ADAB SOLUTIONS – The First Islamic Crypto Exchange

ADAB SOLUTIONS – The First Islamic Crypto Exchange



ADAB Solutions is building up the FICE – First Islamic Crypto Exchange, in light of the standards of Shariah. Accordingly, the execution of the ADAB Solutions task will make a worldwide framework, that works on the standards of Islamic fund, and the network that manages the advancement of Islamic crypto-financial aspects. ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of halal digital currency exchanges, giving access to the cryptographic money showcase for the Muslim Ummah , which represents 22% of the total populace and oversees Islamic budgetary resources with an anticipated volume of 3.8 trillion USD. 

About Adab Solutions 

So as to ADAB Solutions as a cryptographic money undertaking to be Halal, it is wanted to actualize the accompanying measures: 

The advancement of the venture will be founded on the pioneering endeavors of the coordinators and their work. As per the standards of Islamic morals, it is correct that the wellspring of riches is possess work inputs and the innovative endeavors. 

First Islamic Crypto Exchange will totally prohibit the likelihood of theoretical exchanges, edge exchanging and tasks that don't relate to Shariah. This will bar the Gharar and Maisir and Riba from crafted by the Exchange. 

FICE stage ready to deal with 3 million solicitations for each second, making FICE the one of the quickest crypto trades. Clients of FICE will be ensured that their applications will never be suspended because of clog of the stage. 

ADAB Solutions is established to make a stage for halal activities, to work in a full consistence with the standards of Islam and Islamic back. Our undertaking is to encourage Muslims and the network of crypto-speculators to comprehend what in the market the digital forms of money is agreeable with the Shariah rules and what does not. 

ADAB Solutions continues from the way that this undertaking will by and large advantage the market, since halal tasks in their quintessence have utility and esteem, and their definition will add to the improvement of helpful thoughts and a decline in the quantity of activities in the market, which are haram in its pith. 

We take care of the issues of the Muslim people group, for example, 

ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of halal cryptographic money activities 

ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of intemperate dangers of digital money frameworks 

ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of creating Islamic cryptographic money framework 

Nonappearance of a crypto trade, working as per the standards of Shariah 

The absence of a brought together position of the Muslim people group in regards to the digital money 

Vulnerability of Muslims in regards to the tolerability of working with digital forms of money 

From the turnover of existing crypto trades, zakat isn't paid. 

The issue of the digital currency showcase: 

The to a great degree low inclusion of Muslims in the cryptographic money showcase 

Absence of network trust in the key devices of crypto financial matters 

Absence of another business sectors and financial specialists 

The significance of the Adab Solutions venture for members and its uniqueness: 

The Adab Solutions venture has no analogs on the planet. Today, there is certainly not a solitary cryptographic money stage or a crypto trade, which would ensure exercises dependent on Shariah. Adab Solutions will be the primary venture that will permit performing digital money exchanges as per the standards of Islamic fund and based on Shariah standards. 

The Adab Solutions venture is expected to a gigantic group of onlookers of 1.8 billion potential Muslim clients of the cryptographic money showcase. 

Projectibility of the task. The Adab Solutions venture is structured as per the most noteworthy security models and has novel specialized highlights of key programming arrangements. 

The Adab Solutions venture shapes an arrangement of qualities ​​based on Shariah standards and standards of Islamic fund, which will end up being simply the premise control of the cryptographic money showcase and will build the dimension of trust in a key digital currency instruments. 

Full straightforwardness of the Adab Solutions venture. Straightforwardness of the undertaking and safe locales will make it conceivable to purchase and move digital currencies for fiat cash. 

Destinations and mission of the task 

The ADAB Solutions venture is building up the FICE-First Islamic Crypto Exchange , dependent on the standards of Shariah. 

The reason for the ADAB Solutions venture is the formation of a crypto - trade stage, a stock trade and administrations that conform to the standards of the Shariah and work on the standards of Islam. 

The mission of the ADAB Solutions venture is to make conditions and administrations dependent on the high good and social qualities ​​of Islam and give access to all clients of crypto financial matters. 

The key assignment of ADAB Solutions is to make a structure that will set up new moral guidelines for working together in the business. 

