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Charlotta Ward Sweden I am a Swedish nomad who has lived and worked in many parts of the world. I thrive on all things creative and love the interaction with inspired people. I live my life with the aim to generate and pass on as much positive energy as I possibly can. I love my family and feel incredibly privileged to be the mother of two wonderful children! View my complete profile. My beautiful circle of friends.. Posts via E-mail Enter your email address: Posts in a Reader Posts Atom. In memory of Marija Stephens. Photos by Marshall Ward. Kindly featured, mentioned, showcased here.. Read my interview here. Summer post card from Sydney.. Thank you sweet Tina! Tuesday, December 24, Happy Holidays! Darlings I am popping in to wish you all a Happy Holiday! I am writing this post from Sydney. We are back in Australia for a bit of a tropical treat. It is our first visit Down Under since the big move to Sweden a couple of years ago, and it is lovely to see dear and familiar places and faces again. Of course Christmas this year is a stark contrast to that of Sweden. Winter woolies, hot chocolate and sub-zero temperatures have given way to sandy bare feet, bikinis, and fresh mangoes on the beach. And of course it is divine to enjoy a sunny break from the cold Nordic Winter back home. So from my far-away home to yours, my most warm wishes of a Merry Christmas and all the best for these last few days of the year. May start with a magical glow that lasts all through the new year! Last but not least I wish to extend heartfelt thoughts and rays of light to all of those who have no-one or nothing. Posted by Charlotta Ward at Friday, November 15, It is uncomplicated.. Soothing white walls that allow the eyes some rest A tangible quietness… Soft healing natural light.. Rooms like these calm me right down and I feel as if my soul draws a deep sigh of relief Sunday, November 3, Autumnal bliss.. I am so happy to be able to sit down and reconnect with long lost blog. You, my gorgeous blogettes and blogeurs are often on my mind and I look forward to catching up. After what has felt like an unusually long and hot Swedish Summer we are now deep into Autumn and all that it brings. The trees have nearly lost all their leaves leaving nature at its bare and honest core. It is a soothing time for me when everyday focus inevitably go from exterior to interior in every sense possible. I find myself layering the home with little touches of comfort and coziness, I fill urns with twigs and bowls with wonderful ripe citrus fruits and apples. In the early afternoon as the sun hides behind the trees I light lanterns and candles and enjoy large cups of fragrant tea. I take deep breaths in the crisp air as I take brisk walks along the river and I find myself drawing my attention within. Autumn is truly such a reflective and soothing time - like chicken soup for the soul. We are at the tail-end of a week-long school holiday and it was only three days ago that the kids and I returned from our five day trip to London. It was the first time for the kids but for me it was a much anticipated return to what was once my hometown for 8 years. And what a wonderful return it was! London welcomed us in full Autumnal glory with wafts of roast chestnuts in the crisp air. We enjoyed long walks in the park on a carpet of golden leaves, some sight-seeing, and of course also the mid-season sales.. The trip was a perfect balance of family- and solo- time which has left me recharged and happy. On a more serious note we have also lit candles for the absent loved ones and enjoyed the sweetness their memories. And as we shoot a thought of thankfulness into the universe our minds inevitably lands on the forthcoming Thanksgiving weekend. Though not a Swedish tradition it is one of my favourite holidays of the year and one that I so desperately want to adopt into our family in a major way. I love and leave you for now but hope to be able to return here a little bit more often from here on. Big warm hugs to all from me. Limed floors, matte near-black, distressed bricks, copper pots.. Thursday, July 4, Happy 4th July! I wish all my lovely American friends a wonderful 4th of July! Sunday, March 17, Wishing all a Happy Easter I know I have been absent from the blog wor ld for a fair few weeks now but I want you to know that not a day passes without me thin king of you and missing our regular interaction. M y l ife is better now - in fact a lot better , and despite recent challenges I feel happy and excited about the future. I will be back here as soon as I feel I am able to give you the attention and continuity that you so deserve. Monday, January 14, Starting over.. Darlings, I hope you have ha d a n excellent start to ! I am living this urge literally right now, and am heaving out a ton of old things from pretty much everywhere in my hom e. Most of it is sorted into piles a nd will be given to cha rity or those in need in my local community. It feels good to know the things will come to good use somewhere else. Empty shelves leave room to breathe , and for fresh energy to flow more freely! And I am in dire need of a new burst of energy and flow after a few life-changing events during A ll of which require time coming to terms with. I am t herefor taking a little break from blogging in order to focus on healing, restoring balance and direction. I will be back in a litt le while hope that you will all be here then. I will miss you. Tuesday, January 1, Happy New Year everyone! Thursday, December 20, A Merry Christmas to all! Darlings, the Polar Express is definitely shaking our house at the moment. Four more sleeps till Christmas and our traditional Swedish celebrations al ways on the 24th Dec! The house is clean, decorated and glowing with Christmas cheer and love - ready to embrace all that th e holiday s bring. And we are so looking forward to this our second Christmas in Sweden since our move from Australia last year! The silence of f luffy snow f lakes falling outside our window, the smells, rituals and traditions of my beloved motherland - it i s all so wonderful! In the afternoon of the 23rd we will a lso make our way to our favourite ne arby forest with bags of apples we have stored since Autumn. The snow and ice makes it very difficu lt for all four - legged and bewinged little darlings to find food and so we make sure we continue our tradition to extend the Christ mas spirit beyond our human fr iends! I recently read somewhere that ' the true spirit of Christmas is what f ills the room if you stop opening your presents, close your eyes, and listen! The statement was made by a 7 year old! Children are so wise! With that warm and insig htful reflection I leave you for now. From the land of glistening snow, Norther n lights , and happy reindeer I wish you a very heartfelt Merry Christmas, a peaceful end in g to an eventful year, and a fabulous start to what I believe will be a truly magical ! Time in Stockholm right now.. Yourself 61 Domestic cleverness 3 Dress well.. Search Space for Inspiration.. To locate the original source of an image please use the link provided to back-track. Please note that at times I may post images without being able to provide you with a source, and at times I may even state the incorrect one oh horror! Kindly note though that any use of images of my children are strictly forbidden. I know you understand.. If you are in immediate need of a good laugh..

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