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AM Research Chemicals

AM Research Chemicals

Research Chemicals

AM Research Chemicals


AM Research Chemicals

Research chemicals, also known as designer drugs, synthetics, or RCs, are synthetic or semi-synthetic molecules that are explicitly designed to circumvent drug laws. Most of these are functional analogs of the banned drug they are made to mimic, meaning they have similar physical, chemical, or pharmacological properties. These research chemicals can range from synthetic marijuana, hallucinogens, designer steroids, opiates, and amphetamines. Due to their constantly evolving nature, their potential dangers are unknown compared to the substances they intend to mimic. The primary purpose of creating these synthetic versions of prohibited drugs is to avoid breaking the law. This law treats any controlled substance analog, with the intention of human consumption, the same as a controlled substance classified as a Schedule I. Most countries have similar loopholes creating space for the creation of new research chemicals. As soon as a synthetic drug is made illegal, another can be altered chemically to take its place. This circumstance creates a rapidly changing market with little time, or care, for efficacy or safety testing to take place. Even small chemical variations of known drugs can change how the body processes them. Due to the unpredictability of these substances, it can be hard to determine the dosage, side effects, and drug duration, making these substances potentially dangerous. In many instances, although they might be illegal, the parent drugs are safer to consume than the synthetic version. Synthetic cannabinoids, such as Spice or K2, are a prime example of this. Many individuals that have used synthetic cannabinoids experience them to be much more potent than THC. They also had considerably more adverse effects such as anxiety, seizures, paranoia, heart palpitations, and aggression. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs, and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substances. We do not encourage using these drugs outside of a legal or traditional context. Its chemical structure is similar to that of LSD, with a small propionyl group added to the indole ring. There is not much scientific literature available on the actual pharmacological properties. However, we have heard of no cases of people prosecuted for 1P-LSD possession under these laws. There have been no cases of people charged for anything related to 1P-LSD. It is the most popular of the 2C-x group. It is considered a schedule I substance in the United States. In the United Kingdom, it is a Class A, meaning it is punishable under the most severe drug crime penalties. Reports suggest that this chemical has similar psychological effects to LSD, although with a shorter duration. It differs from LSD with the addition of an azetidine group. Its psychological effects are reported to be similar to those of LSD. There is very little research or toxicity information available related to this research chemical, so it is recommended to start with small doses and use harm reduction practices with use. Its main difference from LSD is the addition of a propyl group. As with other research chemical psychedelic lysergamides, very little data exists about the pharmacological properties and toxicity of PRO-LAD, as well as the history of human use. Some claim the effects are similar to psilocybin mushrooms, while others state it is closer to DMT. Albert Hofman first synthesized it at Sandoz laboratories in Switzerland, where he patented it in As such, it produces psychedelic effects that are virtually indistinguishable from psilocybin mushrooms. Due to their ambiguous legality, many of these research chemicals are available for purchase online. These can be from online marketplaces, overseas pharmacies, or on the dark web. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have aided in the anonymity of these sales online. The use of research chemicals ultimately comes down to a personal decision. Due to the lack of information available on these drugs, it can be harder to educate oneself on what to expect. As with any psychedelic, it is highly recommended to have a sitter present and to be mindful of set and setting. Arguably, research chemicals exist to explore the psychedelic potential of different substances. The reason they are popular is that they circumvent drug laws and can be financially lucrative for illicit manufacturers. Prohibition is the primary source of fuel for these substances. Historically, prohibition pushes people to find more dangerous ways of exercising their cognitive freedom. With the legalization of psychedelics, these drugs could be thoroughly tested, creating access to safer substances. You guys are doing the right thing!! Instead of discovering safe and effective uses for these substances we are throwing away lives and treasure and missing out on potentially life changing therapies in the fields of mental health and addiction. As a person suffering from long term clinical depression and anxiety I am Very interested in microdosing as well as shamanic Journeying. I am extremely frustrated at the legal idiocy that makes it so difficult to obtain and control dosages of entheogens while pushing pharmaceuticals of questionable effectiveness. Thanks for the space to rant! Im 51 and recently lost my son to an accidental heroin overdose he was 23 and at this point im severly deppresed! My shrink said to try psycedelics not sure! I did alot of acid in high school! Any suggestions? I am not a professional therapist, but I have had tremendously healing experiences with mushrooms at a dose range of Make sure you have everything you need to stay warm and hydrated, and that you have a safe space to be in case you experience any anxiety. Ideally, you would have someone there who knows you well and has experience with psychedelics. I know you said you did acid as a kid, so some of this advice may seem unnecessary, but tripping as an adult with therapeutic or spiritual intentions is very different from adolescent recreational use, and will likely produce an entirely different form of experience. There is an underground network of therapists who use mushrooms, mdma also possibly a very good option for you , and lsd in conjunction with psychotherapy, but it can be tough to find these people. Good luck my friend. Sorry for your loss. Always makes me feel low n depressed after a 15 plus hour trip. So, so Sorry for the loss of your son. You will always miss him- of this i am sure! I lost my son as well. The need to base who I am on my performance. It is a terrible prison! If there is a a medicine, be it plant or pharmaceutical that will help me, or anyone who suffers, to dive deeper into the root causes of our suffering- then