About booking link on broadsheet.com

About booking link on broadsheet.com

Issue - https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/broadsheet.com.au/template74/issue1/


1. This link not exists on original page as static, it ajax loaded or from javascript by json parsing:

Link and button is not a static (it got from javascript)
Booking form loaded after (by ajax+javascript).
For current page, booking url is missing in html code, and you add a self link, (but not me, I used original link from site data)

2. IV will be cache pages and if target site is not available, then remove link or use site api, e.g. as my template. I get actual link by api of this site or from json if exists.

3. This link is not mandatory, because in bottom exists actual link to original website, where can be target to actual booking:

Link to venue site

Actual info about booking on venue website page

4. Initially, I used the same method as you, but then I found a more reliable and correct one and I want to say that your method is not entirely reliable, because you modify the link yourself, rather than using the correct one from site api and static json data.

P.S. Therefore many links(wrong) in your template different from my, e.g. these and other (check them in IV template and you see a difference):




In your link used id and custom redirect format, but I use a true target link.

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