Actions in the interests of Belarus in the OSCE

Actions in the interests of Belarus in the OSCE

Ihar Lednik

A 17-day prison hunger strike in the interests of the state, and then beating me in solitary confinement for ten days, gave me the legal right to defend the interests of Belarus in the international arena - in the OSCE system.

On July 12-13, the online conference "Digital Technologies and Human Rights - Opportunities and Challenges: Additional Meeting on the Human Dimension III" was held. It was organized by Sweden (chairing the OSCE) and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

I was registered to participate in the conference as a co-author of the Joint Declaration on the Digital Economy of the EU and the Eastern Partnership in terms of accession of partner countries to the European Declaration on e-Government (eUnion program).

For Ukraine and Belarus, joining eUnion is seen as a supplement to their security guarantees under the Budapest Memorandum. As you know, as a result of the violation of paragraph 3 of the Memorandum by the Russian Federation on October 24, 1996, a "referendum" was held in Belarus, as a result of which the constitutional order of the country was destroyed. Since that day, according to Gonchar's report, Belarusians have been living in a time-consuming criminal offense - "seizure and retention of state power in an unconstitutional way, combined with murders" (Part 3, Article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus).



On measures to implement the conclusions of the special commission on the legal assessment of violations by the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Belarus


Having heard the conclusions of a special commission on the legal assessment of violations by the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Belarus, guided by Article 104 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus decides:

  1. To agree with the summary contained in the conclusion of the special commission (Section I "Crimes against the State") that the actions of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko contain signs of a crime, specified in the Article 61, part two, of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. To be recognized as impossible for President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko to perform his duties until the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus makes an appropriate decision.
  3. The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus, the Chairman of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus V. Matskevich and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus V. Agolts to ensure the execution of paragraph 2 of this Resolution.
  4. The Special Commission to proceed working on sections II, III, IV of the Conclusion ("Crimes in the Sphere of Economic Activity", "Crimes against the Political and Other Rights of Citizens", "Official Crimes").

State bodies, organizations and officials to provide the necessary conditions for the implementation by the special commission of its powers.

The prosecutor's office of the Republic of Belarus to bring to the responsibility as statutory required persons who hinder the activities of the special commission

5.        This Resolution comes into force from the moment of its adoption.


Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus                            S. Sharetsky

Given that the security guarantees under the Budapest Memorandum are based on the principles of the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, the security system in the OSCE region was destroyed by that crime in Belarus in 1996. The consequence of this was the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine and the capture of Crimea.

At the OSCE conference, I presented a way out of the current situation - "In order to restore security in the OSCE region, the European Three proposes to monitor the implementation of the decisions of the Council of Europe, the European Union and the OSCE during the creation of the regional network EU4Digital: eUnion" – (explanatory note).

With the violation of the Budapest Memorandum by Russia, the Republic of Belarus is in a status of "captured" state headed by its protege Lukashenko. Tikhonovskaya's headquarters denies Belarusians the liberation of the country by renewing the principles of the OSCE Helsinki Final Act on the Budapest Memorandum in relation to Belarus. This calls into question the authority of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya to represent the interests of Belarusians against the background of the campaign to oust Lukashenko from power for serious crimes.

The answer to the status of the "captured" state will be the launch of eBelarus with the certification of Belarusian citizens, both on its territory and abroad, in synchronization with the European Digital Identification System (EDIF). The political and legal basis of eBelarus's activities are the 1994 Constitution, the Gonchar's Conclusion and the Budapest Memorandum.  

In this regard, I appeal to the initiators of the campaign to adopt a "new Constitution"! Your actions legalize the 1996 crime of destroying the constitutional order of Belarus and hinder the restoration of the security system in the OSCE region!

Ihar Lednik, co-author of the Joint Declaration on the Digital Economy of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries, Executive Secretary of the International Committee "For the Budapest Memorandum!" ("actions in the interests of the state" - Chapter 50 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus).

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