AME Download & Install Guide

AME Download & Install Guide

General Guide and links to download and install windows 10 ameliorated

If your answers aren't here, kindly first read the website & 
docs before asking questions. Don't be lazy 😋

More guides @AMEGuides

AME has only released official stable builds of windows versions found in 👉 @amereleases. New releases come maybe twice a year, so if you want a different version you have to build it yourself.

The point of the project is not to provide inѕtallations but to give you a way to make a more private & clean windows (Give you tools, not a product). We have to work together to do this, the devs aren't paid for this, there is no ad revenue or donationѕ. If you want more sure privacy, use Linux.

To build your own ameliorated windows (advised) see the website and this video guide, worth a watch by all. Unlike similar projects, AME open sources its scripts so you can see what is done to the stock windows ISO and do it yourself. Once done, monitoring the network connections, to see if it is free of telemetry, is advised.

What works or doesn't?

Most things work, games work, except those from Microsoft store. DX12 titles may not be fully supported as they need windows update sometimes, but have worked on AME just fine so far.

Adobe XD won't work but the rest of adobe works fine, despite what the LTT video showed.

You can not make multiple users yet.

You can change languages using this guide.

10 steps to download and install existing releases:

1. Get yourself a torrent app and open the torrent file shared in @AMEreleases on Telegram. The file is bigger than the stock windows ISO since it comes with cumulative updates included, but bloat & telemetry is removed by the scripts.

2. Seed for others. Torrents share files by uploading and downloading, keep your torrent app open to help share AME.

3. Use Rufus to write the ISO file to a flash drive, Not Etcher; guide. Make sure you use NTFS file system.

4. In the meantime backup all your data/files from your machine, this will be a fresh install of windows. You will have to delete partitions and wipe a drive for it. Remember to backup hidden App data for your app preferences if needed. If you just want to test AME: install windows in a virtual machine with software like virtual box or on an external drive.

5. Download the drivers for your device. Some drivers will come with Windows, but you should still install manually those that will be missing or out of date. Search the driver downloads on the manufacturer of your hardwares website. Or on the website of your laptop brand. Or you can backup existing drivers if with this script: official website & guide. You can install telemetry free Nvidia drivers using this app. You can use this software if the above is too technical for you.

6. To install. You need to reboot into your computer BIOS and there set your PC to start up with the external USB drive from step 3. If you don't know how, do research for your specific PC. Once booted into the flash drive for installation, follow the on screen steps (more advice below). Make sure you know which drives/partitions to install on. Seek advise/help if you don't understand what this all means.

7.1 When installing don't change the language. See the website for guides on changing language or this guide for changing it after installation.

7.2 When asked for a product key, choose; I don't have a product key (since you don't need to activate AME) or enter your own key.

7.3 If you have errors installing, you may have a corrupted ISO file, try right click and 'check' the torrent download or download again or ask the community for a checksum verification.

👀 8.1 Once running, the default login is:

--> USERNAME: user

--> PASSWORD: malte

You should change this password to a strong unique password:

Open command prompt (which you right click and run as administrator) and enter/paste the following two lines individually:

net user user YourNewPassword


net user administrator YourNewPassword

NB: The admin password will be required frequently to install new apps and make changes to the PC, make it unique but easy to type quick (maybe a short random sentence or pattern on your keyboard).

8.2 To change the username copy paste this in command prompt: 

wmic useraccount where name='user' rename YourNewUsername

9. How to change the login screen background and profile pic if you like.

10. Install drivers, run the harden tools programme and the rest is up to you... Since you've gone through all this effort (if you don't have linux), try run safe, free and open source software from now on. See @TechloreGroup and their website to learn more about online privacy. Enjoy gaming and Adobe!


Other Tweaks

  • Dark mode:

The dark mode can be a bit buggy, open oldnewexplorer and play around with it a bit to make things darker by hiding some context menus or add this customized High Contrast theme I made, that lets you dark mode most things in windows: Dark Vader

  • Action/notification Centre Menu (may not be an issue in current build?):

Want to turn on night light and other settings quickly?Open control Panel/User Accounts: Change the user account type; to admin

log off, log back in, run regedit, delete this entry: 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows/Explorer "DisableNotificationCenter"

Log off and log back in.

NB: change user account back from admin to standard.[There is no windows defender or auto security updates, not being an admin account is your main protection from malware.]

  • That's it, thank you! Guide last updated: April 01, 2020

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