught on film.
Brian is mega hot and so is cash i think was his name.
Thank you for this! But only one (not great) picture of Cole. Yes, he had a very large penis (gulp) but his bright blue eyes and devilish grin, personality and charisma – not only while having sex, but in the before and after – and versatile – have you seen him come with an (almost) equally large cock still inside him? And the camera LOVED him. As did we all. When in doubt put in an ‘old’ AD with Cole and you won’t be disappointed. Please do a series of Cole pictures and you won’t be disappointed. Long Live The King!
I actually thought the Kaden/Thomas scene was pretty awful. And I was totally surprised that it was. The chemistry was just not there, they both appeared robotic to me. And a pathetic cum shot when Kaden was being fucked(alledgedly, you don’t see thomas at ALL in that shot, and only a part of Kaden’s cock). Kaden is probably the best and most charismatic performer to come from AD. Is he still with them?
I thought the Kaden/Thomas scene was hot, up until the end, when they faked it a little bit. Kaden is still with Active Duty. He’s moved on to recruiting new troops and directing. I thought Dink was grooming Cole to take over the reins, but maybe Kaden will instead.
No question Kaden is a beautiful hunk of man. However, he never seems into his scenes, and comes across as being very detached, which is not hot to watch. He seems very limited and doesn’t have the charisma to be a standout gay porn model. I just don’t get excited to see him in a scene.
Zach your list very good but, I would add a few more guys: Dorian, Jack and Zane. But if you are really the fan that you say you are, you would have gone back a few more years. There are some real gems from the early days: Granger, Shane, Tuffy, Jake, Damian, Kane, Jordan Sage, Hops, Adam Wolfe and Brad McGuire (who is now a star at Treasure Island.) If any of these guys were included in a scene, guaranteed it’s going to be smokin!
Active Duty deserves a lot of credit as one of the original “amateur” sites that had excellent good, authentic content. Add the military component and Active Duty and was top entertainment. Unfortunately, for me, AD is off their game. The content is flat, the new performers are robotic and the guys really lack the masculine confidence and sexual rambunctiousness of some of guys that you and I mentioned.
Of your 11 guys all have virtually disappeared. With maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, the new crew of guys can’t hold a candle to some of the veterans. Hell, what does Dink do to these guys? One day, they are all over the site (Chaz, DJ, Damaian, Brian, Cash and Sencer)and then poof! — gone, never to be scene again. In my opinion, some of those guys (Chaz, Thomas, Shane, Tuffy) are the instigators that make things happen.
Regarding the site redesign, yes it was long overdue, but it’s deployment needs a lot of work. Missing write-ups, inadequate search, video size inconsistent or doesn’t stream. Hopefully, they will get it together soon. And hopefully Active Duty can recapture some of the spark of it’s glory days.
all right Zach! I love this website. thanks for doing this article!!!!
I’d like to add Haus Weston and Kody on the list!
The late Haus Weston was the one who put ActiveDuty on the map. He would eventually do porn for other studios. His official start was with AD. Before Haus, you couldn’t really name another prominent ActiveDuty model. He’s greatly missed.
Kody was the first model to get Dink Flamingo on camera. I believe he’s the only one that’s done that as well. The guy had a cute face, tight body, and was nicely hung. He was dynamic with his partners and showed quite the stamina. Kody’s has done it all including bareback.
Dean will always be the best. What I would let him do to me…
You left out DJ! His scene with David and Jayden Grey (is that how it’s spelled?) is one of the hottest Dink Flamingo’s studios has ever put out IMO (though, strictly speaking, it’s not ActiveDuty). Plus they’re all GAY!!
I’d also include Domenic and Elijah and ditch Conrad (dude struggles to keep a hardon) and those so obviously G4P newbies.
Ahhh, King Cole, he makes me weak in the knees! Only others I would’ve added are David, Cody, Britt, Gage and Cameron. It’s really amazing how many hot guys have worked at Dink’s!
Can’t believe you missed Kasey, who’s definitely in my top five and probably in my top three. He was a bit stand-offish in his first scenes (as were several others, including Kaden) but really warmed up. Kasey’s scenes with Kaden, especially when each bottomed (supposedly) for the first time for the other, is some of the best porn Dink has made.
Another honourable mention is DJ. I remember DJ best for the live shows he used to do on the site with David. They were roommates for a time and their weekly shows were both funny and sexy. But aside from the live shows, DJ was great in Dink’s Summer Recruits series and a couple of Dink’s ‘Dirty Bird’ Studio releases as well.
Final Honourable mentions have to go to retired vets Dean and Shane. They may be gone, but they certainly haven’t been forgotten by a lot of AD fans!
Oh, and my 10 favourites would be (in alphabetical order): Chaz, Cole, Collin, David, Dean, DJ, Gage, Kaden, Kasey and Shane. And relative newbies threatening to break into the top ten would be Bric and Taylor.
Damn, I forgot Dorian. OK, now I’m up to 11 too! LOL
Totally agree with your list. Especially Bric and Taylor. Wish I knew where they were now…. would love to meet them.
I’ll have to check out AD again. I used to be a member, but grew frustrated that nothing was downloadable. When I had to change from fast broadband to slow DSL, there was no point, and not all their vids were available anyway. Now, it looks like this has changed, so I’ll give them another look. I have to say Brian is one of the hottest models they ever had.
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