I want the freedom, and the right to heal!!! I has only made it worst! And- more dangerous! Legalize it! Regulate it! Keep it Safe! I know Pain! I know fearmongering! I wonder who benefits from the drug wars. BAM an intelligent human. What analysis! Haha, when I think I would give up today! You blessed me a year ago with what I needed today. Faith that someone still sees the world besides the artists and the musicians who are allowed to express their opinions. Keep up the good work. Thank you. Do you live in the US? Just wondering because I live in the US and that Federal drug act he was talking about has me a bit worried. That talk about doing it as if they have a chemist making it for them. The above information is informative but either I am reading it wrong or it is not telling me how to obtain it. Any suggestions or countries I need to go to obtain? Telling you how to get it? Unless this is your first time on the internet, did you really expect them to tell you where to order drugs? Try this thing called Google. Do you know what specific research chemicals, or class of research chemicals your son was taking? The substances listed above are part of a class of substances that are relatively non-toxic and non-addictive. Ideally people would not experiment with these drugs, but some people will continue to do so, and if they know a specific one has caused death, they will be less likely to use it. He said it was an accidental heroin overdose, and research chemicals were ostensibly not involved. My son was a very intelligent young man. He got in some legal trouble with illegal drugs…by the time he was arrested I believe he was already addicted. He went, graduated the program, and stayed clean for a few months. But is addiction took over again. He had been using research chemicals for only 18 months. As I mentioned, he WAS a very intelligent young man. He thought he was too smart to overdose. Just like you all. I know that a million people know have told you this and you dont know me but i am so sorry that this has happened to you. So sorry again. We are on the cusp of some very mind-blowing shit, imho. I took shrooms as a kid. I was the guy dusting them off and eating while hunting. On the way back the first time and many others by boat ride.. Might I ask, what drug and at what dosage he took? At least we can make a cautionary tale from the specifics. To apply this to all drugs and dosages would be remiss. Thank you for posting. I hope everyone reading this will truley understand they can loose their lives. I hope you continue to share your story as far and wide across this world that you possibly can. So sorry for your lost. I grieve for the loss of a loved one as well. Thank you again! None of the drugs mentioned in this article can cause an overdose. Nor are any of them addictive. Why Are drugs the only bad thing that can cause harm. No one preaches probation of alcohol when it ruins a life. I suffer from ADHD and fractured bones in my wrist that causes severe pain. My Docter took me off my Adderall when she found marijuana in my system. I can barely focus and complete tasks now and have suffered much from memory loss. I quit smoking pot because it makes me paranoid. Is there a legal stimulant to replace the Adderall so I can focus. Is there a legal opioid analog that I CAN order for the severe pain. I have been searching for sources many years but have found none. I dream to obtain this knowledge to heal myself and others. I am really sorry to hear about your condition and I truly wish there was an answer I could give you. Unfortunately, due to legal concerns, we cannot offer any information about sourcing here. Your best bet would be to do the research yourself or to consult a doctor. I would look into Red Leaf Kratom to see if its legal where you live for the opiate similarities. The current political climate has become increasingly hostile to drugs, especially those that have been defined as Schedule I. In the section addressing 1P-LSD, the author writes:. Have there been one or more case in which someone been prosecuted in the US for 1P-LSD or other research chemicals possession since this article was originally written in March a little more than a year ago? I would like to know how and if methadone hci interacts w any of these.. Say for example 4-aco-dmt? Or 1p-lsd? Any risks worth noting? Yes it is correct and you guys are doing the right thing,it should be available to do who are in need or those who want to use for scientific research. Anybody able to help me? Unfortunately, classic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are still illegal in most countries. The research chemicals such as the LSD alternative, 1P-LSD discussed in this article might be easier to obtain in your area, but have the potential for prosecution so conducting your own extensive research would be recommended. We do not condone any illegal activity. Due to this, we cannot make specific recommendations since they may be illegal in many places in the US. I would suggest that you do your own research into the safest methods for obtaining RCs, perhaps seeking advice from others in places like Reddit. Not even about the legality of psilocybin here. Does anyone know? For those who have escaped the pen, you have done the right thing. I, unfortunately have to take drugs because I have epilepsy. I have seen my specialist and am pursuing the VNS treatment. It involves the insertion of a small type of pacemaker placed behind the collar bone, wires attached to the Vagas nerve which monitors the Brain and heart rate simultaneously and sends a burst of electricity to bridge the gap at the suggestion of a seizure. As far as I am concerned here in China, ordering those products is risk free as it falls into the same legal grey zone as other countries. You will receive your goods or you will get it seized by the customs but that is all you risk. The shift in brain activity accompanied a host of peculiar sensations that the participants said ranged from floating and finding inner peace, to distortions in time and a conviction that the self was disintegrating. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Share Tweet Share. More posts like this one. Comments You guys are doing the right thing!! Hi Jeff, I am not a professional therapist, but I have had tremendously healing experiences with mushrooms at a dose range of Where does someone like this do this. Hello, I am really sorry to hear about your condition and I truly wish there was an answer I could give you. A report like this on research chems used for pain would be helpful. Hi there Martin, Unfortunately, classic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are still illegal in most countries. We wish you best of luck! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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