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It was developed by Pfizer in as an analgesic medication. There have been a number of reported cases of deaths and hospitalizations in relation to this synthetic cannabinoid. It is a Schedule, it is a controlled substance in China as of October It is a controlled substance in France as of March After closure caused by fire, it reopened in April and acquired a roof in By it had heating. In the building was taken over by the city authorities. Bombing during the Second World War damaged the building once again, other problems closed it for three years in ISBN Teatro official website. Kuskin was known for her alliterative style, she sometimes wrote under the pseudonym Nicholas J. A in graphic design in from Yale. Before working as a full-time author, she worked as an assistant to a fashion photographer, a design assistant, in advertising, her first book and More, came out of her senior graphic arts project at Yale to design and print a book on a small press. Her autobiography, Thoughts and Words, with photographs by her son Nicholas, was published in She lived and worked in Brooklyn for most of her life, moving to Bainbridge Island, Washington settling in Seattle at the end of her life. In August , Kuskin died of corticobasal degeneration in Seattle, at age 77, she was married to Charles M. Kuskin, from —, in married William L. Bell, Jr. Kuskin both illustrated nearly half of the books credited to her. East Berkshire UK Parliament constituency. East Berkshire was a county constituency in the county of Berkshire. It returned one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom , elected by the first past the post voting system; the constituency was created for the general election , abolished for the general election. The constituency was formed from the District of Bracknell, part of the County Constituency of Wokingham , it included the parts of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead which had comprised the Rural District of Windsor and the parishes in the former Rural District of Eton in Buckinghamshire , transferred to Berkshire by the Local Government Act Its main settlement was Bracknell, it included Ascot , Sunninghill, Crowthorne and Old Windsor; the seat was abolished for the general election when the majority of the constituency was absorbed into the new County Constituency of Bracknell. Eastern areas comprising the parts of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and including Ascot transferred to the re-established County Constituency of Windsor. List of Parliamentary constituencies in Berkshire. Her class of ships were built in early s to replace Cape-class cutters; the ship is named for Anacapa Island. She was launched in The Anacapa, the rest of her class, are being replaced by Sentinel class cutters. Anacapa has an overall length of feet, it had a draft of 7 feet at the time of construction. The patrol boat has a displacement of tonnes at full tonnes at half load, it is powered by two Paxman Valenta 16 CM diesel engines. It has two 99 kilowatts T diesel generators made by Caterpillar , its hull is constructed from steel, the superstructure and major deck are constructed from aluminum. The Island-class patrol boats have maximum sustained speeds of It is fitted with two Browning. It is fitted with satellite navigation systems, collision avoidance systems, surface radar, a Loran C system, it has an endurance of five days. Its complement is eighteen. Island-class patrol boats are based on Vosper Thornycroft 33 metres patrol boats and have similar dimensions; the Anacapa was homeported in Petersburg, Alaska , in On May 31, , Lieutenant Matthias Wholley was relieved of command of the Anacapa six weeks ahead of schedule; when he was first relieved Coast Guard spokesman said it was due to a loss of confidence on the part of his superiors. On June 30, , the Coast Guard announced an investigation had confirmed Wholley had been intoxicated while on duty; as a result of the investigation, Wholley received a letter of reprimand, day restriction, forfeiture of half months pay for two months. Lieutenant Rachel Kent took over command of the Anacapa on June 15, Benedetto Accolti the Younger. Benedetto Accolti the younger was an Italian cardinal. Benedetto Accolti started his ecclesiastical career in the Roman Curia , following the steps of his uncle, he was promoted bishop of Cadiz on 24 July , before reaching canonical age of 27, so he was named administrator after his uncle. On 17 August he was promoted to the metropolitan see of Ravenna after his uncle, he was named administrator of Diocese of Bovino and of the Diocese of Policastro until His uncle, the Cardinal of Ancona , had performed this role since the regency of the Duke of Albany. The next year he paid a large sum of money and was restored to the cardinalate under some conditions, he wrote some works including poetry. At the request of the Pope, he wrote a treatise to assert the right of the pope to the Kingdom of Naples , he died in Florence on 21 September in Florence and was buried in the church of S. Lorenzo, Florence. Miranda, Salvador. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University. WikiVisually Top Lists. Trending Stories.

