Abby And Brittany Hensel Sex

Abby And Brittany Hensel Sex


Abby And Brittany Hensel Sex
The conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker with two of their children (Bettman / Getty).
Why does the topic “defy imagination”?
One thing we know for sure about the sexuality of conjoined twins: People who aren’t conjoined are fascinated by it. At least it seems that way, judging by the number of reporters calling me to ask about the sex lives of conjoined twins since the TLC reality show Abby and Brittany went on the air several weeks ago. As I’ve told callers, although there are no real studies of the sex lives of conjoined twins, we can safely assume that conjoined twins want—and occasionally feel conflicted about wanting—sex, as we all do.
But not as conflicted as we singletons seem to feel about them having sex. Typically, people who are close to conjoined twins come to adjust and see them as different but normal; they seem fairly untroubled by the idea of conjoined twins pursuing sex and romance. But those who are watching from afar cannot abide.
The best example of this would probably be the story of Chang and Eng Bunker, the “Siamese Twins,” so called because they were from Siam (now Thailand). Chang and Eng were joined by just a bit of liver and some skin. One April day in 1843, Chang married Adelaide Yates, while brother Eng married sister Sallie Yates. Based on the fact that Chang and Adelaide had 10 children, and Eng and Sallie, 12, it’s fair to say the brothers had sex.
At the autopsy of the Bunker twins, one of the anatomists opined that their active sex lives had “shocked the moral sense of the community”—even though the truth is that the Bunkers’ neighbors appeared to have just accepted the situation. A little-known fact is that the Bunker wives’ father had originally objected to his daughters marrying the twins not because they were conjoined, but because they were Asian. (This was, after all, the antebellum American South.)
Yet in the 19th century, when doctors discussed whether the twins Millie and Christina McCoy could marry, one spoke for many: “Physically there are no serious objections ... but morally there was a most decided one.” When, in the 1930s, Violet Hilton sought to get a marriage license while conjoined to her sister Daisy, she was repeatedly refused.
The same discomfort generally carries through to our own time. When the filmmaker Ellen Weissbrod set out to do an A&E program about Lori and Reba Schappell, who are conjoined at the face, Weissbrod showed raw footage of the twins to New Yorkers on the street, without explanation, to gauge their reactions. Upon figuring out what she was looking at, one woman said only, “I mean ... sex ...”
Sex is often mentioned by commentators on conjoinment as one of the beautiful things supposedly made instantaneously horrible by being conjoined. I’m afraid I just laughed when, in writing a book on conjoined twins, I came across this 1984 line by a nurse writing in a medical journal: “Two people never being able to obtain privacy to bathe, excrete, copulate, or eat defies imagination.”
Surgeons sometimes openly allude to sexuality as a motivator for separation surgery. In 2002, as soon as he had made the cut separating two little girls joined at the head, the neurosurgeon involved paused to announce to the assembled medical team, “We now have two weddings to go to.” Indeed, when I talked to contemporary surgeons about how they decide whether to undertake the substantial risks some separations involve, I found that surgeons had two fears, sort of conjoined: one, that twins would grow up conjoined and thus never have sex; two, that twins would grow up conjoined and actually have sex.
Believe it or not, surgeons have done this: Separated toddler twin boys and made one a girl because there was only one penis to go around. (These children were essentially two people on top and one on the bottom.) In fact, this has been done in two cases. In one case, the “girl” is said to have reverted to being a boy, and in the other, the child left as male died, leaving the parents who had come to the hospital with two sons to go home with one daughter. Yes, this was considered better than leaving the children alone.
So I suppose I should get to what the people really want to know: What do conjoined twins feel when they have sex? If one is sexually stimulated, does the other feel it? If one has an orgasm, does the other enjoy the same, however unwittingly?
The short answer is that we don’t know. Conjoined twins, like the rest of us, tend not to talk in great depth publicly about their most-intimate moments. Based on what we know about the significant variability of one conjoined twin’s feeling a body part (e.g., an arm) that putatively “belongs” to the other twin, it’s hard to guess how any conjoinment will turn out in practice. Nerves, muscles, hormones, and psychology all probably factor into who feels what. If twins share one set of genitals, they’re both going to feel any touching down there. Whether or not both are "having sex" with the third person in the equation depends on how you think about “having sex.”
One reporter calling about the TLC reality show asked me, “If Abby Hensel is kissed, will her sister Brittany feel it?” The biology geek in me wants to answer that the happy hormones that come from a good kiss probably work their way to both brains. But the student of human nature in me says that when your sister gets kissed and you don’t, it’s quite possible that the unhappy hormones end up standing at the gate.
From my studies, I would postulate that conjoined twins probably end up having less sex than average people, and that is not only because sex partners are harder to find when you’re conjoined. Conjoined twins simply may not need sex-romance partners as much as the rest of us do. Throughout time and space, they have described their condition as something like being attached to a soul mate. They may just not desperately need a third, just as most of us with a second to whom we are very attached don’t need a third—even when the sex gets old.
But when a conjoined twin has sex with a third person, is the sex—by virtue of the conjoinment—incestuous? Homosexual? Group sex? Well, it definitely is sex . You can tell because everyone wants to talk about it.

