Action Private

Action Private


Action Private

Private Action Loader

- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action
pal-action-directory : src/super-secret-nested-action
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action
# the following input gets passed to the private action
input-used-by-other-action : this will be passed to super-secret-action
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action@b8a83a0
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action@master
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action@v1
- uses : invisionapp/private-action-loader@v3
id : output_example
with :
pal-repo-token : ${{ secrets.REPO_TOKEN }}
pal-repo-name : some-org/super-secret-action@v1
- name : Get the previous output
run : echo "The previous output was ${{ steps.output_example.outputs. }}"


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This action loads and executes a private Action. This allows private actions to be reused in other private repositories. All inputs are passed down into the private action. All outputs of the private actions are passed back to the loader action.
Required An access token with the repo scope to the repository containing the action. This should be stored as a repo secret .
Required The repository containing the action. A ref can also be appended to specify an exact commit of the action (SHA, tag, or branch). Must be in the format of {owner}/{repo} or {owner}/{repo}@{sha} .
Optional Directory containing the action.yml that you would like to execute in repo. If omitted, the root directory is assumed to be the location of action.yml .

Private Action Loader is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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Regarding Patricks response. The answer in my link reveals the answer to this question in the first statement. You are correct you can do PREVIEW actions which can be utilized on devices currently logged into the Google Account linked to the account they were developed under. However they're only available temporarily, and require you to refresh their 'preview status' repeatedly. As such they are not officially 'supported' in any way or recommended for use in real world scenarios.

–  corefracture.
Dec 9 '16 at 19:58

I agree, I would not recommended making preview persist longer, as most answers below suggest. The ever changing mthods for this sort of illustrate that, see also the answers to this question:…

–  Yahoo Serious
Jul 27 '18 at 12:59

2,261 2 2 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges

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Thank you for the detail, I will give this a shot. As I understand the issue with this approach is that the ability to test the action on Google home is temporary in this scenario, like for 24 hours, is this correct?

–  Becker
Dec 9 '16 at 10:57

I couldn't find any sources to back this up but sadly it seems that's the case with the web simulator at least. I tried my action today in the web simulator and it didn't work until hit preview again in I suppose that's the problem with technology < 24 hours old!

–  Patrick
Dec 10 '16 at 3:10

Seems like this is an easy limitation for them to remove at some point and make the integrations stick without having to preview them again, kind of like keep them in a permanent preview mode would be nice.

–  Becker
Dec 10 '16 at 14:08

Looks like the gliactions cli tool from jsc0's answer might fix this limitation.

–  Patrick
Dec 19 '16 at 6:02

3,717 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges

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DialogFlow project interface is slightly changed now. I've tried to do similar things, but with no success. Mainly because XHR response from is empty. This solution is not working now.

–  Lukas Novak
Feb 17 '18 at 10:33

1,879 10 10 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges does not support Smart Home actions. You must use the Actions SDK

–  Dermot
Sep 12 '17 at 3:29

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I have raspberry pi controlling my garage door and I want to be able to have an action to open or close it via google home / assistant.
This action is custom and only specific to my needs and I'd like to be able to leverage google to interact with it, but I don't want to publish it for others since it is custom for me. Can this be done? I believe with Alexa it is possible and a quick browse through the docs nothing jumped out at me for this scenario.
Unfortunately private stand-alone actions that you can use just on your local devices are not implemented yet. Actions on Google Developers
official Google+ community
The accepted answer is incorrect as the OP specified publishing isn't required. It also provides a link to a different question, namely whether it's possible to retrieve personal information to use personalized actions per user.
The correct answer is yes, you can create a private action for your Google Home. You can create the action within and preview it locally on your Google Home also within This doesn't publish your action, but rather it allows you to use your created action only on your Google Home. Here's a video that confirms this Actions on Google: Introduction to Conversation Actions
To do this, create your action within For a screencast on how to do this, check out this video Actions on Google: Building Assistant Actions using API.AI .
When you hit "Preview" in, your created action will be available in the web simulator and the Google Home device that has the same Google account as the one you're signed into with.
In the gactions cli tool you can change the preview time limit with the '-preview_mins' flag.
That will give you ~2000 years of 'preview' time.
Yes, you can. Here the steps to keep your action private:
This command will send the Action (‘action.json’ file, same as the the API.AI project) to your Google Home and will run it as a preview for 999999999 minutes (about 2000 years).
One thing you may want to try is using the Assistant IFTTT channel
With it you can register your own, private, voice commands to trigger an IFTTT action, which could be a call to a custom webhook using the Maker channel , which controls your garage door.
The downfall of this method is that it only allows you to register one off commands, you can't implement a whole dialog like this.
Only for 30 minutes is my understanding. After 30 minutes you have to refresh the developer mode to get the actions back.
If you use, you can preview your private actions for up to 30 minutes (default) or extend to up to 24 hours. After this period, your private actions won't be available.
Reference: Make google actions development project preview persist longer

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