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Доклад Международного комитета по контролю над наркотиками за г. Регион Америка. Полная версия доклада. Баринская Т. Антиалкогольный закон для водителей и анализ крови. Ключевые слова: закон, предельно допустимая концентрация алкоголя, газовая хроматография, погрешности. Савчук С. Для анализа использовали навески волос по мг, полученные от одного образца. Образцы были отобраны от трупов и живых лиц. Как показал предварительный анализ, они содержали р-метоксиметамфетамин. Полученные гидролизаты волос подвергали твердофазной очистке. Были выбраны условия рН, при которых ферменты наиболее активны. Информационное письмо. Нестеренко А. Преморбидные и социальные аспекты. Комплексно обследованы пациентов, страдающих органическим психическим расстройством. Группа сопоставления отличалась достоверно меньшей долей безработных и количеством лиц, имеющих незаконченное начальное и среднее образование на момент исследования. Ключевые слова: органическое психическое расстройство, зависимость от каннабиноидов, коморбидность, преморбидные аспекты, социальные аспекты. Сахаров А. Течение корсаковского психоза в зависимости от варианта предшествующего синдрома отмены алкоголя. При этом данный вариант характеризуется значительно лучшим прогнозом после длительной медикаментозной терапии ввиду, вероятно, менее грубого поражения ЦНС. Ключевые слова: алкоголизм, амнестический синдром, корсаковский психоз. Немцов А. Больные не различались по темпам развития алкоголизма, но ПА протекал мягче. Все больные самостоятельно заполняли опросник Мюнхенского личностного теста. Сделано предположение, что выбор доминирующего напитка определяется не личностными особенностями больных, а внешними обстоятельствами. Ключевые слова: алкоголизм, водка, пиво, личностные особенности. Тетенова Е. Синдром отмены синтетических каннабиноидов. Синтетические каннабиноиды СК — наиболее распространённые наркотики. Цель настоящего исследования — изучение синдрома отмены СК. Материал и методы исследования. Пациенты для исследования привлекались посредством специализированного сайта www. Предварительные представления о структуре и динамике синдрома отмены были сделаны на основании изучения информационных запросов интернет-пользователей, потребляющих СК. Для верификации факта длительной наркотизации и уточнения психоактивного вещества проводилось химико-токсикологическое исследование волос и мочи. Городнова М. Исследована распространённость синдрома эмоционального выгорания СЭВ среди специалистов наркологического стационара, выявлена их степень удовлетворённости работой и оценка эффективности оказываемой наркологической помощи в отделении. Удовлетворённость работой и выраженность эмоционального истощения и деперсонализации имеют обратную взаимосвязь. Ключевые слова: наркологический стационар, синдром эмоционального выгорания, специалисты наркологических отделений, удовлетворённость работой, оценка эффективности наркологической помощи. Белоколодов В. Эффективность лечения наркотической зависимости во многом определяется мотивацией больного на выздоровление. Ключевые слова: мотивация на лечение, наркозависимость, комплаенс, конкорданс, психотерапия зависимостей. Головко А. Рассмотрена группа аллостерических модуляторов каннабиноидных рецепторов первого подтипа, способных модифицировать связывание ортостерических лигандов и изменять эффективность эндоканнабиноидной нейропередачи. Ключевые слова: аллостерические модуляторы, каннабиноидные рецепторы, ограничение оборота. Менделевич В. Синдром зависимости: терапия, основанная на доказательствах. Обзор посвящён изучению методов лечения синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления психоактивных веществ ПАВ. Ключевые слова: синдром зависимости, аддикции, терапия наркологических расстройств. Вход Регистрация.

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