AL committee votes in favor of smoking lounge in Macau casino

AL committee votes in favor of smoking lounge in Macau casino

At the 10th meeting of the 2nd Standing Committee, the Act on the Prevention and Regulation of Tobacco Smoke and possible exceptions to the ban on smoking in Macau casinos were the subject of discussion.

In an 8-2 vote, the committee voted on a proposal for some 30 of China's Special Administrative Region gambling sites that must meet government requirements in advance to allow smoking lounges to be maintained within the facilities. Among the agendas submitted by the government to the committee last week, including these various requirements, were prepared by the government, and the government's adjustment seems to improve the requirements, such as preventing harmful secondhand smoke from escaping from the lounge into the casino's general area.

The Macau Daily Times reported that according to Chairman Chan-chak, the proposals include three exceptions: allowing casinos to establish smoking lounges, setting up designated smoking areas or smoking lounges in prisons, and maintaining rooms at tobacco shops where customers can sample tobacco products. At yesterday's meeting, Chan reportedly said that all of the aforementioned proposals were not accepted by the government, and that the new legislation still requires smoking in prisons to be banned. Also, what the government has proposed is that the city does not allow any shops to display tobacco products except stores.

New amendments to smoking legislation are expected to take effect early next year, but smoking lounges will not be allowed, the news said. From then on, smoking will be completely banned in Macau casinos, except for smoking lounges that comply with government requirements. Chan explained, "If the bill can be passed, it will be implemented, and within a year, casinos can set up qualified smoking lounges."

His belief that smoking lounges can reduce the negative impact of secondhand smoke on casino employees. He also suggested that the region should not risk reducing taxes in Macau, where the gaming sector accounts for the highest proportion, by banning all smoking in gambling venues. Chand said, "We cannot predict the loss of casinos if a blanket smoking ban is implemented."

Government representatives will be invited to attend a committee meeting next week, when amendments to the bill will be discussed.

Currently, smoking lounges in Macau are similar to those common in U.S. airports. However, the smoke often seeps out of the smoking lounge and into the regular gaming floor because the door is left open.


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