Acheter mephedrone en Windsor

Acheter mephedrone en Windsor

Acheter mephedrone en Windsor

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Acheter mephedrone en Windsor

Jump to navigation. When mephedrone first hit the UK drug scene in , there was hysteria in the media. It was a hardly-known, seemingly untested drug with potentially serious long-term health consequences. Despite being prohibited in the country in , it has remained popular among certain groups — including the chemsex population — in the UK and other European countries. So almost 10 years on from the ban, are we any clearer as to the risks? In this report for TalkingDrugs, Sam Iravani has combed through the data and spoken to the researchers…. These reactions have been associated with abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias, which is the main cause of sudden cardiac deaths. Sudden death has sometimes occurred with mephedrone use, which suggested that mephedrone could trigger arrhythmias. Mephedrone also had no significant effect on action potentials which are used by the heart to synchronise contraction , regardless of the concentration tested. This is in contrast to amphetamine and MDMA that have been shown to disrupt these bursts of electrical activity, the result of which may also produce arrhythmias. In addition, electrocardiograms have been taken on some patients who visited a Scottish emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. None of the electrocardiogram parameters collected during these recordings were reported as being abnormal and no arrhythmias, other than an elevated heart rate, have been detected in any of these patients. However while mephedrone is not directly proarrhythmic, a recent study shows that it causes mitochondrial dysfunction in the heart of a rat, which could still increase the likelihood for arrhythmias. Mitochondrial dysfunction is also considered to be a key contributor to the development of heart failure. For instance, any drug which causes the release of large amounts of catecholamines amphetamine, MDMA etc can cause mitochondrial swelling just like mephedrone has done here. There is also a possibility that long-term mephedrone use could be associated with valvular heart disease whereby the valve becomes inefficient and blood leaks back into the heart due to its affinity for the 5HT2b receptor. The hearts of people who regularly use MDMA showed abnormalities including aortic regurgitation in one retrospective study. In terms of short-term effects, mephedrone produces a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure; however, the exact extent in humans is not known. However, the Scottish study of patients who visited an emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. As far as stimulants go, mephedrone appears to be relatively benign on the heart. This may explain why — the year when mephedrone was at its most popular in the UK — was also the year when cocaine deaths fell by 30 per cent \\\\\\\\\\\\[11\\\\\\\\\\\\]. However, being closely chemically related to amphetamine, mephedrone clearly has the potential to cause damage. In theory, this means that long-term mephedrone use could cause many of the same problems as other amphetamines such as premature ageing of the heart. However, such studies may not be possible in rodents and would likely require a long-term administration in humans to see any potential changes. So it may be some time before we have the answers. Mostly regarding central nervous system effects but not much on cardiovascular effects. More peak dopamine release than amphetamine, more serotonin release than MDMA, and a pattern of brain activation similar to that of methamphetamine. Mephedrone is a powerful drug. It would be unsurprising to find that heavy mephedrone use causes long-term undesirable alterations in neurotransmitter systems, with possible lasting psychiatric consequences clinical depression and anxiety disorders, most likely. However, the evidence is so far inconclusive. Despite its similarities to MDMA and methamphetamine, studies have shown that mephedrone produces its rush of dopamine and serotonin in a manner quite different to those two drugs. One study showed that mephedrone and MDMA had a different interaction with the human brain vesicular monoamine uptake; with mephedrone displaying a 10 times lower transport inhibitory potency compared to MDMA. Additionally, there are some studies on rodents showing less long-term effects by mephedrone than by methamphetamine and MDMA. One study gave mice a fairly hefty binge-style treatment with mephedrone before examining their striatums a part of the brain that is related to both movement and addiction, and is very strongly activated by mephedrone for signs of dopamine neurotoxicity. They found no significant differences between the brains of their drug-treated and control animals. A follow-up study found that a binge-style treatment with mephedrone did not cause serotonin neurotoxicity in the hippocampus a part of the brain that is associated with emotions and motivation. Four rodent studies found no