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Autoflower cannabis plants are a new development in the cannabis market, and it has really exploded the last few years — even Google knows it. Searches for autoflowering marijuana has doubled over the last single year. People are getting increasingly excited, interested, and curious about it. There is a good reason for all this excitement. So, why all this clamor about autoflowering marijuana plants? This means they are easier to hide, harder to spot, and are, therefore, a safer choice with a greater variety of grow location options. They grow very quickly, have high yields in comparison to their size, and are even more resistant to pests and insects than other marijuana strains. Ready to harvest in 10 weeks! No matter what the lighting situation is like in your outdoor or indoor grow setup, they follow the growth schedule embedded in their genes. They will flower after a certain amount of time, not after the light begins to change. All this opens up a lot of new possibilities for many growers. There are plenty of different autoflowering marijuana strains, and no two strains are exactly the same. Some people think of autoflower marijuana plants as lower quality than more conventional and traditional types of marijuana. Others consider it a godsend that makes life significantly easier for us growers. Whichever category you fall into, it may be important to learn more about it, and the different options out there. So what is an autoflower marijuana plant? Marijuana is a photoperiod plant , which means that its life cycle specifically the flowering phase is influenced by changes in the timing of exposure to sunlight. Through this logic, growers can manipulate the growth of their indoor plants with ease. Young cuttings can be spurred to enter the flowering phase simply by giving them 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness every night for a couple weeks. Autoflower strains of marijuana flower when the plants are a particular age, rather than flowering in response to changes in light exposure. This means that, regardless of the weather and sunlight patterns, they will enter the flowering phase after a certain number of weeks. This, understandably, has opened the door for all sorts of new possibilities in the marijuana growing world. Because ruderalis plants were not cultivated for their high THC content given the fact that the THC levels were very low , they were not grown or used by smokers very often at all. Check this video by Willy Groff of an autoflower in time laps. The process was difficult, and largely unsuccessful at first. For this reason, not too long ago, growers did not readily trust autoflower strains, because of their low yields and low THC levels. They ended up being considered a scam, of sorts. Things have changed, however. The autoflower strains on the market today are just as reliable as any other strain — just be sure to purchase them from a reputable source. The THC content will also be as high as it is described in the online information provided about the strain. With these traits stabilized, and the number of high-quality strains of autoflowering marijuana increasing all the time, the dawn of the age of autoflower has finally come. Autoflower strains of marijuana generally have a shorter life than other types of marijuana plants. Their quick turnaround is part of their appeal for growers who want more than one harvest per season. An autoflower strain usually takes around 10 weeks before they are ready to harvest. When considering an autoflowerharvest, it is important to remember that it will be different from the harvest of other types of marijuana. Consequently, the harvest will be, too. Your yield can only be so high when you grow smaller plants. Some of the highest quality autoflower marijuana strains require ten to twelve weeks for full growth and flowering, to achieve the best possible harvest. It mostly depends on the strain you grow. Be sure to read the information provided for that specific strain, as well as any comments and tips from people who have successfully grown the strain before. When you grow any kind of marijuana plant, it is crucial to start the growing season, and entire life cycle , rooted in strength. With the short life span of autoflower marijuana plants, this is especially important. The very beginning is the time to support your plants so they have as much growth as possible. The room for error is smaller with autos. For this reason, it is often recommended that people who want to grow autoflower marijuana plants start growing them indoors, with artificial lights they can control. Properly germinating your marijuana plants is crucial to their healthy development, as well. This can be done naturally in soil, or in a container without any growing medium. I always germinate my seeds in water. Read the article How to germinate marijuana seeds for more information. It simply involves placing a seed within a damp paper towel, or length of toilet paper, and putting it in a container of some sort that will retain moisture and humidity. This should cause the seeds to sprout within days. After they sprout, they should then be transplanted to their final growing medium. After this, do not transplant them again if you can help it as autoflower plants are small and are vulnerable to greater transplanting shock. For now, cuttings are not a great idea with autoflower marijuana plants. The problem is that, while you can easily take a cutting successfully, you have to remember that the plants will autoflower after a certain age. This means they will flower at the same time. So if you are growing a cutting of an autoflower plant, the final plant will be much smaller than the parent, when it enters the flowering stage. Once your autoflower marijuana plants have reached two weeks of life, you can feed them a small amount of vegetative nutrients. Feed them higher quantities of it gradually over time, until your plants are either six or seven weeks old. Be guided, instead, by the ending of vertical growth. One specific go-to example is to use watt LED lights for the first few weeks of growth, and keep it going for 21 hours each day. In this case, the light should be set up between 70 and 80 centimeters away from the plants. Once you have potted the older plants, you can convert to larger LED lights, and a schedule of 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of darkness. That being said, many growers claim that pruning autoflower marijuana plants at all is a bad idea and