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I want to know your lists of rules that you have been given, either by a daddy/mummy or yourself.
Also what punishments have you had to go through, or what punishments do you like giving?? Do you prefer pain, humiliation or more trivial tasks like chores or writing lines??
Good question! This is the list of rules I use. (I start with 0, since 0 is a precursor.) Obviously, these rules are modified by person and circumstances. Rules for a relationship in person would be different than for a relationship online, different people have different tolerances and desires, some people only want part-time as opposed to full time, some people do not want full time wear, etc. So it depends on the comfort level of both. But this is my starting base.
0. Baby and Daddy must discuss these rules beforehand, and both must agree before they are put into effect to ensure that limits are respected. However, once in effect, both Baby and Daddy must comply with them at all times. Rules may be added to or changed, but both Baby and Daddy must agree to this before it goes into effect.
1. Daddy has the final say on all decisions. Baby may calmly discuss those decisions without arguing, but must abide by the final decision without whining.
2. Baby must always be respectful, honest, and obedient towards Daddy. This includes verbal and non-verbal behavior. Baby must not withhold information or have secrets from Daddy.
3. Baby must be on best behavior at all times. Tantrums, yelling, throwing things, using bad language, etc. are all examples of very bad behavior! Whenever Baby is given anything at all, she must thank the person who does so. Please and thank you are magic words. This is true even if Daddy is not watching. If Baby fails to maintain good behavior when Daddy is away, she must inform Daddy of how she failed.
4. Baby must maintain her good health. She must maintain personal cleanliness, take all required medications, exercise, eat healthy, and have a nap each day, informing Daddy as she does so. This includes drinking plenty of water throughout the day, so Baby's insides stay clean. Daddy should set a good example for Baby and also maintain good health.
5. Daddy will check in with Baby during his lunch time to see how she is, and may also randomly contact Baby throughout the day. Baby must answer within ten minutes of being contacted by Daddy. If Baby will knowingly be out of contact for some time, Baby must inform Daddy of this beforehand. If a response is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances, Baby must explain the reason as soon as possible. Assuming Daddy finds the reason legitimate and reasonable, Baby will incur no punishment.
6. Baby must stay diapered at all times. If Daddy is physically available, he will handle all changes personally, and Baby may not remove her own diaper at all. If Daddy is not physically available, and Baby needs a change, she must contact Daddy and ask for permission. Daddy will decide if it is warranted. If Daddy does not respond within fifteen minutes, Baby is assumed to have permission to change herself (this is only five minutes if Baby’s diaper is messy). Daddy may make random diaper checks at any time- Baby must answer within ten minutes as previously described. Daddy may request photographic proof at any time.
7. Baby must use her pacifier at least one hour each day, and sleep with it each night. Thumbsucking is an acceptable substitute. Daddy may extend the amount of time at will.
8. Baby must adhere to a bedtime, and may not get out of bed until morning. She should take a bottle of water to bed with her in case she becomes thirsty during the night.
9. Baby must text or call when first waking up and when going to sleep. Texts must include a picture of Baby in her diapers, to ensure she is protected and did not take them off during the night. Baby may request a later bedtime on special occasions, but Daddy will decide if the occasion and Baby’s behavior warrants it.
10: While Baby is at home, she may be required to wear baby clothes, or keep her diaper uncovered. If told to do so, she must change out of her grown-up clothes as soon as she arrives home. If told to wear a particular outfit by Daddy, Baby must do so, and may not adjust it in any way without permission.
11. Baby must ask Daddy for permission to go out and play (if going out with friends).
12: Baby’s education is more important than television. Baby must read a book or perform an art/craft/play music for an hour each weekday. Baby must also draw or color at least one picture a week for Daddy.
13. Daddy may restrict Baby’s TV, internet, and phone access at will.
14. Daddy may require Baby to include baby food or a bottle with her meal.
15. Baby should consult with Daddy before major decisions or major purchases are made.
16. Baby should inform Daddy when she is sad, stressed, has concerns or fears.
17. Daddy may request photographic or video evidence that Baby is complying with all rules at any time.
18. If Baby needs adult time due to sickness, work/school requirements, unaware family obligations, she must inform Daddy as soon as possible. Daddy should be flexible on agreeing to this should the reason be valid, as long as Baby is not abusing this privilege.
