Islam is a novel religion, particularly on the grounds that the monetary relations in the Sharia are plainly controlled and have various genuine prerequisites and limitations.

Islamic fund is on the other hand called moral back, and this is a completely reasonable name. As indicated by Sharia law, a Muslim ought not give cash for development (acquire premium), put resources into denied exercises (betting, generation of precluded items, for example, liquor), participate in exchanges with exorbitant vulnerability.

ADAB Solutions is a digital currency trade stage that is based on the decentralized blockchain innovation dependent on high lesson of Islamic culture and qualities. The ADAB arrangements venture prompts the making of a digital currency exchanging biological system that utilizes the Islamic sharia standards for exchanging.

ADAB Solutions – is building up the FICE – First Islamic Crypto Exchange, in view of the standards of Shariah. The anticipated volume of every day exchanging on the First Islamic Crypto Exchange is $ 140 million and a month to month turnover of $ 4.2 billion amid the first and a half long periods of activity of the trade.

Muslims hold fast to these necessities; so they dread such unconfirmed speculation strategies, similar to digital currencies. Numerous digital currencies unmistakably have attributes illegal to Muslims. Thusly, all together not to disregard the requests of the Sharia, Muslims keep away from interests in these advantages.

On the planet there are something like 50 million clients of digital currency, and among them just a little part is spoken to by 1.8 billion Muslims living on the planet.

Halal / Permissible

The theoretical idea of digital currency has started banter among Islamic researchers about whether cryptographic money is religiously admissible. The Cryptocurrency Company looks to impact the discussion by propelling instruments dependent on physical resources and guaranteed as legitimate by Islamic guides.

ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of halal digital currency exchanges, giving access to the cryptographic money advertise for the Muslim Ummah , which represents 22% of the total populace and oversees Islamic budgetary resources with an anticipated volume of 3.8 trillion USD.

Each OneGram cryptographic money unit is bolstered by no less than one gram of physical gold put away in a vault. The thought is to restrict hypothesis.

Gold is one of the main types of cash in an Islamic culture, so this is correct, said Ibrahim Mohammed, a British native who established an organization with another financial specialist a year ago.

With the end goal to ADAB Solutions as a digital currency undertaking to be Halal, it is intended to actualize the accompanying measures: The advancement of the venture will be founded on the innovative endeavors of the coordinators and their work. As indicated by the standards of Islamic morals, it is correct that the wellspring of riches is possess work inputs and the enterprising endeavors.

First Islamic Crypto Exchange will totally reject the likelihood of theoretical exchanges, edge exchanging and tasks that don't compare to Shariah. This will avoid the Gharar and Maisir and Riba from crafted by the Exchange.

Purpose behind Adab Solution

1. The ADAB arrangements was made in view of the exponential development in the utilization of digital currency. Cryptographic forms of money are accepted to be the eventual fate of cash. Every single proactive business are moving towards the blockchain and decentralization. There is no cryptographic money trade that is made as per the Islamic shariah law. The ADAB Solutions is made as the First Islamic Shariah Crypto Currency Exchange - FICE in the entire world that depends on shariah standards. Having a trade base on Islamic standard will make countless financial specialists to put resources into the digital currency markets.

2. The development of ADAB Solutions demonstrates that cryptographic money is worthy in Islam. This will affirm to the preservationist Muslims that crypto coins are worthy and halal. The ADAB stage will formalize crafted by cryptology base on sharia foundationally.

3. The ADAB Solutions biological community will turn into the stage where the Muslim crypto client can come and execute in adequate halal activities point of fact. The ADAB Solutions venture goes for propelling just halal tasks that are in accordance with the Islamic purview.

4. There a considerable measure of tricks extends in the crypto space. Numerous cryptographic money ventures were made to be a trick ideal from origin. The ADAB arrangements task will make new moral principles of business administration that will ensure trustworthiness and security of client's assets and speculation.

5. The ADAB arrangements will draw in financial specialists that have never shared in any digital money dealings subsequently uncovering the utilization of cryptographic forms of money to new clients and conceivable mass adjustment.

ADAB Token

The ADAB Solutions token is an ERC 20 standard token based on the Ethereum blockchain innovation. It is used as the methods for installment for commissions on the stage. The ADAB arrangements token resembles a key that offers access to different administrations on the ADAB arrangements digital currency trade stage. The token can be traded for fiat cash easily and accommodation. The ADAB token can likewise be utilized as the methods for installment for different results of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange accomplices.


The mission of the ADAB Solutions venture is to make conditions and administrations dependent on the high good and social estimations of Islam and give access to all clients of crypto financial aspects.

The fundamental errand of ADAB Solutions is to make a structure that will build up new moral measures for working together in the business.

ADAB – gauges of conduct endorsed by the standards of the Shariah, including great behavior, principles of goodness, affability, mankind. The name of ADAB Solutions is a major duty regarding the makers of the undertaking. ADAB is a lifestyle in Islam, which the originators of the undertaking think about normal in regular day to day existence, as well as a mandatory establishment of business relations.

What is Adab Solutions Token / Coin?

ADAB Solutions is developing the FICE – First Islamic Crypto Exchange, based on the norms of Shariah.The projected volume of daily trading on the First Islamic Crypto Exchange is $146 million and a monthly turnover of $4.4 billion during the first one and a half years of operation of the exchange.As a result, the implementation of the ADAB Solutions project will create a global infrastructure, that operates on the principles of Islamic finance, and the community that regulates the development of Islamic crypto-economics.ADAB Solutions will solve the problem of halal cryptocurrency transactions, providing access to the cryptocurrency market for the Muslim Ummah , which accounts for 22% of the world’s population and manages Islamic financial assets with a projected volume of 3.8 trillion USD.

ICO Details 

Name of the token ADAB

Total number of tokens – 500.000.000

The price of the token is 0.1 USD

Method of payment – BTC, ETH

Soft Cap – 2.500.000 $

Hard Cap -17.290.000 $

Start – 25.07.2018 year

The end is on 15.11.2018

Minimum volume of sales – 1000 ADAB

Timur Turzhan Founder & CEO

Rustam Turzhan Co – founder & COO

Maxat Salpyn Deputy CEO on Islamic finance

Aleksander Mamasidikov CMO

Road Map


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Eth addres : 0x4150E05dC27b211ef6dFE6c01fcA559b83253335

Author : Galih Alkarom

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