OBJECTIVE OF ARCTIC SCAVENGERS: The objective of Artic Scavengers is to be the player with the largest population.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 to 5 Players

MATERIALS: 1 Junkyard Board, 1 Resource Map, 1 Initiator Card, 20 Refugee Cards, 69 Mercenary Cards, 46 Junkyard Cards, 14 Resource Cards, Rulebook, 1 Schematic Map, 1 Storage Cover, 12 Building Cards, 10 Leader Cards, 8 Junkyard Cards, 8 Medic Cards, 8 Engineer Cards, 3 Gangs, and Expansion Rulebook

TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Board Game

AUDIENCE: Ages 13 and Up


 The world is covered in ice. It is year 2097, and most of the population has perished. The few survivors have banded together in order to survive. As the leader of a tribe, you are pitted against other tribes in a fight for life. Fight for resources, land, and the lives of your people. Information has become the most valuable currency there is, as it can decide if you live or die. If you are ready to survive in this new world, dive in!


Each player will begin by being dealt four refugee cards, 3 scavenger cards, 1 shovel card, 1 spear card, and 1 brawler card. This creates their starter decks. The remaining refugee cards are removed. The rest of the cards are sorted into the following groups: mercenaries, junkyard, and contested resources.

The contested resource cards and junkyard cards are each shuffled and placed on their designated place on the mats. The rest of the cards are considered the mercenaries, and they are divided into eight stacks depending on type. They are placed near the game board facing up.

Players will shuffle their decks, placing them face down in front of them. A player is randomly selected for the initiator card. The game is then ready to begin!



Each game consists of three phases that must be played in the correct order.

Phase 1

During this phase, players will discard all of their cards. The players will then each draw five cards from their deck. If their deck is empty, they may shuffle the discard pile and use it as their deck. 바카라사이트

Phase 2

The players will gather resources during this round. The Initiator will use their cards to gather resources first, announcing how many cards are available for the skirmish afterwards. Each player, going clockwise around the group, will then do the same thing.


Players may choose to dig, hunt, and hire. They may complete as many actions as they want during this phase, but no action may be repeated. Digging lets players collect cards from the junkyard. Hiring allows players to use their food and medicine in order to hire mercenaries to join their tribe. Hunting allows the player to collect food.

Phase 3

When players have completed their resource gathering, they will announce their cards for the skirmish. The sum of the fight value of the players’ cards are compared, and the player with the highest score wins the skirmish. The winner will collect the top card from the contested resource stack, adding it to their discard pile.

The player to the left of the Initiator will then collect the initiator card, and a new round begins. Gameplay continues in this manner until there are no more contested resource cards available.



When the resource card has been won, the game comes to an end. Players then determine how large their tribes are by tallying the tribe member icons that they have in their decks. The player with the largest tribe wins the game!

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