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With each other, or other people? DNRTFA
Yeah, just what anyone wants: an argument with their sister over whether or not to masturbate.
I think we've finally stumbled upon a subject that even my insatiable curiosity has absolutely no desire to find out about
If the twins have 2 heads but share genitals, does that count as a threesone if we have sex? Or do they need to have both 2 heads AND 2 pair of functional genitalia?
In the case of 25-year old Abigail "Abby" Hensel and Brittany Hensel, each twin fully controls her half of the body - one leg and one arm on either side. What would have happened if the girl on the left ended up right-handed?
I would choose to be a complete assh*le to my conjoined Devolving_Spud.  $100 pre-sex, or I will be providing running commentary while he bones his companion. With camera in hand, speaking in my best Richard Attenborough voice: " And here we see a male conjoined twin attempting sexual mating with a female. She seems receptive, but is playing coy. He uses stupid pickup lines and tries to make eye contact, but his second head (Me, not that head) is winking and making disgusting facial gestures..."
I find how the Hensel sisters can type normally absolutely fascinating.
but does it still count as a threesome?
And absolutely no reference to masturbation. That's the real question here. Is it creepy like jerking off you sibling? Or should we consider it like giving yourself a stranger? This is shiat we need to know people.
Gives a whole new meaning to not letting the little head do the thinking for the big head.
I assume it's the same way. Just more crowded and less private.
 Let's break this down logistically. For male conjoined, double penetration seems like a no-brainer, if everyone is willing. For female conjoined, I'd imagine there is gonna need to be a few dildos and vibrators as that is potentially six holes and only one cock.
Chang and Eng Bunker had 21 kids between them, so they find a way. Just like they have for everything else.
I always wondered what would happen if only one conjoined twin committed a crime. Is the other an accomplice? Do they both go to jail?
They would be able to stay out of jail by each claiming the other did it. As long as there is no video evidence, it would be impossible to remove reasonable doubt.
"Conjoined twins simply may not need sex-romance partners as much as the rest of us do. Throughout time and space, they have described their condition as something like being attached to a soul mate. They may just not desperately need a third, just as most of us with a second to whom we are very attached don't need a third - even when the sex gets old ." I wonder if they wrote this with a straight face?
I don't remember their names and can't search at work but there are pictures of conjoined twins giving a bj to some guy from ten years or so ago. Hard to unseen.
In all seriousness, I would assume that by the time you became sexually active you'd be comfortable with sharing all manner of intimate moments with your twin. You would, however, need a very open-minded partner.
If you are having a bad day think about this. You are a conjoined twin, he is gay, you are not. He has a hot date coming over later and you share the same butt.
Hensel twins that were posted above are the ones I'm thinking of.
It makes me a terrible person to see those girls and think about knocking their heads together three stooges style.
I know that A/B share a set of lungs. So I've always wondered if A was bobbing on your party tackle would the air displacement be such that if B had a kazoo in her mouth and you got the right rhythm and cadence going with your hip action you could play out a jaunty tune? Like say Camptown Races? This is assuming that they're both pinching their noses shut.
I remember a documentary, it was over 20 years ago though, with conjoined sisters who each had different tastes in music. One actually enjoyed performing country. The salient point is each sister had adapted an ability to essentially turn-off. So when "little bit country" sister was singing "a little bit rock and roll" would cover her head, turn away, and just drift away mentally.
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Devolving_Spud : I would choose to be a complete assh*le to my conjoined Devolving_Spud.  $100 pre-sex, or I will be providing running commentary while he bones his companion. With camera in hand, speaking in my best Richard Attenborough voice: "And here we see a male conjoined twin attempting sexual mating with a female. She seems receptive, but is playing coy. He uses stupid pickup lines and tries to make eye contact, but his second head (Me, not that head) is winking and making disgusting facial gestures..."
vernonFL : If the twins have 2 heads but share genitals, does that count as a threesone if we have sex? Or do they need to have both 2 heads AND 2 pair of functional genitalia?
Nurglitch : I find how the Hensel sisters can type normally absolutely fascinating.
MaudlinMutantMollusk : I think we've finally stumbled upon a subject that even my insatiable curiosity has absolutely no desire to find out about
cryinoutloud : MaudlinMutantMollusk: I think we've finally stumbled upon a subject that even my insatiable curiosity has absolutely no desire to find out about yeah, uh, why would I want to know? Anymore than I have a burning desire to know if you're GAY or not, like seems to obsess a lot of Farkers. and leave those poor women alone. They're just trying to live their lives as normally as possible, when they probably can't even leave the house without being followed by someone taking pictures. I stopped watching "Abby & Brittany" after a few episodes when it became clear that anything having to do with sex wasn't going to be addressed and that the most titillating bits I would see would involve Abby and Brittany riding Segways and eating pizza. Because it's none of your farking business, Frisky writer. Speaking of heads, I'd blow my head off if I had to write for some publication named "the Frisky." Just saying.