should be avoided altogether. If you really want to take the risk, try doing it with an autoflower strain that has been proven to take a bit longer than the others. This way, it has more time to recover and grow, after the pruning has taken place. If everything goes well during your autoflower grow season, what can you expect in terms of a harvest? To put it bluntly, your harvest will be proportionate to the length of time that your autos grow. In simplest terms, longer growth equals bigger harvest. Some strains that grow for about 3 months, for example, often average around 40 grams per plant. While longer-growing super autoflower strains might get between and grams per plant, when grown outdoors. Choosing when to harvest is also difficult, and equally important to all the other decisions you might make when growing autoflower marijuana plants. The amber color signifies the point at which harvesting should take place. Make sure you stop watering the plants for at least one or two days before you harvest them so that their extra nutrients go away. Curing your autoflower marijuana buds helps them turn into the delicious product that every grower desires. If you cure them poorly, then your efforts will not pay off in great taste. Curing should be done inside an airtight container. This is so the moisture can spread throughout evenly, and move from the middle of the bud, where it is originally held. During the process, open the container several times per day for a few days straight. Eventually, you should only open it once a day or longer, until the buds are thoroughly cured, several weeks or months later. Once they have finished curing, the buds should not have much moisture left at all. A tiny amount of moisture is still good for smoking, though. Extra dry buds actually make the smoke more unpleasant. Store the marijuana inside a sealed container , such as a plastic bag or glass jar. Smoke it within several months, to one year. After a year, it is unlikely that the product will be as pleasant for smoking. Keep it in a dark, cool location. Freezing it can keep it fresh longer. Although there are certainly plenty of downsides to growing autoflower marijuana plants, they also have some very compelling advantages, as well. Many would argue that their true value lies in being grown as outdoor plants. Or, perhaps even better, many might grow them for some time indoors, and then finish their vegetation and flowering stages outdoors. This usually involves between 1 and 1. While a huge plant will get you a massive harvest at the end of its growth, it takes 8 to 9 months to ever get that far. Of course, this also leaves more room for unexpected obstacles to mess up your harvest before you even get there. With the autos, however, you can have numerous crops growing in the same space of time. You are, therefore, achieving smaller harvests incrementally while avoiding a long wait to consume any of the buds. Autoflower marijuana plants will always be shorter than regular marijuana plants. This means they will not be as easily spotted as the more massive marijuana plants which definitely tend to attract unwanted attention. Even if you are growing them in your own personal garden on your owned property, they can still easily go undetected throughout the span of their entire growth cycle, because of their small size. For a reference, the most efficiently grown autos have one square meter each to themselves to grow to their full size and harvest potential. One of the major negative aspects of autoflower marijuana plants is the fact that they cost quite a bit of money to purchase the seeds to begin with. It is likely that these prices will eventually drop as this type of seed become more widespread. Until then, you can breed your own seeds to get the best bang for your buck; however, there is a considerable expense in that as well. The short lifespan of autos means that — assuming you want to grow and harvest as many plants as possible within one season — you are going to need a lot more seeds than you would with normal marijuana plants. In some locations, this would even mean that buying harvested, dried, and cured marijuana could actually be cheaper than growing your own autoflower weed. Because many people would like to experiment with this emerging new trend, but want to avoid spending an arm and a leg, breeding is likely the best alternative. It is a surprisingly easy process and is well worth the effort when you consider the smaller harvest per seed in autoflower marijuana plants, compared to normal marijuana plants. First of all, you have the chance to attain a higher variety of marijuana when you grow autoflower marijuana plants. This is because of the shorter growing season. So within one season, you can grow approximately three separate strains, and get that many different varieties of marijuana for smoking! This is especially valuable for people who are growing just for themselves and prefer a range of highs, which can change depending on their mood or preference that day. Therefore, autos can help keep things fresh and exciting on the marijuana smoking front. There is also somewhat less hassle involved — at least in certain aspects. For example, you will not need a complicated setup with one grow room and one flowering room. That means that, even if you had the space for that many rooms, you could instead use that space to time your growing so that you can harvest every few weeks. Another advantage is multi-crop systems, which are compatible systems that overlap nicely. They allow you to harvest a new crop every few weeks, and can be set up outside. In the case of power outages which can be more frequent for people in certain locations , normal marijuana plants could have their growth and flowering phases interrupted, and their harvests consequently damaged. You will not have these issues with autoflower marijuana plants. It is also thought that, because autoflower marijuana plants contain genes from the ruderalis marijuana strain, they may be hardier than other types of marijuana plants. This idea comes from the fact that ruderalis plants are very hardy, and can handle cold and other obstacles better than photoperiod plants. These plants will also work well in indoor and outdoor areas that have height or size restrictions. Finally, if your growing friends are already growing their own photoperiod marijuana, you can enjoy smoking your own marijuana, while they wait and wait for their own harvest to be ready. In terms of light usage per gram of harvested bud, autoflower marijuana