lasting effect of mephedrone on neurotransmitter levels. Additionally, one of the studies gave the rats behavioural tests to see if the mephedrone had done any damage, and all of the anxiety and social tests came back negative. A team from the University of Barcelona gave mice four doses of mephedrone equivalent to around a 1. When they examined their brains 7 days later, they found severe deficiencies of dopamine and serotonin in the frontal cortex a part of the brain that controls cognitive skills such as problem solving and memory as well as the hippocampus and striatum of the mice. A follow-up study in rats also found similar deficiencies of dopamine and serotonin that persisted 7 days after a binge-style treatment. Paradoxically, a rodent study from the University of Utah found persistent serotonin deficiencies, but not dopamine deficiencies, at 7 days following a binge-style treatment. When taken in crowded dance clubs, the elevated temperature associated with mephedrone use can cause hyperthermia severe overheating which in turn can cause brain damage. However, this hyperthermia is lower than that induced by MDMA or methamphetamine. When they gave four doses equivalent to around mg in humans to the mice over the course of one day as opposed to two consecutive days, they found no persistent changes in brain structure, which the researchers think is due to the possibility of recovery. The team tested this out in the lab on rats, and found that the rats showed a substantial memory impairment 5 weeks after being given mephedrone. This finding was alarming for two reasons: firstly, the dose that caused the impairment was not excessive around mg in humans for 10 consecutive days. Secondly, a month and a half is quite a long time for a rat, so any changes hanging around for that long are quite possibly permanent. However, a recent study has shown that enzymes like matrix metalloproteases MMPs are a key factor in the cause of this memory impairment. Although elevated activities of MMPs are likely to decrease over time, assuming that mephedrone use is stopped, they can remain elevated even after a long period of abstinence. Moreover, further studies are required to find out if elevated activities of MMPs contribute to brain damage or recovery from brain damage caused directly by mephedrone. A recent study showed that both high and lower single doses of mephedrone significantly reduced antioxidant defences in the liver and kidneys of mice, but not the spleen which plays a crucial role in proper functioning of the immune system. In contrast, blood tests were performed on 30 patients who visited a Scottish emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. None of the liver function tests returned abnormal findings \\\\\\\\\\\\[30\\\\\\\\\\\\]. A blood test was also performed on a man who landed in the emergency room after injecting mephedrone almost every weekend for 4 months consuming about g per weekend and no irregularities were found at all. However, there were 2 telephone enquiries from health professionals relating to cases with abnormal liver function tests from exposure to mephedrone alone or in combination with alcohol. Very few studies have investigated possible interactions of mephedrone with other drugs. One study found that mephedrone increased the dopamine toxicity of methamphetamine, amphetamine and MDMA, suggesting that a potentially dangerous interaction might occur if mephedrone is taken with other illicit amphetamines \\\\\\\\\\\\[33\\\\\\\\\\\\]. A case report describes a young man who developed acute kidney injury after taking large amounts of mephedrone. There is some evidence to suggest that mephedrone may interact in a dangerous way with SSRI antidepressants. Although the interaction between mephedrone and alcohol is not well understood, it has the potential to negatively affect how both substances are metabolized and can be very dangerous. For example, a study showed that mixing alcohol and mephedrone significantly increased the serotonin release compared with the rats receiving mephedrone alone, which could make the effects of the drug much stronger while bringing toxicity levels right up with it. A case report describes an year-old man with type 1 diabetes who developed ketoacidosis following self-reported mephedrone use. Mephedrone and cathinone compounds may therefore directly increase the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis by stimulating the central nervous system. Mephedrone appears to be particularly dangerous for people who inject it. Mephedrone solutions are somewhat acidic, and users routinely report that snorting or injecting mephedrone is intensely painful. A study of Irish mephedrone injectors found truly gruesome consequences were common amongst their participants. Multi and serial drug injecting with heroin was used in efforts to manage the intense rush and avoid unpleasant comedown. Participants reported limb abscesses, vein clotting, damage and recession resulting from product toxicity, crystallisation of the products when diluted and flushing practises. Seven participants