Cymbal : Let's break this down logistically. For male conjoined, double penetration seems like a no-brainer, if everyone is willing. For female conjoined, I'd imagine there is gonna need to be a few dildos and vibrators as that is potentially six holes and only one cock.
vernonFL : If the twins have 2 heads but share genitals, does that count as a threesone if we have sex? Or do they need to have both 2 heads AND 2 pair of functional genitalia?
Igor Jakovsky : I always wondered what would happen if only one conjoined twin committed a crime. Is the other an accomplice? Do they both go to jail?
WhiskeySticks : "Conjoined twins simply may not need sex-romance partners as much as the rest of us do. Throughout time and space, they have described their condition as something like being attached to a soul mate. They may just not desperately need a third, just as most of us with a second to whom we are very attached don't need a third - even when the sex gets old." I wonder if they wrote this with a straight face?
farkingbubbler : [ image 300x336] ...for women joined at the tits?
SillBinger : I don't remember their names and can't search at work but there are pictures of conjoined twins giving a bj to some guy from ten years or so ago. Hard to unseen.
Cymbal : SillBinger: I don't remember their names and can't search at work but there are pictures of conjoined twins giving a bj to some guy from ten years or so ago. Hard to unseen. You sure it's not a shoop?
SirDigbyChickenCaesar : If you are having a bad day think about this. You are a conjoined twin, he is gay, you are not. He has a hot date coming over later and you share the same butt.
SirDigbyChickenCaesar : If you are having a bad day think about this. You are a conjoined twin, he is gay, you are not. He has a hot date coming over later and you share the same butt.
SillBinger : Cymbal: SillBinger: I don't remember their names and can't search at work but there are pictures of conjoined twins giving a bj to some guy from ten years or so ago. Hard to unseen. You sure it's not a shoop? I don't remember thinking they were fake when I seen them before but won't look at work to confirm.
SillBinger : It makes me a terrible person to see those girls and think about knocking their heads together three stooges style.
SillBinger : Cymbal: SillBinger: I don't remember their names and can't search at work but there are pictures of conjoined twins giving a bj to some guy from ten years or so ago. Hard to unseen. You sure it's not a shoop? I don't remember thinking they were fake when I seen them before but won't look at work to confirm.
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Abby and Brittany, 25, have been called one of the sexiest Siamese twins. They are dicephalic parapagus twins, meaning that they are conjoined twins who each have a separate head, but share one body…and what a body! Right? They have several separate vital organs: a separate heart, stomach, spine and spinal cord. But they share their arms, chest, ribcage and legs. They also have a reality show on TLC called Abby & Brittany. They both went to college and have B.A. degrees and are considered one of the most successful conjoined twins in the world. See photo below...
Three heads,4 brezz,4hands,4legs
kai,God is great
This is incredible. How do they mate and how many pusssy so they have. I really wanna know. The whites never give up on their own. Despite their limitation, they still went to school and her earning good money. Jehovah be praised
Khd95 : Three heads,4 brezz,4hands,4legs
kai,God is great
bro you get eye so?
Check that pix again
Christ!!.. Marrying them doe....wont it be polygamy ?....They have to marry real freaks inorder to enjoy SEX... God jst 2 much
Khd95 : Three heads,4 brezz,4hands,4legs kai,God is great Where did you see three heads Hope your glasses have not expired
Wow!! they look wonderful and scary. God is great!!!!
Khd95 : Three heads,4 brezz,4hands,4legs kai,God is great oga u need goggles ni
pretydiva : oga u need goggles ni all togeda how many heads do u see,ensure u understand posts b4 u quote them ok i counted d girl with them togeda
Who enjoys d sex since they have separate spinal cord and brains?
they cant look at each others face.
imagine if they fight.
In Nigeria, they will never secure admission to study
Aaaah!!! ....Opin aiye ti wa de bayi orisirisi
Khd95 : Three heads,4 brezz,4hands,4legs kai,God is great You funny sha!!!
how are their legs and hands controlled?
How many toto dem get? Headquarter And Branch
Abeg make i no lie, if i see this kind twin for real life, i go pick race.
Things you should know about the Conjoined twins;- 1. Abby controls the right side of the body while Brittany controls the left. Their anatomy is, obviously, quite complicated. They have two hearts with one shared circulatory system, four lungs, two stomachs, etc, but they share most organs below the navel. While they were born with three arms, one was removed surgically, so each controls one. 2. They’re incredibly in sync. Though the twins have separate brains and claim that they can’t read each others’ mind, their twintuition is extraordinary. The girls can speed-type emails without speaking to each other – even though they each only controls one hand. They even play the piano. 3. They have different drivers’ licenses. The girls had to take separate driving tests to get separate licenses even though they both have to work together to operate the car! 4. They’ve never considered being separated. Once, when Brittany was sick as a very young child, Abby got bored with being stuck in bed and she complained that she wanted to split — but that was the only time it’s ever come up. Their parents, Patty and Mike, didn’t want them confined to wheelchairs or to experience the major health concerns that would come with separating their bodies. 5. Though they don’t discuss their dating lives, both girls hope to get married one day, and because their shared reproductive organs are healthy, there is no medical reason why they wouldn’t be able to have a successful pregnancy.
fF01 : Things you should know about the Conjoined
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