plants are less efficient than regular photoperiod plants. This is because you will need the same amount of light per plant although these smaller plants have smaller yields. Additionally, autoflower marijuana plants tend to be inconsistent in terms of their speed of growth, and their size. Even individual plants within one particular strain might have varying sizes and growth patterns. This makes certain types of growing methods, like hydroponics, particularly difficult — if not impossible. Sometimes it will be necessary to harvest one crop several times until all of the plants have been harvested because they flower and mature at different rates as well. Some smokers of autoflower marijuana will complain that the aroma of their product is not as strong as that of regular photoperiod marijuana plants. Whether this is a pro or con might depend on your own personal preferences, of course. This is an unfortunate statistic for the average marijuana grower who is only interested in growing unfertilized female sensimilla plants. If you get feminized seeds , on the other hand, you can expect nearly every seed to turn out female. Autoflower marijuana seeds are not any different in regards to these ratios. Hermaphrodites can be expected in either case and should be watched out for, even if you are expecting all female plants, like when you purchase feminized seeds. So, what are these super seeds, and how are they different from other autos? The idea behind the super strains is that they are larger, but still share the same useful trait of flowering automatically. They are stronger and hardier than regular autoflower marijuana plants, especially when it comes to resistance against mold or pests. Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the autoflower marijuana plant growing process is deciding which of the autoflower seeds to buy first. This is an especially important decision if you are a first-time grower or even a seasoned veteran who has never grown autoflower strains of marijuana before. There are a huge variety of seed strains to choose from, so it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the options. The key is always to consider:. If you have clearly defined these main points, then you will have a much easier time choosing the perfect strain for you. For smaller grow rooms , go for the Indica autoflower marijuana strain because they will be smaller, even in comparison to other autos. For outdoor grow setups or indoor setups that are large enough, a Sativa autoflower marijuana strain will be better since they will get to a bigger size and therefore have a greater yield. They will require sufficient space to grow large, of course. I am new at this. I purchased from you, White Widow extreme auto. I have them in 1gal pots. They are indoors but l plan on moving them outdoor June 1st calif warm weather 16 hrs of light they are about 5 weeks old, maybe 6 I lost count. I have been feeding them light veg food. Will bat guano help yield? I have found that when breeding auto- femminized seed, due to the rapid growth, the seed producer plant should be staggered several weeks from the pollen producer. Just finished my second crop in a tent. First was Gods Treat Jordan of the Islands and it took about 3 months. Took forever and branched out wide. I accidently broke the cola off the top of a Blueberry and it made a huge knot of 4 nugs where the first branch started! Very impressed with the AutoFlowers and plan on growing several different strains. The advice and the seeds have been awesome! I thought this was great article for me as a beginner grower and the fact that my First seed purchase was entirely Autos. Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated.. To save money on nutrients use your own urine deluted 20 to 1 water to urine and no matter what anyone says, start by saturating your grow medium with 20 to 1 water to urine solution, just enough to have some dripping out the bottom, wait one hour for dripping to stop and plant your seed 2 full inches down! Kept them on light 24 hours for three months,they started budding after A month and a half of growth. I,m having trouble getting my germinated seeds to grow. Put plain water on them. We wish you had joined our free support forum. Well; I know your issue is past but, I want to give you the courtesy of a reply. Auto flowers can be grown using any photo period. This allows for maximum root growth and the plant finishes much faster. This all depends on the size of your grow space. I like to grow autos under a watt air cooled lamp. I can pass this info onto other Med patients in need. Thank You for sharing. Sounds like you might have a big yield from an auto flower. You can use any soil. I would recommend a premium organic soil. Have you downloaded and read our free grow bible? I also invite you to join our support forum. We have many experts soil growers who are always willing to help. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I like the information about auto flowering marijuana and the difference between auto flowering marijuana and traditional types of marijuana. I have enjoyed reading. I will keep visiting this blog very often. This is my first time growing. I bought some White Widow fem. They look great and have done some LST, very healthy but they are in their 10th week and show no signs of any buds beginning. By the way, all I have learned has been from all the information on your site. I am not sure what to say. Some growers believe in even shorter photo periods, than that. Are you sure they are Autoflowers? Just wanted to thank you on all the good advice here! Hi there, be sure to hop onto the support forum. Hi there, the cannabis plant is not a perennial but an annual plant. Hi, very new to growing. I am wondering if this schedule is also used with hydroponics system? And with my seeds being auto and feminized, do I need both the grow and bloom nutrients at very begining of start process? Have you downloaded our free Grow Bible? All your answers are there. I also invite you to join our forum at ilovegrowingmarijuana. I got a question about harvesting autoflowers.. Does the leafs change colors autumn colors only if we stop feeding it or it will change colors regard if we feed them or not? The reason leaves lose their green color is because that particular leaf is no longer capable of producing sugars for the plant and dies off. This can happen either way. Feeding or not feeding. However; Some plants if fed will not lose many leaves.

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