

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Atomic wallet is a decentralized multi-cash stage that gives a great, popular administration that enables clients to decrease exertion spent on overseeing crypto resources and makes it straightforward and dependable. Nuclear wallet stage isn't only a wallet yet additionally has a cross-chain Atomic swap trade and a decentralized request book.

Atomic Swaps 

A cross-chain is a trade of digital forms of money between clients. Essentially, party A sends Coin A to party B's Coin B address through blockchain, while party B does likewise with Coin B. These activities happen autonomously on parallel blockchains, in a restricted form. Such setup raises the likelihood of both of the gatherings never regarding his/her finish of an understanding. One of the approaches to fathom this issue is association of a confided in outsider. A nuclear cross-chain swap, then again, takes care of this issue without the requirement for an outsider. 

Atomic swaps require each gathering to mastermind an exchange contract. The agreements contain a yield spendable by the contrary party, yet the tenets required to gather is are diverse for each gathering included. 


Resource MANAGEMENT: Atomic Wallet gives an intense, popular administration that enables clients to decrease exertion spent on overseeing crypto resources and makes it straightforward and solid. The benefit administration wallet usefulness is based on the Simplified Payment Verification innovation (SPV), which makes it feasible for clients to perform assignments, for example,

•Get crypto resources for the created wallet. 

•Import resources for the wallet utilizing private keys of different arrangements. 

•Store private keys in a safely scrambled condition. 

•Send resources for different locations. 

•Select digital currency hub to utilize. 

•Select blockchain wayfarer to utilize. 

Atomic SDK

Atomic SDK will bolster following capacities: 

•Make arrange and send it to the DOB. 

•Affirm arrange execution.

•Get arrange execution status. 

•Get rundown of accessible requests from the orderbook. 

Atomic Swap innovation 

The main party (called the initiator) wishes to exchange Coin B for Coin A with the other party (called the member). The initiator dispenses the expected measure of Coin B to an agreement and creates a "mystery". The mystery will later enable the member to gather the agreement yield. Until he/she takes in the mystery, the member can't spend from the initiator's Coin B contract. 

The member makes an agreement on the Coin A blockchain in a like the initiator design. To make the agreement, the member requires a cryptographic hash of the initiator's mystery. The initiator couldn't get to this agreement without uncovering the key to the member.

After the two gatherings made their agreement, neither of them can gather their coins back until the alloted time terminates. The initiator recovers the member's agreement, consequently uncovering the key to the member. The last reclaims the previous' agreement utilizing the mystery extricated from him/her. 

At the point when a specific timeframe (ordinarily 60 minutes) lapses and the member did not recover the agreement yield, it is discounted back to the initiator's wallet. The member's agreement can likewise be discounted back to the member, however simply after a large portion of the timeframe that the initiator is required to hold up before their agreement can be discounted (ordinarily 2 hours). 

The initiator can likewise exchange Coin A for Coin B and the method will be the same, yet with each progression performed the other way on another blockchain. This technique is viewed as nuclear (i.e. with a timeout) since it gives each gathering no less than 24 hours to reclaim the coins from the inverse blockchain before a discount can be performed. 

The picture beneath gives a visual of the means each gathering performs and the exchange of information between each gathering: 

How Does Atomic Swap Work? 

We can see that the Atomic-Swap is created to oversee exchanges among 2 distinctive virtual monetary forms. Nuclear Swap is a procedure that can trade computerized cash in "cross chain," straightly, without going from side to side any outsider administrations. 

How can it functions, can be finished in 2 different ways:



Among the 2 different ways above, Atomic Swap works by applying Hashed Time bolt understandings (HTLCs). The applying of this HTLC is gotten from the possibility of BTC people group that applies Lightning Network. 


It merits featuring the elements of the wallet, which will make it well known and sought after: 

Never again run enrollment makes investing extra energy; 

No restrictions on the trade: the Atomic-Wallet is frequently advancing, shoppers are fit for trading each accessible computerized cash. Here you can always discover an associate for comparable gainful collaboration; 

No trick with trade rates: whole information are settled, scholarly assentions don't permit deluding customers; 

It's ensured by the crypto trade of chains or the term of return. There're clear laws that must be taken after to make the arrangement happen; 

Straight trade of coordinated more with no outsider sets. The absence of outsiders plusly affects such firm. There's no compelling reason to pay any commission; 

Purchasers can trade at any minute: only a couple of minutes is adequate for this. 

The procedure is sheltered and brisk; 

Unified stages are committed to warrantee secrecy: buyer data is dependably anchored from digital assaults and hacking by con artists; 

The interface of Atomic-wallet is recognized by its uncommon style and effortlessness. No further expertise you don't require - the procedures are performed effectively and quickly; 

No decentralized arrangements: the nonattendance of one server decidedly impacts the including of the Atomic-wallet stage.

Atomic token

Atomic Wallet will issue own token, called the AWC (Atomic Wallet Coin). A strict limit of 100M AWC will be created, never to be increased.

AWC will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC20.

Type: ERC20 Token

Ticker: AWC

Full name: Atomic Wallet Coin

Decimals: 8

Total supply: 100,000,000 AWC

Open Contract Source Code

Token economy and premises to following price growth is described in a special charter.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Token issuing

A smart contract​ based on the Ethereum network is written for the effective implementation of the Atomic ICO project. On the day of the ICO launch, the Atomic team will publish the smart contract, which will initialize the issuing of AWC-tokens based on ethereum in accordance with the ERC20 standard.

The contract will support following functionality:

Crowdsale management

AWC tokens issuance (standart ERC20)

AWC tokens transmittance

The main function of the crowdsale part of the contract is to regulate the price of the token.

Additionally, this smart contract will keep records of the AWC-tokens provision to investors’ community and to founders.

Budget allocation

Budget Allocation

● Initial liquidity for market making: 40%

● Software development: 30%

● Legal and operational: 20%

● Marketing: 5%

● Unexpected costs: 5%

Token Distribution

● Private presale: 50%

● Founders: 30%

● Public sale: 15%

● Bounty/Airdrops: 5%


April 2018 - Alpha release

● Ethereum and Bitcoin asset management

● 200+ token assets support

● Integrated instant exchange service

May 2018 - Beta Version release

● Litecoin asset management

● First pair for Atomic swaps

● Distributed Orderbook over torrent protocol v. 1.0

June 2018

● ERC20 token swaps

● Lightning network implementation

● Multi-language UI

● 26 new assets in the wallet

● 4 new assets in the atomic exchange

July 2018

● Crypto against fiat conversion options integration

● 8 new assets in the wallet

● 4 new assets in the atomic exchange

● Atomic exchange users ratings

● Finish of the token sale

● Custom nodes and block explorers usage

August 2018

● Web wallet

● Mobile wallet for Android

● Mobile wallet for iOS

● 8 new assets in the wallet

● 4 new assets in the atomic exchange

September 2018

● User chat in the wallet (trollbox)

● Hardware wallet integration (Trezor, Ledger)

● 8 new assets in the wallet

● 4 new assets in the atomic exchange

October 2018

● dApps browser

● 8 new assets in the wallet

● 4 new assets in the atomic exchange


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Author TheJohnMatch


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