Abduction Sex Stories

Abduction Sex Stories


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You are here: Home / Rape sex stories / The Circle: Abduction
Rape Sex stories: The Circle: Abduction. Author: LaceyChains. The story is including: Dark Fantasy, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Death, Drug, Murder, Rape, Slavery, Snuff, Written by women genres.
This is a dark fantasy of rape and abduction into slavery. It includes a reference to incest. This story includes sexual murder heavy bondage and torture. Please do not read it if such themes disturb you. They disturb me, but I hope by relating them I can free myself from the demon. This is entirely fiction from a woman’s deepest nightmare.
February 12th, 1993. It was a Saturday and I had just turned eighteen. It was a day that began with me believing I was blessed to live in a world that welcomed me with open arms. By its end, I found that the world I lived in is nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion.
Oh, it’s real enough I suppose, for those of you allowed to remain in front of the veil. Your world goes on, sorting out its petty squabbles in politics and the random chaos that afflicts those unlucky enough to be captured by it. The people are told that those who rule will care and protect them. The dark truth is that this is nothing but a convenient lie. How do I know? Because on that day, I was taken behind the curtain and the true nature of the world was revealed to me.
That was the day I met Marco. He was a few years older than I, maybe twenty-five, or so I thought at the time. He was incredibly handsome, with deep, dark eyes that just pierced into mine. He was a darker skinned man, with equally dark hair cut close to his scalp. His strong features didn’t seem to fit the stereo types of any race I knew. All I could think of was how utterly attractive he was in his perfectly tailored, designer suit. It certainly made the most of his 6’2” frame. Oh yes, he was a beautiful man. Within minutes of our first meeting on the sidewalks of Rodeo Drive, I was completely enchanted by him.
“Why, what is this I see?” He said musically with the most enchanting of smiles. “Here, in a city full of pretty girls, have I found she that is most beautiful of all? How can this be, that I am so lucky today!”
Image for illustration purpose only. Rape Sex stories: The Circle: Abduction. Author: LaceyChains
He spoke with an accent that was as wonderfully lyrical as it was unique and his booming baritone easily rose above the rancorous chaos of the city street. His joy-filled gaze pierced into me and held me fast. I was disarmed by this and ensnared by a smile that seemed brighter than the sun glinting off polished glass.
“What name do you posses, my delicate dove? Something noble I would think, like Isis or Bathsheba of the ancient worlds of legend? Whatever it may be, it cannot hope to match the clear and pristine beauty of your eyes!” He bowed with a dancers flare and a boyish laugh boomed unashamedly from his chest.
I laughed too, and my cheeks warmed from the overwhelming joy of being so richly greeted by this wonderful man. “Jessica, Jessica Perez,” I finally managed.
The man smiled again and then bowed with even greater panache’. “Jessica, is it?! Truly, that is a beautiful name! And I am Marco! No other name do I possess! No other name do I need! I am but Marco, alone!”
We laughed and smiled as people walked by. The world was shut off and my thoughts turned solely to this man I had just met. He was gorgeous and magnetic and I couldn’t have walked away any easier than I could have flown.
“So, tell me, young Jessica. Why do you come to the City of Dreams on this day? What can Marco do to grant you the bobbles and bells that you would use to enhance your already considerable charms!”
I loved his joy and was virtually hypnotized by the pentameter of his speech. My cheeks burned red and my hands covered my mouth as if I feared my breath would escape. “Well, I was looking for a new dress,” I finally managed, and his face lit with joy, as if it were the most fortunate of fates.
“A new dress! Then come with me, girl! I will show you to my boutique! I have the most beautiful line of designer fashions to share with you! Don’t worry about the cost! For a nymph of your beauty, I would be honored to see you wearing them!” He was incredibly friendly and amazingly enthusiastic, and I was swept down the street without a thought of resisting his spell.
