Abdominoplasty-Risks and Recovery

Abdominoplasty-Risks and Recovery

Orange Tree Health

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck Surgery is a major surgery that removes excess skin and stubborn fat from the abdomen. The procedure of tummy tuck surgery helps flatten the stomach area and tighten muscles in the abdominal wall. 

The procedure helps to get rid of stubborn fat accumulated in the abdomen area, however, it is not an alternative to weight loss. A person should only consider getting a tummy tuck surgery once he has tried all the conventional methods of losing excess flab - it is important to take time while considering your options.  

Best Candidates for an Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck Surgery 

A tummy tuck surgery is suitable for everyone who is in good general health condition and has reached a point of having stable weight. It is always suggested to consult your trusted doctor before making a decision. At Orange Tree Aesthetic and Hair Restoration Centre, we have expert cosmetic surgeons in Delhi, Kolkata, and Manipur who provide unlimited support and guidance to the patients. With their expertise in body contouring and cosmetic surgeries, our doctors are one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Delhi. 

A tummy tuck surgery is advised for women who have stretched muscles or loose skin after pregnancy and want to reduce the accumulated skin. It is also very useful for people with a history of obesity and who have had significant weight loss, tummy tuck surgery can help them get rid of loose skin in the abdominal area. 

However, if a woman is planning to go through pregnancies in the future, she is advised to delay or postpone the surgery as these future pregnancies can separate the operated muscles once again. Or if you’re planning to lose more weight, you can wait until your weight is stabilized. 

Preparing yourself for post-operative healing 

Once you have decided to go for tummy tuck surgery - you need to prepare yourself. Consulting your doctors is the first step towards it. Your doctor will study your case, guide you about the process, and further, help you prepare yourself. 

It is important to have a well-balanced diet and complete meals for proper nutrition before going in for surgery. Doctors advise the patients to at least start maintaining their meals a month before the tummy tuck surgery. Your doctor may also ask you to stop taking certain medications that thin your blood and dietary supplements for a certain period of time before and after the surgery. 

It is also important for patients to completely stop smoking for certain periods before and after the tummy tuck surgery as smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay healing. 

One of the most important steps to prepare yourself for any kind of surgery is making a home recovery area that includes: 

  1. A supply of loose and comfortable clothes and cover sheets. 
  2. A telephone within easy reach.
  3. A hand-held shower head and bathroom chair. 

Complications and side effects of an Abdominoplasty 

It is fairly common to experience a certain amount of pain and swelling after your tummy tuck surgery. To ease the pain, your doctor will prescribe you medications as needed. You may also experience numbness or bruising or tiredness for some time, but these are very common and not a sign of trouble.

However, there are certain risks that come with any sort of surgery. This may vary from person to person depending on their factors of health condition and so on. Such complications include:

  1. Scarring 
  2. Hematoma (bleeding).
  3. Infection.
  4. Seroma (accumulation of fluid).
  5. Poor wound healing.
  6. Blood Clots 

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