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My first ABDL story "The new house"

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Start date

May 9, 2014



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Sissy Little Carer Other

My very first Abdl related story I hope you all like it, it's not done so I will keep updating it ASAP I would like to get your guy's and girl's opinions on my writing and any tips you may have to share post them below I appreciate all constructive criticism.
The new house.

My name is Emily I am 19 years old I weigh about 120 pounds and I'm around 5"6. I have almost B cup breasts, I'm athletically toned I don't have abs but I have a nice flat stomach. But enough about me here is my story.

It all began one rainy afternoon, the temperature was just right, I and my family were packing up all of our belongings so we could move to our new house. It wasn't something I was looking forward to I'd have to leave all my friends behind and that part sucked, I started to grab a box when my mom stops me, Emily she says, I know this is hard on you to move to a different town in a different state but try to be happy ok.

Yea ok I mumbled in reply.

Grabbing the box I headed to my room, I love my room it has a full sized walk in closet where all my clothes currently reside, but not for long I thought. So I start to pull the clothes off the hangers and stuff them into the box I brought when I see my secret white chest peeking out from under some clothing.

Grabbing it out I set it on the bed and grab the key off my desk I slide it into the lock and it opens with a click. I'll have one last look at my treasured items before I pack them away to go on the long drive to our new house. Right on top is my pair of pink plastic pants and below that 3 of the softest and thickest cloth diapers I could find, and the last items in my box were 12 of the cutest and thickest teddy bear print adult disposable diapers. I locked the chest back up and shoved it under the clothes in the box, wait till I get you to the new house Im going to have some fun I thought, too bad I found out later that my fun would turn into a nightmare.

Well it took a few hours but we finally got done packing and we were on the highway out of the state to our new house, we made a few stops here and there, A few bathroom breaks and lunch stops later and we were pulling into the new house, which didnt look to bad from the outside. The front lawn was nicely mowed with 2 flower beds on either side filled with all different kinds of flowers.

Well I thought maybe this house won't be to bad.

About 5 minutes later the movers pulled up and started taking things into the house, I figured I would go up and find me a room. As I ascended the stairs to the second floor, I opened the first door I came to and pushed it open, what greeted me was a piney scent, it didn't smell bad not too strong the room had blue walls and a darker blue border along the top of the walls. What piqued my interest was the closet I went over and opened the door and wow let me tell you the closet was huge almost twice the size of my old one.

I walked out to the hallway and yelled down the stairs, mom dad I found my room. I could hear my parents voices downstairs, ok honey my mom said make sure you come down and take your box's to your room.

Alright mom be right there I replied, I wanted to explore my room more I decided to go and just sit in my closet and savor the room, I was about to get up when I noticed a piece of the Wall was bulging out, I pulled on it and it revealed a small black button. Should I press it or shouldn't I hmm, I stuck my finger out and pressed it in firmly there was a sound like a clank and the wood underneath me as well as part of the wall started to rotate.

I found myself in an immaculately clean white room with a silver box like pedestal near the back wall, I slowly got up from my sitting position on the floor and walked towards the pedestal wondering what it could be, on it I see a black LCD screen, unsure of what might happen I stuck my finger out and touched the screen, all of a sudden a screen appeared on the screen were the words place hand here to start.

I exited the room as fast as I could unsure of what I should do, should I tell my parents I thought?....No way I decided It was to be my secret and I wanted to find out what the silver box was, I was climbing out of the closet when my mom came into the room, Emily where have you been your father and I have been looking for you everywhere come get your stuff please.

So sorry mom I was just checking things out, as my mom left I couldn't help feel giddy with excitement at what I planned to do tonight. I had it all planned out I would play baby tonight after my parents were asleep in my new room, and until I find out what that pedestal does I wouldn't touch it.

Dinner was a bit boring we had pizza and the conversation seemed to dull what I was feeling inside I just wanted to shout bye and run to my room, but I stayed so I wouldn't look like I was up to something, So Emily my dad asks are you enjoying your new room, I sure am dad I reply it has a bigger closet then my old one, well girls seem to love that kind of space don't they at that my mom and dad started to laugh, I know that feeling all to well honey my mom said. May I be excused I asked, yes honey and have a goodnight sleep more unpacking to be done tomorrow my mom reminded me for the 5th time today.

