
Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and groundbreaking innovation is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

The agiotage connected with investments into cryptocurrencies continues to grow in the modern world. Widespread interest in the cryptocurrency markets is stirred by the numerous opportunities to increase personal crypto capital. The increased interest in the market has in turn led to an explosion of educational and informational resources for crypto investors. However, the cryptosphere remains difficult for most people to understand. Even for experts, effective use of the various software and information resources available to trade cryptocurrency can be a laborious and time-consuming process.


ApolloX is the solution to the rogue behaviour that many centralized marketplaces take part in. It is for people, both buyers and sellers, who understand how important it is to have a fair and open e-commerce ecosystem. The decentralized platform uses blockchain technology to regulate the market, allowing for a trustworthy environment to thrive. The platform is designed to respect buyers, sellers, and relevant third parties.

To truly understand and appreciate the ApolloX decentralized marketplace, you need to get acquainted with the two Co-Founders of the project: Will Li, and Claire Zhou. These are brains behind the entire project, and it is their vision that is currently being enacted.

How APOLLOX operates

The ApolloX platform intends to build a strong relationship between sellers and buyers by making activities in the e-commerce platform smooth, highly scalable and making provisions for goods and services at attractive prices for both parties.

To make all these plans successful, ApolloX platform intends to integrate the following features:

Blockchain technology.

Only through the blockchain technology can complete decentralization, smart contracts, proper recording and security be achieved and this is the basis on which this platform is built.

Attribution protocol.

This is a part of the platform’s module that is responsible for traffic control which is a big factor in the success of e-commerce platforms and will be maintained properly on the ApolloX platform and will also make sure that all data such as advertisement data meet required standards at a cheap price that can be seen transparently by the merchants and their customers.

Payment protocol

This protocol is responsible for all transactions relating to payments between buyers and sellers and is also in charge of outsider insurance as well as the possible exchange of fiat currency to the cryptocurrency used by the platform.

Arbitration protocol

This protocol was created by the platform in other to solve disputes or conflicts that may arise between merchants and their customers in the process of purchasing goods. This dispute is solved using a Deposit-Challenge-Vote system where one party can open up the case by depositing a small amount of ApolloX token and the opposite party is also expected to do the same with both of them providing their own argument.

Data security and control

Various data is generated on a regular basis on every e-commerce platform that if not properly protected can fall into wrong hands but in other to avoid this, the ApolloX platform created a data protocol that is permission enabled and fully encrypted. This encryption makes it possible for only users with the passkey to access them i.e. completely safe with users getting to be in charge of all activities of the platform including their data.

Benefits of the APOLLOX

This platform with the use of decentralized blockchain technology provide a better avenue where buyers and sellers can meet to conduct their business securely, enjoy fair prices as intermediaries that increase cost have been eliminated.

Users of this platform do not have to worry about the security of their data as it secured on the blockchain and can only be accessed by only authorized persons.

Token information

The token of this platform is known as ApolloX token and can be gotten as rewards by users who invite their friends and family to the platform as well as for informative posts about the platform on social media.

To cut the long short

Its in my opinion trying to state now that the thoughts introduced in this article is only a rundown of the colossal potential outcomes that the ApolloX venture holds and offers to corporate elements and even individual clients. I, consequently, firmly prescribe everybody to peruse the ApolloX whitepaper for a superior handle of this tremendous wander. The following are some other valuable connects to enable you to stay up to date with the ApolloX venture.

Website: https://apollox.network

Whitepaper: http://www.apollox.network/downloads/ApolloX_whitepaper_v1.0.pdf

Medium: https://medium.com/@apolloxnetwork

Twitter: https://twitter.com/apolloX_network

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ApolloX/

Authorship: joecolern

BTT profile link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2246034

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