were homeless, with groin and street injecting common. Continued attempts to inject resulted in vein blockages, with development of skin erosion, localised infections, blisters, spots, cold sores, abscesses, scabs, lumps, gangrenous tissue, blood clots and large holes at overused injecting sites. The typical pattern of mephedrone Emergency Room presentations appears to be a patient with amphetamine-like symptoms i. In almost all reports, such treatment allows patients to be discharged in a fairly short time typically within hours without obvious lasting ill effects. In the literature, only 16 fatal cases have been identified in which mephedrone was confirmed in biological samples of the deceased this excludes cases in which mephedrone was not directly implicated in the cause of death. Indeed, the limited data available on mephedrone suggests that fatal cases involve doses that are much higher than what the typical person would take. The most extreme case of non-fatal mephedrone intoxication is of a man who injected 3. Similarly, there are sub-groups of people who use heavier quantities, who report consuming up to 16g over the course of a session typically hours in length. In the other fatal cases, mephedrone was identified in combination with other drugs, hence it is difficult to describe the exact role that mephedrone played in the reported fatalities. In 2 cases the deceased had heart problems which was a contributing factor, and 2 other cases appear more likely to be overdose from combining multiple opiates and depressants. However, lower concentrations of mephedrone were found in cases where other substances were consumed compared to cases of solely mephedrone consumption. Similarly, from when mephedrone use was at its peak , the UK National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths identified 90 fatal cases where mephedrone was identified in biological samples of the deceased. However, only in 26 cases was the cause of death listed as poisoning by drugs and only in 8 cases was mephedrone identified as the only drug of misuse \\\\\\\\\\\\[47\\\\\\\\\\\\]. More recent data from the Office of National Statistics shows similar low figures. From , there were on average 18 deaths per year relating to mephedrone in England and Wales. The lowest recorded number was just 1 death in The highest number was 44 deaths in , which could be reflective of an ageing group of people who formerly used heroin starting to inject mephedrone because of its cheap price. Mephedrone is not a perfectly safe drug; if you are unprepared, unwise, or unlucky, it can kill you. But given the large-scale use of mephedrone in the UK and Europe over the past decade, the rates of acute fatality from mephedrone have been remarkably low. However, while mephedrone might be safer than MDMA, at least from the point of view of acute toxicity, there exists a body of literature that suggests that mephedrone is more addictive than MDMA. This means that limited and reasonable use of mephedrone is something that is hard to do, and many people who use it regularly end up taking massive doses of the drug over short time spans which could cause long-term damage. Based on the research so far, people using mephedrone wishing to minimise their risk can take the following steps. Mephedrone, a new designer drug of abuse, produces acute hemodynamic effects in the rat. Toxicol Lett. Mechanisms of the in vitro effects of amphetamine on rat sinus node automaticity and membrane potentials of atrial fibers. J Electrocardiol. Effects of seven drugs of abuse on action potential repolarisation in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres. Eur J Pharmacol. Mephedrone toxicity in a Scottish emergency department. Emerg Med J. Medical Toxicology. Toxicity of new synthetic amphetamine drug mephedrone On Rat Heart mitochondria: a warning for its abuse. Neurochemical profiles of some novel psychoactive substances. Possible association between 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse and valvular heart disease. Am J Cardiol. Volume 21, Issue S1. The profile of mephedrone on human monoamine transporters differs from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine primarily by lower potency at the vesicular monoamine transporter. Interaction of mephedrone with dopamine and serotonin targets in rats. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. J Neurochem. Mephedrone does not damage dopamine nerve endings of the striatum, but enhances the neurotoxicity of methamphetamine, amphetamine, and MDMA. Effects of combined treatment with mephedrone and methamphetamine or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on serotonin nerve endings of the hippocampus. Life Sci. The designer methcathinone analogs, mephedrone and methylone, are substrates for monoamine transporters in brain tissue. Long-term cognitive and neurochemical effects of 'bath salt' designer drugs methylone and mephedrone. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. Mephedrone in adolescent rats: residual memory impairment and acute but not lasting 5-HT depletion. PLoS One. Behavioural and neurochemical comparison of chronic intermittent cathinone, mephedrone and MDMA administration to the rat. Dose and time-dependent selective neurotoxicity induced by mephedrone in mice. Neuronal changes and oxidative stress in adolescent rats after repeated exposure to mephedrone. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Bath salts and synthetic cathinones: an emerging designer drug phenomenon. Mephedrone impact on matrix metalloproteinases activity - do they influence the memory processes? Curr Mol Pharmacol. Potential pro-oxidative effects of single dose of mephedrone in vital organs of mice. Pharmacol Rep. Case Rep Psychiatry. Clinical characteristics of mephedrone toxicity reported to the U. National Poisons Information Service. Acute kidney injury requiring haemodialysis following ingestion of mephedrone. BMJ Case Rep. Recurrent acute kidney injury following bath salts intoxication. Am J Kidney Dis ;—5. Bath salt intoxication causing acute kidney injury requiring haemodialysis. Hemodial Int ;S47—9. The serotonin syndrome as a result of mephedrone toxicity. Effect of the combination of mephedrone plus ethanol on serotonin and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex of awake rats. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. The potential dangers of mephedrone in people with diabetes: a case report. Drug Test Anal. Int J Drug Policy. Mephedrone Concentrations in Cases of Clinical Intoxication. Curr Pharm Des. Neurotoxicity Induced by Mephedrone: An up-to-date Review. Curr Neuropharmacol. Mephedrone related fatalities: a review. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. Recreational use of mephedrone 4-methylmethcathinone, 4-MMC with associated sympathomimetic toxicity. J Med Toxicol. Critical Review Report. Sign up to receive the TalkingDrugs newsletter in English once every two months. However, three studies do give some cause for concern. Most important is to avoid overheating and dehydration, especially when dancing in hot clubs for long periods. Drink water regularly and take breaks to cool down; but do not drink water in excess as this may cause fatal water intoxication. Gradually drinking a pint of water each hour is recommended. Avoid injecting. Avoid taking mephedrone for more than one day at a time, and give yourself appropriate breaks. One handy web-tool.

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Acheter mephedrone en Windsor

Health Risks Associated with Mephedrone Use: What We Know So Far

Jump to navigation. When mephedrone first hit the UK drug scene in , there was hysteria in the media. It was a hardly-known, seemingly untested drug with potentially serious long-term health consequences. Despite being prohibited in the country in , it has remained popular among certain groups — including the chemsex population — in the UK and other European countries. So almost 10 years on from the ban, are we any clearer as to the risks? In this report for TalkingDrugs, Sam Iravani has combed through the data and spoken to the researchers…. These reactions have been associated with abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias, which is the main cause of sudden cardiac deaths. Sudden death has sometimes occurred with mephedrone use, which suggested that mephedrone could trigger arrhythmias. Mephedrone also had no significant effect on action potentials which are used by the heart to synchronise contraction , regardless of the concentration tested. This is in contrast to amphetamine and MDMA that have been shown to disrupt these bursts of electrical activity, the result of which may also produce arrhythmias. In addition, electrocardiograms have been taken on some patients who visited a Scottish emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. None of the electrocardiogram parameters collected during these recordings were reported as being abnormal and no arrhythmias, other than an elevated heart rate, have been detected in any of these patients. However while mephedrone is not directly proarrhythmic, a recent study shows that it causes mitochondrial dysfunction in the heart of a rat, which could still increase the likelihood for arrhythmias. Mitochondrial dysfunction is also considered to be a key contributor to the development of heart failure. For instance, any drug which causes the release of large amounts of catecholamines amphetamine, MDMA etc can cause mitochondrial swelling just like mephedrone has done here. There is also a possibility that long-term mephedrone use could be associated with valvular heart disease whereby the valve becomes inefficient and blood leaks back into the heart due to its affinity for the 5HT2b receptor. The hearts of people who regularly use MDMA showed abnormalities including aortic regurgitation in one retrospective study. In terms of short-term effects, mephedrone produces a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure; however, the exact extent in humans is not known. However, the Scottish study of patients who visited an emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. As far