Accreditation particularly qualifies and fortifies Servion to convey

Accreditation particularly qualifies and fortifies Servion to convey


"Servion has been giving contact place answers for a portion of the main ventures in Canada and this accreditation particularly qualifies and fortifies Servion to convey top tier contact focus answers for existing and planned clients in the Canadian market" – Shiv Tasker, EVP Global Sales at Servion, "Our wide aptitude on Cisco arrangements and advancements enables us to plan and convey inventive bound together contact community endeavor arrangements." 

Servion isn't just one of only a handful few arrangement suppliers that can fabricate, incorporate, and uphold the entirety of Cisco's contact community stages (on-premise, cloud, facilitated), it likewise has a group of contact focus specialists situated in Canada that will use our worldwide experience, instruments, techniques, and IPs worked throughout the most recent 25 years.

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