
Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard it, and more and more people want to know more about it, and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes, so many things change, get better, we say. So much business has improved, so many companies have begun to use crypto currencies in their work. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it's called the Internet. The internet is a huge information base where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world. One of these projects is ALIGATOCOIN

Blockchain technology has the opportunity to change the entire economy of the e-commerce market, but working on the implementation of technology in this industry has just begun. The list of blocks along with intelligent contracts allows a level of security, transparency and efficiency that cannot be achieved using the solutions offered so far. In addition, he only allows one universally accepted truth to exist. This means that transactional data stored is decentralized and validated only after confirmation by the network nodes involved. Support from the entire database trading platform will ensure security and transparency, as well as the simplicity of verification of information selected by all users of a particular platform - from buyers, sellers and suppliers,

And for more details about ALIGATOCOIN, see the following video


Blockchain technology has the potential to solve many problems that not only the e-commerce industry is struggling with at some level of function. It has often been proven that the e-commerce business model that currently functions inadequately, and its lack of evolution may have negative consequences for all of these market participants around the world - for example, theft of data last year from the Equifax website took more than 143 million Americans.

Existing companies experience more difficulties by explaining the details of supply sources or hidden costs of a product or service.


About tokens

➮ Token Name: AligatoCoin 

➮ Token Symbol: ALC 

➮ Platform: Ethereum (ERC20) 

Distribusi Distribution Process: ALC Token will be sent once ICO has been closed 

➮ Cryptocurrency Unit (Token) Price: 1 ALC = 0.50 USD 

➮ Minimum Number of Cryptocurrency Tokens Can be Purchased: 1 ALC 

➮ Pre-ICO Opened on: 20.04.2018 (12:00 CET) 

➮ Pre-ICO Closes at: 29.07.2018 (12:00 CET) 

➮ ICO Opens at: 30.07.2018 (12:00 CET ) 

➮ ICO Closes on: 30.08.2018 (12:00 CET) 

➮ Soft Cap: 1,000,000 ALC 

➮ Purpose: 35,000,000 ALC 

atatan Recordable Volume of Maximum Cryptocurrency (Hard Cap): 70,000,000 ALC

Investor Investor Protection: If the Minimum Purpose is not reached, the funds will be repaid to the investor after the ICO is closed 

➮ Maximum Cryptocurrency Supply: 100,000,000 ALC 

➮ Distribution of Tokens: Aligato 30%; crowdfunding investors 70% 

Pembayaran Payment Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGECOIN, ATB, (PLN & USD)




author: KOTEB17

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