AEX v8 Raphael

AEX v8 Raphael

Sherif Rahim
Device Side :
  • Added Thermal Profile for Gaming and Benchmarking
  • Added Touch Control (yay, gamers)
  • Added tethring and WiFi Overlay (device tree changes lol!)
  • Audio and Bluetooth related changes
  • Support for Microg (do tell)
  • Bumped Minimum Vendor version for CN versions
    and moree.....

Source Side Changes:

Added customization options as follows...

Status Bar :- 

- Added Support for Microg

-Add and remove status bar items 

- Status bar clock settings

- Battery Bar options and customizations

- Traffic Indicators

- Carrier label customisations

- AEX logo on status bar

- Option to enable 4G icon 

- Option to disable VoLTE icon and roaming indicator

- Condensed mobile data icon

- Double tap to sleep and brightness control across Status bar

Quick Settings and notification panel :-

- QS Tiles vibrations

- Brightness slider along QS panel

- Adaptive brightness icon and brightness control buttons

- Option to disable QS settings when screen is locked

- Running services icon in QS panel

- QS pull down customisations

- Quick toggle animations

- Kill app option

- Caffeine Mode

- CPU Info overlay

- FPS Toggle

- Heads-up Toggle


- Double tap on lockscreen to sleep

- DT2W on Doze

- Media art 

- Music Visualizer


- Three finger screen shot gesture

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