As I climbed the staircase to my room I started planning it out in my head what I wanted to do tonight, I closed and locked my door, I just realized that my clothing box with my white chest was downstairs I would have to go and get it, Being as quiet as a mouse I slowly crept down the stairs hoping to not wake up my parents from there peaceful slumber lest I get in trouble. I put my foot down on the bottom step and at that exact moment it let out a squeak.

I froze on the bottom step waiting and wondering if my parents might wake up or not, it's not so much too get in trouble yes I'd get yelled at but what I didn't want was them asking questions about why I was up past late, and why I was down there, I wouldn't call myself the best of liars when it's comes to things like that. After sitting there waiting for what seemed like an eternity I gingerly started down the hall way groping along the wall for the switch to the front room I flipped on the light switch next to the doorway and started looking for the tiny S I wrote on the box holding my secret chest.

Two minutes later of searching I found the box opened it up ever so gently, I pulled the contents out until I had got what I came for, just holding that chest gave me butterflies. Being quiet as possible and being sure to miss the bottom step I climbed the stairs and tiptoed down the hallway and into my room, I took the key to the chest and walked inside my closet I felt along the wall for the secret button and pressed it in firmly with a clank sound I I swung around on the platform into the new Room.

Well without further interruption lets get started I exclaimed, I twisted the key in the lock and pulled open the chest, The contents inside gave me even more butterflies, I took out 2 of the teddy bear print disposables and the pink plastic pants and the bottle of baby powder and set them out in a row.

I started by taking one of the disposable's and cut slits into the underside of it to allow pee to flow out into the second diaper. I started pulling my yellow sundress off that I had put on this morning, I hooked my thumbs into the top of the waistband of my sky blue panties and pulled them down and I finally removed my matching bra and lay down on the first diaper. I grabbed the baby powder and started sprinkling a lot onto my private area and rubbed it in, after I got done it looked like snow had fallen there. I grabbed the front of the diaper and pulled it snugly into place; I taped the diaper into place and grabbed the second one slid that underneath me and pulled it snug in place and taped it up as well. I got up from my position on the ground and picked up my plastic pants I shook them out a bit and slid them up my legs and over the top of the two diapers I made sure the diapers weren't peeking out of the leg holes of the plastic pants so they wouldn't leak. With that done I sat down on my butt, it felt like I was sitting on a pillow with all that bulk between my legs and covering my butt. I slowly closed my eyes too tired to stay awake any longer.

I got up feeling groggy wondering what the time was, I got up slowly feeling the weight of wet diapers sagging between my legs, wow I thought I've never peed this much before. I sat on the floor near the button and firmly pressed it in, I spun back around into my closet, I got into bed pulling the covers over me, it was still black as night outside so I figured I'd have time to sleep. My bladder started releasing itself into my already soggy diapers as I dozed off.

Morning came much too soon in my opinion I heard my mom's footsteps on the stairs thinking back to last night I just remembered I had wet and soggy diapers on still, I flung back the bedspread and raced to the door locking it just as my mother reached it, good morning Hun my mom, I'm just changing mom ill be down in a minute. Alright she said and started walking back down the stairs. I went into the bathroom and tugged down my plastic panties I untaped the diapers and let fell to the floor with a wet plop sound.

After my shower and putting on my blue jeans and white camisole I headed downstairs to get my favorite cereal some kind of chocolate crunch kind my parents found that I have fell in love with, I wasn't sure what to do for the rest of my day both parents were at work, while I still had unpacking to do I didn't feel like doing that until later, aha I know I will wear a diaper and watch tv I grabbed another disposable from my box and powdered my crotch and taped the diaper into place. I grabbed the remote to my tv and turned on some cartoons, I had to have dozed off because I woke up about a half hour later still diapered with my tv blaring. I walked downstairs and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with milk I started wetting my diapers soon after drinking all the milk, my diaper started sagging a little bit as I walked up the stairs to my room I figured I would go and find out what that silver box did in that room. I walked to my closet and pressed the button in swinging me into the room I noticed something was off the floor now had thick brown carpet and the walls were painted a light shade of blue with a wallpaper border on the border was what looked like teddy bears and blocks that have letters on them.

