

Azultec was established in light of the fact that the group recognized an interest for a natural friendlier and vitality productive answer for cryptographic money mining as they need to offer an increasingly economical arrangement. Azultec Cube is the most recent ecologically well disposed and profoundly productive answer for getting digital currencies. By utilizing one of the Cubes, you can produce digital currencies by joining the distributed computing system, by being a piece of the decentralized distributed storage arrangement and through mining. For every one of the shapes, you have the choice to utilize sustainable power source and recoup up to 72% of the warmth delivered. 

The azultec Cube, a mining gadget which encourages something other than vitality effective mining: it is the most productive cryptographic money mining arrangement. Because of its flexibility, the azultec Cube offers numerous extra applications in different fields, for example, decentralized distributed storage, rendering, vitality stockpiling and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 

The azultec Wizardmachine is a product offering concentrating on rendering. Like the Cube yet particular on rendering the Wizardmachine will create pay for the proprietors and empower them to utilize the registering capacity to render claim ventures from their own one of a kind home! 


Resolve vitality issues when mining 

Decentralize mining movement 

Decentralize the power supply 

Bolster digitalization 

Develop vitality recuperation 

Increment vitality effectiveness 

Increment information security 

Increment information accessibility 

Looming Challenges 

At present, mining requires costly gear and a lot of vitality. Venture costs for a lot of vitality, hardware costs, and ecological effects of vitality use are imperative. The world is presently an Earth-wide temperature boost. In the event that this an Earth-wide temperature boost neglects to stop, many plant species will vanish and numerous species won't endure. 

Arrangement Offered 

Azultec Cube, a mining gadget that encourages something beyond vitality effective mining: it is the most proficient cryptographic money mining arrangement. On account of its adaptability, Azultec Cube offers numerous extra applications in different fields, for example, decentralized distributed storage, vitality stockpiling, and then some. 

On account of fluid cooling, mining PCs work all the more effectively, and the Cube requires far less upkeep. The issue of residue with air-cooled mining PCs is never again significant and heat age is decreased overall, Cube works all the more effectively and offers an any longer working period than tantamount air-cooled mining PCs. With its measured plan, the Cube is extremely simple to keep up. 

Though with conventional mining PCs, a great deal of vitality is squandered as warmth. With the Azultec Cube, up to 72% of this vitality can be reused gratitude to recuperation. The 3D square can be associated with a home warming framework, making it conceivable to exchange warmth to a warmth stockpiling tank or warming circuit. The correct accomplices who can introduce mining PCs in warming frameworks are accessible in Germany. The solid shape not exclusively can be appended to a nearby warming framework, however it is likewise conceivable to interface it to the photovoltaic framework and store the warmth vitality got. 

3D square can do definitely something other than produce digital currency. By outfitting mining PCs with hard drives, each Cube can be a piece of a decentralized distributed storage framework. On account of the elite Cube equipment, it is likewise conceivable to utilize figuring ability to perform errands as opposed to mining cryptographic money, which can be undeniably more gainful than mining. 

The least demanding approach to get cryptographic money 

With Azultec Cube, you can produce cryptographic money by joining our distributed computing system, ending up some portion of our distributed storage arrangement and mining. The best time thing: the 3D shape uses sustainable power source and recuperates the warmth created, which makes the block naturally amicable! 

Bitcoin Missed? Try not to miss azultec ico 

Many beginning coin offers (ICOs) in the past enabled early speculators to procure expansive profits for their ventures. For instance, bitcoin speculators can get up to 1,400% of their underlying venture, Stellar Investors up to 14,400%, NEM financial specialists up to 29,800% and Riak up to 36,000%. 

Restricted offers 

Physical coin 

ICO bundle #1 - $5.000 

Notwithstanding Azul tokens, this bundle incorporates a restricted version physical coin comprising of anodized niobium. 

Prizes: $5.000 in Azul tokens + physical coin 

Accessibility: 500 bundles 

VIP bundle 

ICO bundle #2 - $50.000 

The VIP bundle incorporates a meet-and-welcome with the azultec group at the azultec base camp, including a medium-term remain at a lodging in the region. 

