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Basically what compounds hit which receptors and what happens after that. However the research chemical scene today is dwindling. My favourites of the cannabinoids have to be the cannabinoid re-uptake inhibitors such as LY Now that is innovation. What is really on my agenda is the lack of innovation in the psychedelic realm. Now to me this is a problem. I love novel psychedelics. In fact I could name a few that I made up here and now i. The fact of the matter is that no-one is producing novel psychedelics anymore. There have been a few in the last couple of years that were great such as 3C-E and bk-2C-B but apart from those rather meagre psychedelics, there has been no big bangs, which is what I love. The compounds that could be a big hit are: However my main message in this is that as darknets are expanding, the need for analogues and research chemicals has become redundant. The research chemical scene used to be thriving and everyone wanted to make their mark on the world. Just look at how well MXE has done, and this is not even close to what could be. With a little imagination and drive, even better compounds could be created. They also need to be distributed at the retail end as there are many wholesalers who do produce fantastic products but customers are so dead set on what they know and want there is no room for expansion. If we are to evolve chemically we must start to abandon the basic drugs we know and love. Basically they got the wrong side and 5-MMDA turned out to be quite poor. The bites called bitchems. I love 5-apb and 4-fa and mephedrone mostly. These substances are more than enough for my needs, and they have a decent history of human consumption I know the dangers, so to say. I am sure you can get some nice experiences out of experimenting with RCs, but tbh I have other things to do in my life than experimenting with drugs every second day or so…. The latter 2 are tried and true for over 3 decades. The effects are well studied and understood. Much of the fulfilling process involves the gathering and preperation of the natural components. When you tweak the natural alkaloids in a lab it loses something. Regarding all other RCs — well go ahead and be a guinea pig. After time has passed, and the research comes in, then I will be able to make a more informed decision about trying it. One that will likely come at your expense or anyone else willing to put unknown substances in their bodies. RC Tryptamines are a wonderful thing to explore. And I have never come across any talk of negative side effects from ingestion of ANY tryptamines, even those with minimal recorded history. And just a cool note that the same naming scheme that gives us psilocin makes 4-HO-MET be called metocin, pronounced like medicine! This is a pro-drug of psilocin, and by itself is too large to pass the blood brain barrier. This means it causes no psychological effect until your body metabolizes it into a smaller molecule, and what does it metabolize into? With a barely perceivable increase in come up time. Thousands of years of historical anecdotes and tests showing it safe to ingest. A rather annoyed police officer would have no choice but to give it back to you. This is a major reason why we should keep synthesizing and trying new analogues. MXE for example… is just a wonderful thing. Sometimes I just want a very pretty, more easy going but still bloody intense trip. I always describe them to people as 4-HO-DMT magic mushrooms are like a wizened old teacher scolding you and making you uncomfortable and guilty and nauseous. And as I mentioned it is by a significant margin more visual than mushrooms, so, very very pretty. The other major reason is to be able to tweak the receptors we want while also being able to pass a spontaneous drug test. Can get a pretty close equivalent to any illegal drug you like but it will be much cheaper and more than likely invisible to drug screenings. And legal to possess! I was pulled over with over 30 grams of 4-FA once. I spent an hour or two with those friendly police but they did give it back and let me go. And almost without exception an RC drug is vastly cheaper per dose than the similar effect street drug. And with age it gets harder to source these things. I agree with the article writer. Let another RC golden age come! We should be able to pick and choose the aspects of whatever drugs we like and design a chemical that causes ONLY those things. Or has a different mixture o effects. Customize your psychedelic experience however you wish. Design out any negative or undesired aspects like nausea, or just make a recreational drug you like last half or twice as long with a single dose. All is possible exploring the many analogues! Blast wish I knew how to synthesize stuff myself!! Pikhal and Tikhal are super awesome reads and I also recommend checking them out for anyone who wants to grasp the scene and all its glorious possibilities a bit better. Empathogens and stimulants and sedatives too I guess! If anyone has heard or can link some report showing proof of any tryptamine being particularly risky to ingest I would like to see it. They all seem to cause no