19. If rules are broken, Baby must complete all punishments Daddy sets for her without argument. Daddy makes the final decision on if a rule was broken. Continually breaking rules will make punishments more severe. Punishments must be completed as soon as possible, and Baby must inform Daddy when they start and complete a punishment.
As for punishments, this is what I use. Again, exactly what among it gets used depends on the person, their tolerances, and limits.
3. Spanking with hand, paddle, brush, or wooden spoon
7. Remove of all toilet privileges/requiring diapers be worn beyond what is usual
8. No talking except babytalk allowed during punishment time
9. Only babyfood for a meal/Loss of dessert
10. Loss of TV/Internet/phone privilege
12. Only crawling allowed/may not use the furniture.
13. Must carry a plushie everywhere, even out of the house
14. A childish outfit, even outside the house
15. Requiring Baby to make frequent, scheduled contact
16. More random checks from daddy that must be answered immediately
As a baby, most of the rules and punishments I have listed are ones that I've actually experienced at various times. My favorite rule when not together is the random diaper checks throughout the day requiring photographic proof. Since you don't know when that check will come, you have to stay diapered since you don't want to be caught without. I also liked having to request a change whenever it was needed. That way, Mummy/Daddy could keeping track of my use to see if I'm really using them. And between the two rules, any temptation you might have to go without can't be acted upon- you'll get caught, and it'll be sooner than later. For other rules, I tend to be very compliant with whatever rules Mummy/Daddy desires. they're in charge, so get to set the rules. My only preference is that I prefer not to include sexual activity in my baby play. I'm perfectly fine including it if I'm the Daddy if that's what Baby would like included in play, but I prefer to avoid it if I'm the baby.
For punishments as a baby, I tend to prefer tasks you would use with an actual child, like corner time, spanking, etc. Humiliation is okay, but I don't like public humiliation. I'm fine going out while diapered, but not if it is showing. To me, this isn't an activity that we need to share with people outside of the lifestyle since it's rife for misunderstanding.
Again, great question. How about you?
Edit: formatting is a little weird since I'm cut & pasting from my computer.
Some of the "Rules" are great, others are okay. It really depends who your Mummy/Daddy is?
Some AB's like light ageplay, while others enjoy dark ageplay.
The same goes for the Mummy or Daddy in question.
To the people who already have a real life lover who indulges in this lifestyle with you: you're bloody lucky to have him/her.
The ABDL kink can be very lonely for many AB's. 
It's all about love, being loved, being babied and having kinky sex.
Why can't vanilla people accept this of us, the world would be a nicer place...and marriages would last longer.
Jodie, absolutely it depends on who your partner is, their comfort level and tolerances. That's why I started off saying that they all depend on the person and the situation, so both individuals are respected and comfortable. But the OP asked for our personal experiences and likes, and since I prefer stricter as opposed to more laissez-faire (whether I'm in the Daddy or Baby role), they tend to be on the strict side. It's always easier to dial back than it is to tighten up, right? 
LittleTease: How much do you charge for an answer to that  ?
Dunno about anyone else, but I don't charge or pay anything for answers, and like the conversation. So, personally, I'm also interested in hearing rules anyone else has given or been given! Maybe some can be integrated, or we might pick up good tips from others.
I don't rely on other people's "Tips & Advice".
I'm highly creative minded, more so in the bedroom department. 
Other lovers might need advice on that front, but I certainly do not.
That's great for you, Jodie. And nobody is saying you have to take any tips or advice. But consider that maybe not everyone is as creative as you feel, and likewise not everyone has had years in the lifestyle to have definitive ideas. We all had to start at some point, right? So, there's no harm in having a discussion on it. Moreover, the OP started the thread asking, so it suggests their is a contingent of people who are interested in the topic. I certainly am not too proud or self assured to think I can't learn something from others. (I'm not saying you are, BTW- that's a self-reflection on me, not you.)
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