Bryan Faulkner

Generic unisom (Ontario County) just to show you my newest version of it was even all the way down I'm not going to take you take a while but all the way down to where the portal is and down to the basement and you've got all the iron and they stole lumber incorporated this bit over here you didn't really see much off in the videos because I did intend to go over here so this bit I've kind of pieced together and managed to get your mighty Jaffa Cake humble most our there's another as a guard tower over there still so there you go that's about everything again on this on this download next for me to build will be working my way over to the carnival with the skull pass and everything that'll be my next project to do and it will be built off the same map so all you'll be doing is downloading an update as soon as another one's available so thanks for watching guys and I hope you enjoy School of Music.

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