Prizes: $50.000 in Azul tokens + meet-and-welcome at azultec base camp including travel (around the world)/medium-term remain 

Accessibility: 5 bundles 

Special mineworker bundle 

ICO bundle #3 - $100.000 

This bundle incorporates the meet-and-welcome referenced in the VIP bundle, in addition to a unique Cube custom-worked for azultec by a well known modder. 

Prizes: $100.000 in Azul tokens + meet-and-welcome + one of a kind Cube 

Accessibility: 1 bundle 

WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE AZULTEC "Gain digital forms of money, while you rest" 

The azultec Cube is another cutting edge natural cordial and profoundly productive answer for win digital currencies. By utilizing one of our Cubes, you can create cryptographic forms of money by joining our distributed computing system, by being a piece of our decentralized distributed storage arrangement and through mining. For the majority of our 3D shapes you have the alternative to utilize sustainable power source and recover up to 72% of the produced warmth.

Token Sale and ICO Details

Token description: Azul (AZU)

Platform: Ethereum

Token type: ERC20 Token

Token value at launch: USD 0.024

Crowdsale: 60% Azul (AZU)

Azultec GmbH: 40% Azul (AZU)

PreICO Price: 1 AZU = 0.012 USD

Price: 1 AZU = 0.024 USD

Bonus: Available

MVP/Prototype: Available

Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat

Minimum investment: 500 USD

How the tokens are divided

The total demand for the Azul tokens will be calculated after the ICO. The sold tokens together make up 60% of the total tokens. These will be transferred to the ICO participants. Subsequently, 40% of tokens will be calculated and generated for azultec. In this way, we can guarantee a smooth 60:40 distribution.

Token Distribution

65% will be used as reserves, of which 50% will be locked for 6 months, and the remaining 50% locked for 12 months.

10% will be used for business negotiations.

10% will be given to partners.

15% to the founders. These tokens will be locked for 12 months.



Nathanael Draht

Founder & CEO

Nathanael is a born entrepreneur and father of two – as a child he discovered his business acumen and over time he identified a value-oriented corporate management as the best solution. He is able to get the best out of his staff and relies on positive reinforcement and humor.

Dr. Kai Kamphenkel

Founder & CTO

Kai is a happy father. During his computer science studies he focused his research on cryptography and number theory. A subsequent doctorate in natural sciences further deepened these focal points in a scientific and application-related field. For nearly 10 years he has been working as an expert in information security, especially for banks. He is responsible for the technical implementation of Azul.

Lydia Voß

Founder & CDO

Lydia is a sports-minded mathematician with a focus on information systems. As a student, she fell in love with numerical mathematics and robotics. Among other roles, she was a research assistant in information systems and machine learning at the University of Hildesheim, where she acquired an even deeper knowledge of data science. At Aquatuning and Alphacool she is responsible for controlling and mining, focusing on blockchain technology and its potential for the future.

Andreas Rudnicki

Founder & CEO

This 47-year-old father recognized and successfully exploited his entrepreneurial skills shortly after graduation. After starting several online shops, in 2003 he focused on liquid cooling at alphacool and Aquatuning. If he’s not working, he’s doing sports – as a member of the national Para-Cycling Team he has successfully won the 2015 EuroCup and 2017 WorldCup. Andreas will not easily give in to obstacles.

Dr. Matthias Pfadler

Founder & CFO

Matthias owns a tax office, advising medium-sized companies (especially start-ups) on tax matters. This Harley lover only settles for the best solutions for his clients, making him a perfect fit for the azultec team. He is also the author of one of the first books on taxation in the context of mining.

David Philippe

Global Head of Social Media

David is a family man with a varied CV: after a brief stint in chemistry, he realized that communication was more to his liking. He graduated in communication management and has been active in professional communication for almost 10 years. His focus is mainly on digital communications; whether as a freelancer, on the company side, or in agencies, technology communication is in his blood.

Aaron Licht

Founder & CMO

Aaron is a father of two and tried-and-proven entrepreneur. He founded the tech magazine PC Max, then became a PR consultant at be quiet! and eventually founded Digital Natives GmbH, home of technikPR (the most technical PR agency worldwide). He has been active in crypto currency for several years, investing in several smaller and larger ICOs.

Robert Jorzak

Founder & CSO

Robert doesn’t just have a knack for languages but also for logic, which he has refined in his studies of international information management. He has been using this knowledge for some time to bring blockchain technology to his company Aquatuning. He now brings his extensive knowledge to azultec.

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