πŸ“œ About me

πŸ“œ About me

ShiSHcat 🐈

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πŸ‘‹ Hello world!

My name is Jacopo. I'm a backend developer, and I'm currently learning IT security. Since I was born, my only passion was the computer. I spent countless hours on my parents netbook, on forums, chats and websites, trying to make it do what I wanted.

My life changed when I learned how to code in a programming language. As of now, I learned PHP and NodeJS, but I'm no expert and I'm expanding my knowledge each day, specially on how to make my software more secure.

In my free time, I like to investigate an internet service, explain myself it's inner workings, the technology behind it, and trying to find flaws in it. I took part in many bug bounty programs, and I'll definitively share my write-ups here whenever I have the confirmation to do so.

Let's be friends on Telegram, Twitter or Github.

⭐️ Inspired by BranchScope

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