We entered behind an unmarked door to a shop he said was so exclusive, he needed no sign. His boutique was small, but within those walls were some of the most elegant dresses I had ever seen. One after another, they adorned the featureless and synthetic bodies of manikins frozen in poses of near-erotic beauty. In silks and satins and in a myriad of colors, they filled my heart with visions of Royal or Hollywood splendor. I was breathless with excitement and dizzy with the dreams of a young girl lost in the center of sophisticated beauty. I was Snow White and Cinderella, but there would no Handsome Prince or Fairy Godmother to come and bestow a happy ending upon my story.
At the time, my only concern was that these beautiful and delicate gowns must have been well beyond the reach of my fathers credit card. The thought that I might be denied having one of these gossamer gowns made my heart feel heavy, but then Marco appeared at my side again.
“Come, girl,” he said in his friendly and wonderfully accented baritone. “I have something special to show you. Do not despair, I assure you that what I offer can never be bought with something as base as money!”
I could only giggle and blush at the way his voice caressed my nerves. With his hand on my back, he led me into a smaller room behind the floor of the boutique. I followed without worry, willing to believe in the magic of a young girl’s dreams. Instead, I fell into a woman’s nightmare.
The room itself was dimly lit with nothing more than an empty bed and dusty shelves adorning unpainted walls. It was a strange dichotomy to the luxurious decor of the outer store and I was perplexed as to why the great treasures he promised would be found in such a mundane and ordinary local. I turned to question him but when I did, his strong hand came quickly to my throat.
Fear rose like a wave in my body! My hands pulled hopelessly at his but to no avail. I tried to scream, to call out for help, but his fingers closed tightly around my throat and my cries were squeezed off before they could be granted voice. My knees trembled and failed and I would have collapsed completely but for his hot and iron grip on my neck. Realizing I was in mortal danger, my heart raced horribly as my body was forced against the cold grey of the uncolored walls.
“You may scream and fight, my little dove.” he said in buttery soft tones. “You are untamed, so it is to be expected that you will resist. In time, you will learn the futility of your efforts.” Even then his tone was friendly and understanding, as if he were granting me the right to my fear.
My face was burning hot and spittle dripped from my lips as my need to breathe became desperate. I felt my blood rushing in my ears and I my vision began to fade. Marco stared into my eyes, watching with an icy detachment that was completely at odds with the man whom had greeted me on the street. When my chest began to heave, he stepped back and pushed me head first onto the bed.
My body hacked and wheezed as I struggled to wretch and draw breath at the same time. My thoughts spun wildly as I desperately tried to sort through my confusion. I rose for a moment, trying to gain my feet. I wanted to run or fight or call for help, but as I turned, his hand swung around and struck my cheek hard enough to send me reeling backward again.
Bright lights exploded in my head and pain rocketed through my body as my strength washed away. I was reduced to crying hysterically and I rolled into a ball, shivering in fear at what this man might do next.
“N-noo-! I screamed as he reached out for me and I kicked and swatted at his hand, trying to drive him away.
“Girl, You are a fighter. You have spirit and that is good, but spirit like that will only be seen as a challenge to the Masters. You will need to learn when to fight, and when to submit.” His hand locked tightly on the back of my neck, and he pushed my face down into the sheets.
I struggled with what little strength I had left, wondering what he had meant. When I felt his hand sliding up my thigh and under my dress, I knew I was going to be raped. “Oh God, please no. Don’t do this to me,” I screamed, begging for mercy that was never going to be granted. I writhed under him, trying desperately to avoid his touch. His fingers slid up my thigh until I felt him touching me in my most intimate of places.
I cried in protest and begged again for mercy, but my pleas fell on an uncaring soul. My writhing and struggles only assisted him in his deed as my dress began riding up my thighs. I felt a harsh tug at my hip and then he was dragging my panties down my thighs, leaving me bare and unprotected from his coming assault.
By then, my hope was lost and I was reduced to tearful whimpering. My body felt so very weak yet my muscles ached to find purchase and fight back. He grabbed my hair and squeezed a handful so tightly in his fist I thought he might pull it out, and he shook my head hard enough to make me wince. “”Ahhh!, no please,” I begged with all my heart. Please don’t do this!” Tears and anguish pulsed through my voice as the words formed without conscience thought. “Please don’t hurt me. I don’t want to die. I’ll do what you want, just please, please don’t kill me!”