as stimulants go, mephedrone appears to be relatively benign on the heart. This may explain why — the year when mephedrone was at its most popular in the UK — was also the year when cocaine deaths fell by 30 per cent \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[11\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. However, being closely chemically related to amphetamine, mephedrone clearly has the potential to cause damage. In theory, this means that long-term mephedrone use could cause many of the same problems as other amphetamines such as premature ageing of the heart. However, such studies may not be possible in rodents and would likely require a long-term administration in humans to see any potential changes. So it may be some time before we have the answers. Mostly regarding central nervous system effects but not much on cardiovascular effects. More peak dopamine release than amphetamine, more serotonin release than MDMA, and a pattern of brain activation similar to that of methamphetamine. Mephedrone is a powerful drug. It would be unsurprising to find that heavy mephedrone use causes long-term undesirable alterations in neurotransmitter systems, with possible lasting psychiatric consequences clinical depression and anxiety disorders, most likely. However, the evidence is so far inconclusive. Despite its similarities to MDMA and methamphetamine, studies have shown that mephedrone produces its rush of dopamine and serotonin in a manner quite different to those two drugs. One study showed that mephedrone and MDMA had a different interaction with the human brain vesicular monoamine uptake; with mephedrone displaying a 10 times lower transport inhibitory potency compared to MDMA. Additionally, there are some studies on rodents showing less long-term effects by mephedrone than by methamphetamine and MDMA. One study gave mice a fairly hefty binge-style treatment with mephedrone before examining their striatums a part of the brain that is related to both movement and addiction, and is very strongly activated by mephedrone for signs of dopamine neurotoxicity. They found no significant differences between the brains of their drug-treated and control animals. A follow-up study found that a binge-style treatment with mephedrone did not cause serotonin neurotoxicity in the hippocampus a part of the brain that is associated with emotions and motivation. Four rodent studies found no lasting effect of mephedrone on neurotransmitter levels. Additionally, one of the studies gave the rats behavioural tests to see if the mephedrone had done any damage, and all of the anxiety and social tests came back negative. A team from the University of Barcelona gave mice four doses of mephedrone equivalent to around a 1. When they examined their brains 7 days later, they found severe deficiencies of dopamine and serotonin in the frontal cortex a part of the brain that controls cognitive skills such as problem solving and memory as well as the hippocampus and striatum of the mice. A follow-up study in rats also found similar deficiencies of dopamine and serotonin that persisted 7 days after a binge-style treatment. Paradoxically, a rodent study from the University of Utah found persistent serotonin deficiencies, but not dopamine deficiencies, at 7 days following a binge-style treatment. When taken in crowded dance clubs, the elevated temperature associated with mephedrone use can cause hyperthermia severe overheating which in turn can cause brain damage. However, this hyperthermia is lower than that induced by MDMA or methamphetamine. When they gave four doses equivalent to around mg in humans to the mice over the course of one day as opposed to two consecutive days, they found no persistent changes in brain structure, which the researchers think is due to the possibility of recovery. The team tested this out in the lab on rats, and found that the rats showed a substantial memory impairment 5 weeks after being given mephedrone. This finding was alarming for two reasons: firstly, the dose that caused the impairment was not excessive around mg in humans for 10 consecutive days. Secondly, a month and a half is quite a long time for a rat, so any changes hanging around for that long are quite possibly permanent. However, a recent study has shown that enzymes like matrix metalloproteases MMPs are a key factor in the cause of this memory impairment. Although elevated activities of MMPs are likely to decrease over time, assuming that mephedrone use is stopped, they can remain elevated even after a long period of abstinence. Moreover, further studies are required to find out if elevated activities of MMPs contribute to brain damage or recovery from brain damage caused directly by mephedrone. A recent study showed that both high and lower single doses of mephedrone significantly reduced antioxidant defences in the liver and kidneys of mice, but not the spleen which plays a crucial role in proper functioning of the immune system. In contrast, blood tests were performed on 30 patients who visited a Scottish emergency department after binging on mephedrone