I walked in a little further and the wall swung back around and the button went with it, I started to pry on the corners to see if anything would budge but alas I was stuck here until it either revolved around or my parents came home, I walked up to the silver box and almost immediately a voice started saying, Babygirl detected initiating 5 hour stay I could hear a whirring sound and a crib slowly came up through what appeared to be a trapdoor in the floor, something was off about the crib it seemed off, as if it were for adults. No way I thought it can't be for that after the crib stopped moving another trapdoor opened and what appeared to be a adult sized changing table stocked full of diapers of all kinds popped up as well. I suddenly felt 2 arms grabbing my hands from behind I turned to look and it wasn't a persons hands it was two mechanical arms protruding from the box. A third arm with a sensor came out and poked a finger or whatever into the leg hole of my diaper. Wet diaper detected initiate changing procedure.

I could feel myself being picked up into the air and laid down on the changing table. 2 wrist manacles bolted on the table I hadn't noticed before locked around both of my wrists holding me immobile, I tried kicking my legs trying in vain to break free, my legs were fastened to the table in the same fashion. One of the arms started to untape my diaper it did the left side then the right side while another hand slid under me and held me up my diaper was pulled out from under me and rolled up and deposited into a strange looking diaper pail I hadn't noticed before. One arm took a baby wipe and started wiping down my front then another arm went under the table it came back out from under the table with 3 thick disposables even thicker than my cloth diapers. The two arms proceeded to powder my crotch and butt and taped the first diaper on, already I could tell that it was going to be hard to walk if not at all impossible. After one of the arms cut slits into the first and second diapers the 2nd arm pulled up the two diapers and taped them into place even more snug than I have ever been able to get them.

After my diaper change the two arms grabbed my wrists as they were released from the manacles and stood me up a third arm went into one of the drawers of the changing table and pulled out a lavender dress and pulled. It over my head while another arm zipped it up the back, I could hear a soft click, the arm went back into the drawer and pulled out what appeared to be 2 leather mittens without fingers, first one was slipped onto my left hand and secured with a padlock with the strap that was on it then the same happened to my right hand. I looked down to the arm going into the drawer once more and it pulled out what looked like a pacifier with 2 straps hanging off Both sides, it put the nipple into my mouth and fastened the straps behind my head and another soft click was heard. I was then picked up and placed in front of a mirror and the arms retracted back from which they came.

My reflection was a sight to behold I saw in the mirror myself as a little girl my lavender dress didn't hide the fact that I was wearing diapers they could be seen quite clearly since the dress I was wearing was made for someone smaller than I was or maybe it was made this short for a reason who know's I couldn't talk for the life of me the pacifier gag muffled any sound I could make I reached behind my back trying to grab hold of the zipper it seemed held in place by what felt like a padlock the same could be said for the gag. Well I thought time to wait so I sat down on my padded bottom. With how thick my diapers were I couldn't get my legs within 10 inches of each other. I sat there for the next ten minutes wondering what to do about my predicament. Hmm I thought I liked diapers but this is kind of over the top another trap door opened suddenly and a box popped out and opened, inside I see some dolls and blocks and various other toys, well I thought to myself at least I won't be bored I tried grabbing the blocks out I managed to get most out, with my hands encased as they were it took a bit of trial and error to get them out. I started playing blocks waiting to see if I would be able to escape or would the device let me out.

And here is where I end it for now To Be Continued.

If you enjoyed my story and wish for me to write more tell me in the comments below, this is indeed my first story in a long time. And if you have an idea of what I should add or what should happen in the story please post it below and I will see if I can incorporate it into the story or not. Oh and if you don't mind give me your opinion on my writing and if I should continue doing so.

Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014



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