AEX - LEMONKEBAB Changelog- 01/04/2022

AEX - LEMONKEBAB Changelog- 01/04/2022

Kunal Shah

First A12.1 / 12L build


1. Initial Android 12L build

2. All Android 12L features

2. Added udfps customisation

3.added vibration/brightness bar haptics

4.Added Monet customisation

5.added face unlock

6.added gaming mode

7. Bt fixes

8. Fix some issues with playing videos on some social media app

9. Updated kernel

10. March security patch

11.added oos cam and gallery

12.added daxui Dolby

13. fix opcam and Dolby not following system accent

14. Added udfps animations

15. Added Monet bootanimation

16.fixed ui lag

17.improved battery

18.added launcher3 as default launcher

19. Added unlimited edge touch toggle

20.added per app volume

21. Fixed heating issues

22. Improved performance

23. Repainter Support ( no root required for it to work )

24. TouchGestures

25. qqs footer actions

26. vol. panel on left

27. signal and wifi icons theming

28. Import some UI sounds from Samsung S21 FE

29. added adaptive playback

30. added GameProps: it will spoof the device needed to unlock the FPS for certain games

31. brightness slider changes

32. updated drivers

33. updated colors mode overlay

34. fixed auto brightness curve from oos

35. adapted status bar height for 12L

36. adapted dimens and corners as per 12L / A12.1

37. Added force small clock in ls

38. added charging animation

39. added clear all and lens option in recents

40. Safety net passes, with Root Beer app passing all tests.

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