for an average of 2. None of the liver function tests returned abnormal findings \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[30\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. A blood test was also performed on a man who landed in the emergency room after injecting mephedrone almost every weekend for 4 months consuming about g per weekend and no irregularities were found at all. However, there were 2 telephone enquiries from health professionals relating to cases with abnormal liver function tests from exposure to mephedrone alone or in combination with alcohol. Very few studies have investigated possible interactions of mephedrone with other drugs. One study found that mephedrone increased the dopamine toxicity of methamphetamine, amphetamine and MDMA, suggesting that a potentially dangerous interaction might occur if mephedrone is taken with other illicit amphetamines \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[33\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. A case report describes a young man who developed acute kidney injury after taking large amounts of mephedrone. There is some evidence to suggest that mephedrone may interact in a dangerous way with SSRI antidepressants. Although the interaction between mephedrone and alcohol is not well understood, it has the potential to negatively affect how both substances are metabolized and can be very dangerous. For example, a study showed that mixing alcohol and mephedrone significantly increased the serotonin release compared with the rats receiving mephedrone alone, which could make the effects of the drug much stronger while bringing toxicity levels right up with it. A case report describes an year-old man with type 1 diabetes who developed ketoacidosis following self-reported mephedrone use. Mephedrone and cathinone compounds may therefore directly increase the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis by stimulating the central nervous system. Mephedrone appears to be particularly dangerous for people who inject it. Mephedrone solutions are somewhat acidic, and users routinely report that snorting or injecting mephedrone is intensely painful. A study of Irish mephedrone injectors found truly gruesome consequences were common amongst their participants. Multi and serial drug injecting with heroin was used in efforts to manage the intense rush and avoid unpleasant comedown. Participants reported limb abscesses, vein clotting, damage and recession resulting from product toxicity, crystallisation of the products when diluted and flushing practises. Seven participants were homeless, with groin and street injecting common. Continued attempts to inject resulted in vein blockages, with development of skin erosion, localised infections, blisters, spots, cold sores, abscesses, scabs, lumps, gangrenous tissue, blood clots and large holes at overused injecting sites. The typical pattern of mephedrone Emergency Room presentations appears to be a patient with amphetamine-like symptoms i. In almost all reports, such treatment allows patients to be discharged in a fairly short time typically within hours without obvious lasting ill effects. In the literature, only 16 fatal cases have been identified in which mephedrone was confirmed in biological samples of the deceased this excludes cases in which mephedrone was not directly implicated in the cause of death. Indeed, the limited data available on mephedrone suggests that fatal cases involve doses that are much higher than what the typical person would take. The most extreme case of non-fatal mephedrone intoxication is of a man who injected 3. Similarly, there are sub-groups of people who use heavier quantities, who report consuming up to 16g over the course of a session typically hours in length. In the other fatal cases, mephedrone was identified in combination with other drugs, hence it is difficult to describe the exact role that mephedrone played in the reported fatalities. In 2 cases the deceased had heart problems which was a contributing factor, and 2 other cases appear more likely to be overdose from combining multiple opiates and depressants. However, lower concentrations of mephedrone were found in cases where other substances were consumed compared to cases of solely mephedrone consumption. Similarly, from when mephedrone use was at its peak , the UK National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths identified 90 fatal cases where mephedrone was identified in biological samples of the deceased. However, only in 26 cases was the cause of death listed as poisoning by drugs and only in 8 cases was mephedrone identified as the only drug of misuse \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[47\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. More recent data from the Office of National Statistics shows similar low figures. From , there were on average 18 deaths per year relating to mephedrone in England and Wales. The lowest recorded number was just 1 death in The highest number was 44 deaths in , which could be reflective of an ageing group of people who