Aaron Ehentai

Aaron Ehentai


Aaron Ehentai
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ABDL and Omorashi and ar and mental ar
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Anime TG+TF+Anthro Captions and PDFs
Boob+Butt Expansion+Inflation+Pregnancy TGs
CatGirls + Kitsunes + Wolf girls + Dog girls
Cute TG+TF+Anthro Stories and Captions
Snow continued to fall as a young man trudged through the fluffiness on his way to the giant tree decorated in lights in the middle of the outdoor mall. His hands were still shaking in his blue jacket pockets from the cold, his left hand holding a small ring.
A few weeks prior, he had come home early to surprise the love of his life only to find her in bed with another man. Up to this point had been a whirlwind, including trying to find a new place to live.
The young man had come out from the engagement ring store for the umpteenth time, trying to return it with no luck. Defeated, he just wanted to be rid of the damn thing.
A local tradition
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BANG “Oh Roger~ We are back from our shopping trip~” Elaine sang as she kicked the door to the mansion open, making Alexandra flinch backwards a little bit. If she could stumble, she would have, but as Alexandra has recently become a lamia, that was something that she was no longer capable of. She was still shocked at Elaine's entrance though. “My my… Couldn’t you have opened the door a bit… gentler?” Alexandria sarcastically questioned, as the two of them entered the massive mansion of her former friend. The entrance was large and quite spacious. There were a few sofas and small tables here and there, but the centerpiece of this place was the large fountain just before the stairs. Alexandria slithered over to the fountain, taking it its beauty- and staring at the various coins that laid at the bottom. She reached for her neck and grabbed the cursed gorgon's eye amulet she was still wearing. “So what exactly is the plan?” The lamia turned to her friend, spinning the amulet a bit
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Tim rode his dirt bike through the woods. He loved to go biking through the woods, especially in autumn. Tim stopped his bike grab a drink of water from his water bottle. He chugged it down and wiped his mouth. Tim continued on riding when he noticed something in the sky. It appeared to be a shooting star, but it was late in the afternoon, there was no way something like that could be visible during the daytime. Tim watched as the object soared over the tree lines and crashed in the woods. Tim wasn’t too far away from where it landed. He had a bad feeling, but his curiosity got the better of him. Tim rode h
Wings of Our Mother By NineTailWyndfox Requested by Anonymous “We are blessed with gifts our Mother has entrusted us with. Everyday, our world has grown ever richer and more alive. In exchange for our servitude, we have received our Mother’s bounty and thrived from her gifts. However, our Mother senses a disturbance in a nearby realm of similar origins. I fear that there are beings who are suffering for reasons even I am not aware of.” “That sounds troubling, sister. There must be something we can do to help.” “That is why I have called you here. I have already assigned some of the most capable of our Sisters to specific locations. For you, I am entrusting you with a specific location in the world known as Earth. You will go there and work your magic not only to heal its wounds, but also recruit more Sisters to our Mother’s embrace. Will you accept?” “My life belongs to our Mother. Anything to make our Mother happy, I will do it.” “Then take these.” The first figure hands the
Aaron was a 14 years old kid. His parents were just moved from America to Japan last year, when he began the new year in his new school. He had many problems, as almost all students in the school were Japanese, he had only a few friends and sometimes was bullied.

Now it was spring and the second semester of the year started. He was walking down along the river as the gentle spring breeze blew cherry blossom petals. This, however, did not changed his bad mood.
"I wish my life were a bit different." he murmured in himself.
"C'mon Aaron, don't be so sour in such a bright day like today's." a cheerful voice said behind him. It was his best frien
“Fuck, what a day…” I had just walked through the side door after doing landscaping in a friend of my parents’ backyard. I had started the landscaping for a drainage creek around 7 AM and when I left at 4 PM, the work still wasn’t finished. I was going to have to come back tomorrow.

I lived in an area full of old people, and many of them had husbands who had passed away, leaving them single. Before you (the reader) get any ideas, no, I (CaptainCaption) was not trying to sleep with any of these widows aged 50 and above. I liked somewhat older women, but that age group was more than a little too far away from my o

Chris was an average, thirteen years old boy. He went to school, had a few friends, but that was all. His life was so incredibly boring. Nothing exiting happened anymore. He got up in the morning, breakfasted, went to school, played with some friends, did his homework, ate dinner and went to bed again. He felt as if something was missing in his life. ‘Yes, I’m missing real fun.’ He thought sarcastically. ‘I mean, playing with my friends is fun, it’s just… oh I don’t know… It’s just it. Nothing more… Not exiting at all.’ On top of that he couldn’t sleep at night. He toss
  Jay didn't like to think of himself as a bad guy or the 'tough silent type'; he was a normal person, albeit being rather shy. He was friendly, but he was the type of person who didn't speak unless spoken to, which was a good thing in some cases. He'd spent most of his day in his room in front of his computer, playing games and watching whatever there was to watch. Eventually, he grew bored and tired of sitting on his chair. So, what better to take a walk?