lasting physical changes or risky death causing overdoses. Tread with caution when exploring opiate, dissociative, stimulant, sedative, or cannibinoid RCs, though. Their easy availability, cheap price, and low risk to possess make it quite easy to find yourself addicted or taking more than you would wish. Many in all those fields have also not shown any detrimental change at all from regular use. So we very well could find much safer drugs that do all the things the old tried and true illegal recreational drugs do. Sounds worth a little exploring to me to find safer versions of the drugs we already have and abuse so future generations are able to enjoy and indulge without having to worry as much about negative consequences. But have no illusion, we will encounter many dangerous RCs in this pursuit, but we will also find safe ones. Poor horror stories from people who got addicted to U! So caustic it has totally ruined peoples veins, anuses, and sinuses. Discolored and collapsed veins! Even just trying to eat some caused a huge sensitive scalding spot on my tongue that lasted a whole week, despite the fact it was only in contact for less than a second. But RCs still seem like a worthy venture for the human race to pursue, however slowly and independently. I am perfectly okay with letting the occasional person like myself knowingly choose and volunteer to test and face the risk of these drugs until we can determine which are dangerous and which are not. Some will hurt themselves through use of RCs, but really only a very small fraction of those who use them will cause any significant noticeable damage. Cathinones are fundamentally dangerous for their tendancy to cause seizures, strokes, and psychotic episodes. The point here is that NO DRUG that has been invented over the last few decades has turned out to be safe and practical. However, foisting them on unsuspecting consumers by selling them as fakes HAS generated many thousands of deaths, killed the dance scene, and spawned an industry of reagent test kits. You have no understanding on how markets work, there will always be baptists and bootleggers we are IN Fact improving upon the determinants of their predecessors. Thatch how progress works we recognize the problem and then attempt to fix it. There are some humans on the planet who will do unscrupulous things to make money?? Even if it endangers others? I never would have guessed. With a few more decades of exploration I truly believe this will and should change to the benefit of all. As far as NO safe chemicals invented in past decades… I still have never heard of a particularly nasty long term effect from an RC tryptamine. It is a prescription drug in some other advanced countries but I rather like the US not being one of those. Safer in multiple ways and not a single test has shown it to be more harmful, dangerous, risky, or damaging. Yet can still do all the medical benefits we desire and use the benzos for. Granted I did this research probably year or two ago so some new studies may be released by now. Most of the simple close to familiar tryptamine analogues anyway. The writer of this article is an intrepid psychonaut advocating balls to the wall experimentation. However, the major concern is that because of the illegality of these substances ever hear of the Analogue Act, folks? We need to change the laws NOW. Need reputable rc dealer for east coast USA plz lining for 5apb meohdrone 4fa rt1 series mt45 etc. I believe that the psychedelics, Cannabinoids and possibly the entactogens simply because they allow a higher dosing of cannabinoids allow for a unbelievable trip if dosed correctly! This is possibly because of antagonism of the 5HT2 receptor!! Its a shame the law gets in the way of true psychonaughts!! Your email address will not be published. Research Chemicals Today Posted by: Bitcoin news roundup, March 5, Brandon December 10, at These substances are more than enough for my needs, and they have a decent history of human consumption I know the dangers, so to say I am sure you can get some nice experiences out of experimenting with RCs, but tbh I have other things to do in my life than experimenting with drugs every second day or so…. John Smith August 21, at 7: Ben November 4, at 5: Tim Walker August 22, at 7: All the NBomE class drugs are neurotoxic. Methoxetamine produces cerebellar toxicity. PMA… well, that just flat out kills you via seratonin syndrome. Jim Henson September 15, at Brandon March 26, at 7: I go to raves at least once a month, the dance scene is fine lol. Ben November 4, at 6: CoreLord May 1, at 5: Natt December 20, at 4: Hey new to this but really need some insence sorry cant spell either. Bryan February 7, at 6: Did you find one? Sealevel July 10, at 3: Plz tell me your email. I looked you up on Skype but no luck. Ely July 20, at 5: Matt December 25, at 4: Todd Jones September 14, at 4: Cheryl Slack June 13, at 2: Southie November 22, at 5: Do you have speed such as coke, meth -types? CoreLord February 18, at Drummy September 24, at Hally October 16, at 2: J M December 29, at JMW June 5, at 5: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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