ADAB – principles of conduct endorsed by the standards of the Shariah, including great habits, guidelines of goodness, kindness, mankind. 

The name of ADAB Solutions is a major obligation regarding the makers of the task. 

ADAB is a lifestyle in Islam, which the originators of the venture think about normal in regular daily existence, as well as a compulsory establishment of business relations. 

For the Muslim world, profound morals are principal. Every one of their activities must be scriptural. Standards for deciphering the Scriptures translates the Sharia. To accomplish something all alone, without consent from the Shariah it is an incredible sin. Since the crypto showcase is a genuinely new marvel and the Sharia has not yet made up the standards, at that point Muslim devotees can not work the digital currency. For instance, purchase tokens to take an interest in the ICO, to utilize the administrations on the Blockchain. For a few people it might sound wild, yet this issue truly exists. It merits Recalling that the earth is home to about 1.8 billion Muslims. While others contend about the privileges of adherents, the ADAB venture makes an answer. This is a crypto trade that will occur as indicated by Sharia rules. Our audit about the ADAB ICO venture. 


One fourth of the occupants of the planet earth are Muslims. They are described by confidence and a craving to pursue the tenets of Scripture. Prior to utilizing new advancements, it is important to acquire Sharia consent. Everything new should go through the channel of Scripture and Sharia. 

With the appearance of digital forms of money came the vulnerability of Muslims in such manner. For crypto trade, Sharia rules are not characterized and every Muslim devotee are denied of the chance to treat them. The Muslim people group today does not have a reasonable regular position on the tolerability of the utilization of digital currencies. There is no precise way to deal with figuring out what is sin and what isn't. Muslims don't know whether they can manage digital currencies. 

Today, there is a need to make a counseling Council that will decide the tolerability of specific activities with digital forms of money. And in addition a stage that will contain just those capacities that relate to Sharia. 

The Islamic people group living in 120 nations in Europe, Asia and Africa. In 35 of these nations, the Muslim populace is the lion's share. These incorporate the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait and others. 


To tackle the issues of separating Muslims from the cryptographic money showcase, ADAB Solutions is being made. It incorporates legitimate agents of the Muslim world, who will supervise the procedures of assembly of the Muslim world and the universe of cryptographic forms of money. 

Presently the First Islamic crypto trade is being produced and a Sharia Advisory Council is being framed. This will enable a methodical way to deal with the foundation of Sharia standards for the Muslim people group in connection to cryptographic forms of money. 

MVP is prepared. This trade ADAB (, which has founded a few coins. A few people as of now use it. 

For the universe of Islam are entirely significant characteristics, for example, respect. These tried and true Moral and social qualities assume a key job. This is a ground-breaking asset for building another market dependent on trust and duty. 

Extraordinary consideration will be paid to the specialized side of the task. The most solid innovations will be chosen to give clients security and genuine feelings of serenity. 

Notwithstanding the trade, ADAB Solutions expects to create different arrangements. Furthermore, they will likewise consent to the guidelines and standards of Sharia. For instance, a stage for Halal ventures. 

Digital currency stage ADAB will have the capacity to utilize not just Muslims. ADAB Solutions gives a chance to utilize the stage associated with Islamic otherworldly qualities amassed more than many years for everybody.


  • Token ADAB
  • PreICO Price 1 ADAB = 0.1 USD
  • Price 1 ADAB = 0.1 USD
  • Bonus Available
  • Bounty Available
  • MVP/Prototype Available
  • Platform Ethereum
  • Accepting ETH, BTC
  • Minimum investment 100 USD
  • Soft cap 2500000 USD
  • Hard cap 18700000 USD
  • Country United Arab Emirates
  • Whitelist/KYC KYC & Whitelist
  • Restricted areas USA

The distribution of ADAB tokens is as follows:



ADAB Solutions is a critical task. For the individuals who have nothing to do with Islam, it is hard to feel it. ADAB Solutions can wind up extraordinary compared to other stages, in light of the fact that the framework is at first laid such characteristics that normally relate to everything that is solid and dependable. There is little uncertainty about the accomplishment of the ICO accumulation.

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Author TheJohnMatch


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