Acacia Rigidula for Weight Loss

Acacia Rigidula for Weight Loss

Acacia Rigidula for Weight Loss

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Vachellia rigidula also known as acacia rigidula is a species of small tree native to Texas and parts of Mexico. Acacia rigidula is an ingredient that is sometimes added to weight loss supplements and has received extensive media attention. This article looks at the history of acacia rigidula, how it interacts with the body based on scientific studies, and whether or not the ingredient is likely to be effective. Acacia rigidula has been noted for its alkaloid content by botanical organisations for years before it became commonly used in supplements. However, little attention has been paid to the species as it exhibits few remarkable qualities. For example, whilst most botanical databases like GBIF. It serves as a source of food for insects, small birds and grazing animals; this on some level attests to the non-toxicity of the plant. Acacia rigidula likely began to be added to supplements when concern began to rise over the use of amphetamines in sports supplements. Acacia rigidula is now only found in a very small number of supplements at least as a principle ingredient , and these supplements tend to be intense bodybuilding supplements intent on ripping away the last few inches of fat before a competition. Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing plant chemicals that usually have effects on the nervous systems of humans and other animals; examples include caffeine, nicotine, quinine, cocaine, and morphine. They occur in almost all parts of a plant, particularly in the seeds; however, the exact effects of these compounds is varied and occasionally unknown in the plants, meaning much more research has to be done before solid statements can be made about how these compounds interact with biological systems. The uses of these chemicals range from treatment of malaria in quinine , strychnine used as a stimulant and toxin, and as anaesthetics, stimulants and relaxants. All cells must be able to receive information from outside of the cells, from nearby cells and also from the brain via nervous information transmission. Cells communicate with their environments by means of receptors on their surface, which can bind to molecular messengers of the right shape to cause a reaction inside the cell. When an adrenergic amine binds to an adrenergic receptor, there is a chain reaction of molecular events initiated inside the cell, which eventually leads to several big changes becoming obvious in the body since whole groups of cells are performing the changes at once. The reason that the above mechanisms are of interest is that boosting metabolic rate and physical energy levels can be useful for helping individuals lose weight. A higher metabolic rate means more calories burnt passively i. Unfortunately, although the mechanisms behind adrenergic receptors are well understood, and Acacia rigidula has been shown to contain the aforementioned amines, most of the described effects above are mostly speculation when it comes to this ingredient. This is because it is not well known exactly which amines are present in the highest concentration, and which are the most active, in this ingredient. Whilst it has been suggested that it can be effective in inducing the above effects, many of the claims made by supplement manufacturers are difficult to prove or disprove because the way in which the supplement interacts is not well understood. Furthermore, the concentrations needed to induce weight loss are not well documented. There are also some less desirable components present in small quantities, including nicotine , the infamous component of tobacco responsible for its lethal addictiveness. To summarise, acacia rigidula contains a high quantity of adrenergic amines, which are thought to help increase metabolic rate, rate of fat burning, and physical energy levels through the same mechanism of action as adrenaline. However, it may also contain dangerous chemicals, and there is currently too little research to suggest one way or another whether it can cause problems or be effective for weight loss in the long term. One study involving Acacia rigidula looked at the effects of a supplement containing this ingredient, Fastin-XR. The treatment was compared for weight loss results with Fastin-XR, caffeine, acacia rigidula alone and a cellulose placebo. Ten recreationally active men, with an average age of The study found that Fastin-XR was significantly more effective at boosting metabolic rate then caffeine, Acacia rigidula alone or the placebo, on average being at least twice as effective as caffeine, with effects lasting considerably longer. It was also noted, however, that whilst Fastin-XR was able to reduce the ration of oxygen consumed to oxygen delivered — i. The original study conducted to determine the chemical composition of Acacia rigidula extract was summarised in a paper where the authors discussed the methods used to examine and identify the alkaloids present. The results demonstrated that there were at least 44 different amines and alkaloids present in the extract, with most being related to a parent compound, phenylethylamine, a name that is used to describe a group of compounds known for their psychological and stimulant effects. Phenylethylamine is often included in chocolate and sweets for its potential ability to improve mood probably through a serotonin related pathway. The study confirmed that amongst the alkaloids found, nicotine and nornicotine were included, both of which are notable for their negative health side-effects. Nornicotine is very similar to nicotine and is believed to act