Marco released my hair and my head dropped heavily on the pillow. “I won’t kill you, girl. If you submit, your Moment is not mine to give.” His words were as ominous in tone as they were in meaning and my body racked heavily in silent sobs.
I felt him move over me and the rustle of his clothes became loud in my ears. I dared not open my eyes, fearing that in his place I might see some ghastly monster. It sounds so foolish to think, yet had I looked, I would have seen his hard and throbbing cock as he stroked it in preparation for my first of countless rapes.
His body felt hot and heavy as he slid over me. I felt his penis bump over the rise of my bottom and then slide between my cheeks as he moved into position to take me. Briefly, I shifted my hips and tried to throw him off, but he took me by the hair and he yanked my head back hard, holding me tightly until I felt his thick head begin to force itself into my body.
I could do nothing but cry wet tears. My mouth hung open in traumatized defeat and the taste of my own tears filled my mouth. Then I felt his body rise and hunch over me as he gathered his strength. I clenched tightly, trying to resist, to keep him from driving deep, but it was a useless effort. Holding me down, he slammed his hips foreword and his invading organ plunged several, brutal inches into my sheath.
“Ungh!! fuuck! I cried as I felt his true shape tear me open. He felt huge inside me and my eyes rolled back in my head as he hit bottom.
I was dry when he thrust, but a woman’s body only knows that she is penetrated. Now, my own juices began to flow and his massive cock became coated in my natural lubricants. I could no longer hope to resist the inevitable. He pulled back and began fucking me hard. My body rocked with each driving push and uncontrolled, garbled moans escaped my trembling lips.
He thrust were slow and deep, at first. His grip on my hair lessened as my body began to accept its fate. Soon, he was laying over me, driving into my cunt with me fully accepting his invasion. My thighs grew tight and despite myself, I felt my body rising to meet him.
“That’s it, girl. Let your instincts run free. You will learn that there is no shame in being taken, and no reason to fear being used.” His voice was deeper now, husky and excited. I could feel the heat of his body on my skin and the moisture of sweat dripping on my back.
I didn’t believe his words then, but I did feel the undeniable pleasure of being fucked deeply by a man who knew his craft. His movements and the angle of his attack began to merge and an insidious tingle ran through me. It felt warm and deep and a delicious pressure built in my belly. All the while his heavy cock plunged in and out of me, winding me up like a top. I was being stressed and drawn and I had no place in my mind to find escape. I was going to cum! I hated myself for it, but I knew I would not be able to stop. My thighs trembled and my body flushed and then a tide of pleasure rose and broke over me. I screamed in agonized pleasure and my pussy convulsed and gripped its conqueror so tightly I heard him gasp.
His body stiffened and he held my hips so tightly I winced, and then I felt the hot gush of his cum as it spilled into me. He drove his cock deep, pumping into me with short strokes until his hot seed dripped from my exhausted body. I shuddered and cried, yet a glow of something else pulsed through me. When he rose and walked away, I fell into a dream like quiescence. I dozed for a moment, and when I awoke, I heard a woman’s voice.
“Did she please you, Marco?” she asked.
“Yes,” he responded. “She has the gift. She will be valued by the Masters. We need to train her quickly. If they find her like this, her Moment will come far too soon.”
I murmured to them, trying to ask what they meant, but the woman knelt next to me and stroked my hair. My eyes opened and I saw that she was of the same blend of mixed races that Marco was. Her chocolate skin and almond eyes seemed Asian, but were mixed with the strong cheek bones and and soft lips of European decent. Her thick brown hair hung loosely over her bare shoulders and only a short dress covered her voluptuous body. “Shush, girl.” she said as she pushed the air from a syringe. Then she pricked my arm and emptied its contents into my bloodstream. “There. Now you will sleep. You have a long trip ahead of you.”
For a moment, pure terror coursed through me, and then there was nothing but darkness.