  He would have walked around his house, but he didn't want to keep walking in circles and snack on something from his fridge every time he passed the kitchen. He decided he wanted to
"What'cha reading?" Tommy asked his older brother, Jeff, who had his face stuck into a book.

"'The Metamorphosis'." Jeff didn't bother stopping. He lowered his book and began writing on a worksheet that he had next to him.

"What's it about?"

Jeff let out a small sigh of annoyance, knowing his little brother won't leave him until he's satisfied with answers, "This guy, Gregor Samsa, wakes up as a bug and... he just lives his life as a giant bug."

"That's so cool!" Tommy exclaimed.

He began a small journey to his room before he was stopped by his mom, "Hello, deary."

"Hi, mom!"

"What are you doing?"

"Going to go to sleep."

She looked c
Jason.exe has crashed unexpectedly. Error Code B00Bs.

“Boobs.” Thought Jason as he sat bored in his computer programing course. Today had been exceptionally grueling. The professor must have equipped a tie with a +10 buff to his boring stat, and file “giveashit.dll” could not be found. Fortunately several hot college babes had spawned in today, giving Jason a good distraction to pass the time with. Though, as one might expect from a computer programer in training, he didn’t possess the courage to do anything more than sneak glances. It was okay however, he had found an acceptable alternative to human comp
Princess of eternal candy

“So, you've got the stuff?” Mandy asked the moment she sat down next to Will on the bus.

“Sure, I-” He began and wanted to unpack his bag.

Instantly Mandy grabbed his arm to stop him from continuing. “Not here!” She hissed, causing the boy to sigh.

“Mandy, it’s just candy! What's your problem? It's not like I'm trying to sell you illegal drugs or so.”

Mandy stared at him with an expression of utter disbelief. “Just candy? How can you even say that, Will? You know that's not true. It's more than just candy. It's the sole reason to live on this godforsake
I lay on my couch. I usually spent my afternoons watching tv. Being sixteen during summer vacation was fun except for my little brother. He had to always change the channel or annoy me. As I heard the soft patter of his feet I groaned. "Sam, I found this odd game in the attic, do you want to play it?" He asked. "What were you doing up there?" I snapped, "mom says that no one should go up there." "Look at me, I'm still alive, now play with my," he said. "No," I grunted. "I'll keep repeating it till you scream," he taunted. "Ok, I'll play your stupid game as long as you don't annoy me for the rest of the day," I mumbled. "Deal, so it
I tried to wipe all the toilet water off my face with a paper towel. It was the third swirly today. I stumbled out of the boys restroom. Thank god the day was over. Just grab my backpack and leave. That's all I had to do. I skirted along the edge of the hallway. The less attention the better. I opened my locker with a sigh. I grabbed my backpack and my books. Just as I was about to close the locker I noticed a folded note at the back. It was only a little larger than a sticky note. I pulled it out, carefully reading the pink cursive. Beatrix, the third cutest girl in my grade. She was asking to meet on the roof after school. I

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Ann Takamaki (born November 12, 1999), also known as Panther , is a member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts .

Ann is a quarter-American Japanese woman with turquoise eyes and platinum blonde hair tied in pigtails. She wears a black blazer over a varsity-like white sweatshirt, a blue and red plaid skirt, red leggings, and brown boots.

As Panther, Ann wears a red panther mask, a red jumpsuit with a tail-like whip attached to it, crimson leg-length boots, and pink gloves.

Ann is very kind and compassionate. Since joining the Phantom Thieves, Ann is more lively and energetic.

Ann went upstairs with Ryuji and Morgana when Ren was facetiming Pigboy . Ren asked Ann to call Yusuke , Makoto , Futaba , and Haru up to his room. She met the Pigboy Gang while they facetimed the Phantom Thieves.

Ann came with the other Phantom Thieves to Pigmania for Teddy and Paige's wedding, and at the reception, during the slow dance, she danced with Ryuji.

Ann came with the Phantom Thieves to Hoth to watch Yusuke participate in the tauntaun race. At the award ceremony, she and Ryuji were talking to the other members of the Pigboy Gang.

Ann was watching Pigboy and Kazuya's wrestling match on her laptop in the attic with Ryuji, Morgana, and Futaba, and she told Ryuji to go get Ren, who was eating lunch.

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