in a similar manner; the presence of both compounds suggests Acacia rigidula could possibly demonstrate negative psychological side effects with long-term and high-dosage use. Despite the potential health risks, the adrenergic amines in Acacia rigidula have the potential to be effective at boosting metabolic rate. The effects of adrenaline on boosting metabolic rate and suppressing appetite have been studied. A paper on the effect of adrenaline supplementation on young men found that significant increases in metabolic rate could be created with only small dosages of adrenaline; the researchers first investigated the hourly and daily variation in metabolic rate of the subjects, determined that they were low enough for adrenaline supplementation to demonstrate obvious effects, then gave very low, continuous adrenaline injections for up to four hours. The results showed a significant 3. This demonstrates that even low levels of supplementation of adrenaline can lead to weight loss benefits or more likely weight maintenance ; whether these effects translate directly to supplementation with Acacia rigidula is unknown however. The most important point to note about products containing Acacia rigidula is that many of them may not actually contain any extract at all. The reasons for this are that: Furthermore, the president of Hi-Tech, the company that makes these supplements, was tied up in a legal battle with the FDA for false advertising and knowingly using dangerous substances in the supplements. Another manufacturer, iForce, has been attacked by Dutch health officials over their product Dexaprine, for the same reasons. The article claims that the researchers allegedly found no traces of amphetamines in the supplements, but that in 9 of the 21 Acacia rigidula supplements tested, researchers found small amounts of beta-methylphenylethylamine in each of them. Essentially, this suggests that not only are a lot of manufacturers not including Acacia rigidula in their supplements, but many are including largely untested alkaloids and listing them under those found in Acacia rigidula. This is an extremely dangerous and illegal practice. Unfortunately consumers have little way of differentiating fake acacia supplements from real ones. Potential side effects associated with Acacia include energy crashes, jitters, possible stomachache and light-headedness. However, this is only the beginning of the potential issues with this ingredient. Firstly, the effects of Acacia rigidula supplementation in the long-term have not been studied- at all. Only the studies of long-term consumption of the actual plant itself, by grazing mammals like sheep and goats, are available to give insight as to any concerns, and these are of limited use because: There are problems associated with long-term activation of adrenergic receptors. Additional concerns include the possibility of the body reacting badly to any of the alkaloids in Acacia rigidula, since many are not present in a normal diet in any food substance. In conclusion, Acacia rigidula is an ingredient that is not very well studied; as such, there is little information available with regards to its safety or its efficacy as a weight loss supplement. It is possible that this ingredient is only safe in small dosages, and not as a long-term weight loss aid. Whilst it may be effective in the short term, there are risks associated with this ingredient. Several weight loss supplements have also been found by the FDA to contain a selection of chemicals, some potentially harmful, that are listed under the name Acacia rigidula but would not naturally be present in this ingredient. Your email address will not be published. The diet pills below meet our Approved standard. Learn more about our Approved Diet Pills criteria here. Please read the full article on How this site is financed and Cookies policy. All products and brands are trademark of their respective companies. The information on this site does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the owners or sponsors of dietpill-reviews. The information is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis, and may not be used as such. Reviews featured on this website are researched and written by independent reviewers that are paid for their opinion and views. The views and opinions are exclusively those of the writer. The information on this site is not reviewed by a medical professional, and is only to be used at your own risk. Always consult your doctor before using any supplements. Acacia Rigidula Vachellia rigidula also known as acacia rigidula is a species of small tree native to Texas and parts of Mexico. What is Acacia Rigidula? How Does Acacia Rigidula Work? Reviews of Products Containing Acacia Rigidula The most important point to note about products containing Acacia rigidula is that many of them may not actually contain any extract at all. Side-effects associated with Acacia Rigidula Potential side effects associated with Acacia include energy crashes, jitters, possible stomachache and light-headedness. Conclusion In conclusion, Acacia rigidula is an ingredient that is not very well studied; as such, there is little information available with regards to its safety or its efficacy as a weight loss supplement. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Approved Diet Pills The diet pills below meet our Approved standard. View all top rated diet pills 1 Gravitate Nutrition. Rick on Gravitate Nutrition Just wanted to say thank you so much for this review. I bought a 3 month supply of this kit and have been using Constance on Superfruit Slim I need this pill. Do they have a dealer in Abuja Nigeria? 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