I never found out how long I slept. Maybe it was several days. Maybe it was much longer. When I awoke, I was wearing a plain, short shift and laying under the covers in a small bed. I felt something hard on my neck and reaching up, I discovered a metal collar with a small chain. I pulled on it and found it connected to a iron ring mounted onto the rust colored metal wall behind my bed.
Memories of my rape exploded in my mind and I began to panic. “Hello?” I cried, my voice trembling in fear. “Is- is there anyone there?”
Receiving no answer, my fearful gaze flitted about the room but other than my bed, a toilet and a single lamp mounted in the ceiling, it was empty. The door was like I would have expected to see on a ship and then I truly began to despair. Wherever I was, I was certain there would be no escape.
I lay there for hours, filled with terror and suffering from a thirst I had never felt before. My chain allowed me to stand and to use the toilet, but I had no hope of reaching the door. I would have expected to feel pain from the brutality of my rape, but enough time had passed that I was spared at least that.
Resigned to the hopelessness of my captivity, I feel into a light and fitful sleep. Later, I was awoken by the metallic clank of the door being opened.
Bile rose in my throat as the door creaked open. I scrambled onto my knees, cowering away from my captor. I was terrified that Marco would come for me again, but instead that same, beautiful woman entered with a tray.
“Good, you are awake,” she said without threat. “You will be hungry and thirsty. You must eat and regain your strength.”
Gone was the delicate dress I’d seen her in before. Now she wore a simple, white cotton top with denim jeans. Even in such drab clothing, she was still incredibly beautiful and my mind swirled in confusion that anyone so attractive could be so evil. I curled up in the corner of my bed and sat trembling with my knees clutched to my breasts.
“Who are you?” I asked with tears again forming in my eyes. “Please, let me go,” I begged. “I swear I won’t tell anyone.”
The woman actually looked saddened by my fear and sat on the bed next to me. Setting the tray on the bed, she gently caressed my face. “I’m so sorry, Jessica. This must be terribly difficult for you, but you need to know, you will never see your home again.”
I heard her say the words but my mind refused to grasp their meaning. I begged her to free me, to protect me from Marco, but she only shook her head.
“This is going to be hard for you to understand, but you are now a slave. Your life isn’t yours any more than mine belongs to me. We are females, and we exist for the sole purpose of pleasing the Masters of the Circle. Now drink, and I will try to explain.
Fearfully, I took the cup. For a moment, I hesitated, thinking it might be drugged, but my thirst was ferocious and with a trembling hand, I drank deeply. Finishing the cup, I gazed at her. “You are a slave?”
“Yes.” she responded with a smile, as if she felt no remorse at her plight. “I am called Circe, and Marco is my brother.”
A wave of revulsion swept through me at hearing his name and my chest heaved as I began to cry. “He raped me. I was raped by your brother!” My body shook with shame and sorrow. Circe took my hand and held it tightly.
“Of course he did. It was his right as a man. He is very pleased with how you responded to him.”
“Responded! What are you talking about. He forced himself on me! You both kidnapped me and brought me here! What gives you the right-!”
Circe’s grip on my hand grew tighter and her gaze turned iron. “Yes, we did. You need to understand, everything you believed, everything you knew is over. The world you live in now will not accept your defiance. How long you live, and how painfully you die will depend on this. Neither Marco or I can change this.”
Circe pulled her long hair away from the back of her neck and revealed an intricate glyph tattooed on the back of her neck. “This is my brand. It is the mark of the Circle and it means that I am owned by them. I live and will die at their pleasure, and now so shall you.”
Instinctively, my hand flew to the back of my neck, as if I could feel such a mark, but Circe gently pulled my hand away. “Calm yourself, girl. You haven’t been branded yet. You are to be taken to the isle and there you will be sold. Only then will you be tested. Survive that, and you will receive your brand.”
Defeated by this, my head hung low. “You can’t get away with this, you know. They will look for me.”
That same, sorrowful look of understanding reappeared on her flawless face. “No, they wo
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