🧙‍♂️ALM: Privacy? Innovation? High APR?

🧙‍♂️ALM: Privacy? Innovation? High APR?


Privacy? Who needs it anyway? In a society where oversharing is the norm and every detail of our lives is plastered across social media, why should blockchain be any different?

Innovation? What are we? Ethereum? Come on guys, we are TON, Our biggest innovation is reversing our name and tapping on a screen forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

GameFi on TON!

TVL & High-Yield Staking? Are you dumb? We already have like 1,690,690 $ in TVL in the whole TON Blockchain. What do you want more?? And we have 10 Liquidity staking protocols with the same APY(3.69%). Is our TVL less than a Tesco Grocery store? Yeah, but Who cares, we have TON20.

What do you want more?? What else possibly you could ask for???


Ok, joke aside let's get back to TONNEL. So far whatever we built we had these 3 criteria in our mind. Privacy of users, Innovation in Technology & Creating Value. Sometimes we did it fantastically and sometimes we failed.

The major problem with TONNEL so far has been liquidity inside anonymous pools. Which made it almost impossible to use the full potential of the protocol.

Now we are going to change it. Before ALM if you deposited TON or TONNEL inside pools you had no motivation to hold your liquidity inside pools. So it was always like this:

Deposit and Withdraw

TONNEL is literally like a tunnel, people come inside and we put on makeup on their faces and after a while, they can leave from the other side of the tunnel so the more people are inside the tunnel the more difficult it is to detect the makeups:)

Now ALM will incentivize you to stay inside TONNEL(tunnel) for a longer period by giving you AP every second that you stay inside a pool.

So, AP(Anonymity Point) has a very basic formula

AP = Number of Seconds you stay inside pool * Pool_Rate
Pool_Rate for each pool

So after you deposit you'll see something like this in your inventory on TONNEL Network


As long as your keys are in Unspent state you will earn AP every second(it means that your money is still inside the pool).

Now when you withdraw your token after 1 day or 1 month or 1 year, you will send your AP into some Private Wallet(I'll explain how it works).

Let's assume you Withdraw your money from the pool and now you want to Redeem your AP point from the key into your Private Wallet.

Redeem AP

It's a bit complex process that involves a very complex ZK circuit and a few smart contracts.

But to simplify it you will use your secret key and generate some kind of proof that you were inside a certain pool for X seconds and you deserve (X * Pool_Rate) AP.

For each Redeem you need to pay less than 0.2 TON Blockchain Fee.
** If you care about your privacy use a fresh wallet and withdraw 5 TON from TONNEL pools to that wallet and use it to pay fees**

These points will be credited to a specific Private Wallet(the keys will be stored on your browser).

Now your Private Wallet has an AP balance(Don't worry it's private and can't be seen by anyone else but you:)

TONNEL Users checking their Anonymous Rewards in ALM👀

Swapping AP with TONNEL

Now you can use your private wallet and sell all(or part of) your AP point and convert it to TONNEL.

For each Swap, you need to pay less than 0.2 TON Blockchain Fee.
** If you care about your privacy use a fresh wallet and withdraw 5 TON from TONNEL pools to that wallet and use it to pay fees**


Ok, let's start with the exact formula first and then let's explain it.

We will distribute 500,000 TONNEL in 1 year.

Looks complicated but i's simple:)

The above formula can be used to convert AP to TONNEL at any time. Like other elements of ALM, It's implemented in a smart contract.

What is T_withdrawn?

It's the amount of TONNEL already swapped from AP. Let's imagine 6 months is passed since the ALM Deploy date. And Already 100,000 TONNEL is withdrawn so T_withdrawn = 100,000

T_virt = 470K * 6 months/12 months - 100,000 + 30,000 = 165K

Let's assume you have put 1000 TON inside a pool for 6 months.

Your AP = 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * Pool_Rate = 15,552,000 * 500 = 7,776,000,000 AP

So Your TONNEL from the above formula will be:
TONNEL = 165K * (1-e^(-7,776,000,000/100,000,000,000))

Let's ask chatGPT👀

So it means with 1000 TON you could almost get 12.5K TONNEL as profit. More than

250% APR in this scenario is not far from reality.

When will ALM be started?

ALM has already started, All the deposits from day 1 of mainnet will be counted for ALM. With some ZK magic, all the commitments will be stored in a very lightweight contract on the blockchain.

Smart Contacts are now in the process of testing and optimization and you can see the process of development on our Core Repo.

Once the ALM contracts are deployed on mainnet we will publish an interface to simplify the process of Redeeming AP and Swapping AP.

Structure of ALM

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In a world where privacy is often hailed as the ultimate crime, You better be a criminal!

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Website: https://tonnel.network

Email: freeman@tonnel.network

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