formerly used heroin starting to inject mephedrone because of its cheap price. Mephedrone is not a perfectly safe drug; if you are unprepared, unwise, or unlucky, it can kill you. But given the large-scale use of mephedrone in the UK and Europe over the past decade, the rates of acute fatality from mephedrone have been remarkably low. However, while mephedrone might be safer than MDMA, at least from the point of view of acute toxicity, there exists a body of literature that suggests that mephedrone is more addictive than MDMA. This means that limited and reasonable use of mephedrone is something that is hard to do, and many people who use it regularly end up taking massive doses of the drug over short time spans which could cause long-term damage. Based on the research so far, people using mephedrone wishing to minimise their risk can take the following steps. Mephedrone, a new designer drug of abuse, produces acute hemodynamic effects in the rat. Toxicol Lett. Mechanisms of the in vitro effects of amphetamine on rat sinus node automaticity and membrane potentials of atrial fibers. J Electrocardiol. Effects of seven drugs of abuse on action potential repolarisation in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres. Eur J Pharmacol. Mephedrone toxicity in a Scottish emergency department. Emerg Med J. Medical Toxicology. Toxicity of new synthetic amphetamine drug mephedrone On Rat Heart mitochondria: a warning for its abuse. Neurochemical profiles of some novel psychoactive substances. Possible association between 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse and valvular heart disease. Am J Cardiol. Volume 21, Issue S1. The profile of mephedrone on human monoamine transporters differs from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine primarily by lower potency at the vesicular monoamine transporter. Interaction of mephedrone with dopamine and serotonin targets in rats. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. J Neurochem. Mephedrone does not damage dopamine nerve endings of the striatum, but enhances the neurotoxicity of methamphetamine, amphetamine, and MDMA. Effects of combined treatment with mephedrone and methamphetamine or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on serotonin nerve endings of the hippocampus. Life Sci. The designer methcathinone analogs, mephedrone and methylone, are substrates for monoamine transporters in brain tissue. Long-term cognitive and neurochemical effects of 'bath salt' designer drugs methylone and mephedrone. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. Mephedrone in adolescent rats: residual memory impairment and acute but not lasting 5-HT depletion. PLoS One. Behavioural and neurochemical comparison of chronic intermittent cathinone, mephedrone and MDMA administration to the rat. Dose and time-dependent selective neurotoxicity induced by mephedrone in mice. Neuronal changes and oxidative stress in adolescent rats after repeated exposure to mephedrone. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Bath salts and synthetic cathinones: an emerging designer drug phenomenon. Mephedrone impact on matrix metalloproteinases activity - do they influence the memory processes? Curr Mol Pharmacol. Potential pro-oxidative effects of single dose of mephedrone in vital organs of mice. Pharmacol Rep. Case Rep Psychiatry. Clinical characteristics of mephedrone toxicity reported to the U. National Poisons Information Service. Acute kidney injury requiring haemodialysis following ingestion of mephedrone. BMJ Case Rep. Recurrent acute kidney injury following bath salts intoxication. Am J Kidney Dis ;—5. Bath salt intoxication causing acute kidney injury requiring haemodialysis. Hemodial Int ;S47—9. The serotonin syndrome as a result of mephedrone toxicity. Effect of the combination of mephedrone plus ethanol on serotonin and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex of awake rats. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. The potential dangers of mephedrone in people with diabetes: a case report. Drug Test Anal. Int J Drug Policy. Mephedrone Concentrations in Cases of Clinical Intoxication. Curr Pharm Des. Neurotoxicity Induced by Mephedrone: An up-to-date Review. Curr Neuropharmacol. Mephedrone related fatalities: a review. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. Recreational use of mephedrone 4-methylmethcathinone, 4-MMC with associated sympathomimetic toxicity. J Med Toxicol. Critical Review Report. Sign up to receive the TalkingDrugs newsletter in English once every two months. However, three studies do give some cause for concern. Most important is to avoid overheating and dehydration, especially when dancing in hot clubs for long periods. Drink water regularly and take breaks to cool down; but do not drink water in excess as this may cause fatal water intoxication. Gradually drinking a pint of water each hour is recommended. Avoid injecting. Avoid taking mephedrone for more than one day at a time, and give yourself appropriate breaks. One handy web-tool.


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