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Paleo-science. Here are ancient technical points - uncommon and unknown by the average public:


From nothing comes nothing. How the conspiracy got the technological ideas and the straight-line to electronics, robotics and GMO, finally to CERN. Ancient knowledge (commonly known as #alchemy, #kabbalah, #paleo-tech) kept in secret libraries clarify that aspect. Pre-Noahide texts may be paramount - and most indian vedas are pre-noahide. Note that ALL indian texts were collected by the "learned army" of Al. Makedon in its indian campaign 300 BC. And stored in libraries! ..ten slowly deciphered. The second pre-noahide are the occult Egyptian priests (alchemists)

Check also: 

>> The Dragon gave his knowledge to the beast / Rev. 13:4 >

The first collection of secret knowledge was made by Paulicians> Bogomils> Kathars> Templars. In modern era was continued - the alchemical Order of the Dragon 1408 by Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Hungary and later Holy Roman Emperor (1433-1437).... then the alchemical Order of Golden Fleece (1430) by Philip de Burgundy followed by full disclosure of witchcraft (occult science) announced by Rosicrucians in 1615 / Frama Fraternitas. Then Masons after London conquest by plague and fire 1666.

For the masses all knowledge was wiped-out ( Inquisition, Templars) and even rewritten by monks! That includes not only parchments but the external inscriptions of Egyptian Pyramids!

The whole external pyramids shell was dismantled during crusades by the son of Saladin - a Templar's friend. Then suddenly the crusades ceased. That's Orwell's "memory hole " (or today's Gates "recycle bin") in ancient times.

(besides, the thinking primitivism of masses is the best encryption... )


1o years ago (2011) I published 2 books about photography made in Antiquity. Seems hard to believe but it's just like other discoveries such as programmed automata, mechanical computers, indexing, telescopes, airplanes (Architas) or isopsephic blockchain. Anything was known.

The key manuscripts were not burned as in libraries burning or Acts 19:19...) but kept as "xerox" made with natural ferogallic recipes on parchment. That's the source of secret libraries such as Templars, alchemists, Vatican or Bodmer/Konstanz... All copied By Paulicians and Gnostics.

THE PHOTOCOPY RECIPES - ACTS 19:19 are referenced in AcheiroSkiagraphia + + + +

This is a condensed extract from AcheiroSkiagraphia ISBN978-973-0-10173-7 mar/2011 Author/copyrigt: Adrian Gongea.

The book make crosslinks between some modern hypotesys ( David Hockney's Secret Knowledge, R.Lapucci) and lost alchemical recipes. With no room of mistake the book detect all main chemical photorecipes in Pliny's Natural Encyclopaedia XXXIII-XXXVI and Vitruvius. Hence the ancients knew photography, particulary photocopy.

I was able to detect all main substances used for photography in the 19 century Victorian chemists (all masons / sec 19) simply copied the old recipes hidden in greek alchemical manuscripts!

The secret guild of painters from Flandre Orange House (Philip the Good) knew the same recipes beginning with Van Eick - the first to use that old geek way to "paint". Then Vermeer (using also camera obscura) and the method was described by Tiphaigne de la Roche Giphantie 1760. All that history is present in my 2 books upto detail.

Here I disclose only the photocopy recipe. It's an angular addition to the chapter ANCIENT TECH [ ] because it explains the full technology of making a photocopy on parchment with ancient materias - as described in Acts 19:19. And thus it explains all the know-how advance of the Apocalypse Conspiracy from Paulicians to Masons.

ACTS 19:19 - Many of them also which used curious arts (periergos/Gr) brought their books together, and burned them in the eye of all (biblous katekaion enopion anton/Gr); and they counted the price of them, and found fify thousand pieces of silve (argyriou/Gr)

periergos / Gr. = abstract science-tech

biblous katekaion enopion anton / Gr. = All books burned in the eye.

Like you say burning-in on CD or DVD... hence used for photocopy.

The image is burned in "camera obscura". But that's not an original latin/greek term. "Camera obscura" was a new-latin term invented by Kepler in 17 century! The greeks used (correcty) "enopion" because the eye is indeed a "camera-obscura".


Atramentum was a large category of "blacking" reactions mentioned by Pliny and Vitruvius. Some one was photosensitive (the blacking was obtained by sun/UV). Atramentum tectorium = overlay, surface blacking. Atramentum - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890)- William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin.

The photosensitivity via SUN of a certain "atramentum" is clearly underlinded by Pliny: “Omne autem atramentum SOLE perficitur...”. See below the iron-gall process ! The monks-mistification of the terms [Latin-newspeak or "new Latin"] extends upto the analytical science!

Pliny pointed 3 kind of salts or reactives: atramentum tectorium [called also pictorium!], sutorium [for leather-work] and librarium . Some kind of atramentum was used in the libraries.(why? for "xerox"?)

We shall say that Fe2(SO4)3 can be found as coquimbite mineral - of white-violet color, being called “lonchonton”/Plin. or leukoyon [ref. Rulandus]. In turn the copper counterpart is blue [chalcanton, chalcantite CuSO4] - one kind of atramentum sutorium, for ordinary leaterwork, besides verdigris [Cu(CH3COO)2.2Cu(OH)2].

Parchment was a highly refined invention, made in Pergamon (among plenty alchemial recipes like ..innoculation/vax and insanity "spells" via salts of Al / alum or mercury). The tech used to obtain parchment is no ordinary leather-work. The finest alchemists worked on that. They had to invent a new ink, especially suited for parchment. That was "ferogallic" or "encaustum scripturae species". (again kayen/enkayen = burning-in) Hence they could invent also a “heliotype” photocopying method, during the research; the iron-gall compound, in certain formulations, is photosensitive! This one uses lonchonton, ferric(III) sulfate.


The main reaction “inside” the iron-gall photo-processes is this:

UV + 2[Fe(C2O4)3]3- → 2[Fe(C2O4)2]2- + (C2O4)2- + 2CO2 ↑


The chemical diference between gallic ink and iron-gall photo-process is the usage of different iron ions. The UV photosensitive recipe is done only with Fe2(SO4)3 -lonchonton - or iron(III) ferric sulfate. In contrast, the ink was made with (FeSO4.xH2O) iron(II) ferrous sulfate - or copperas. The key is that: ferric(III) reduces to ferrous(II) ion under UV rays - and only that reacts with the tannin. And so, the image is fixed. Then wash!

Check  Ferric & heliographic processes at, especially Colas, page 99. 

As sample recipe IRON-GALL HELIOTYPE "black line"/R. Nakahara, 1894

- 93 gr. gumarabicum [librarium gummi/Pliny]

- 630 gr. water [aqua...]

- 12,5 gr. tartaric acid [tryginon, vinaceis fecere/Pliny]

- 60 gr. common salt NaCl [sal-suginis/Pliny]

- 62 gr. ferric sulfate - Fe2(SO4)3 [lonchonton - atram. libr./ Pliny = coquimbite min]

- 93 gr. ferric chloride - FeCl3 [atram. pictorium / Pliny = molysite min]

All substances mentioned in Pliny can be located (mindat.og) in caves in Turkey or volcanic islands in East-Mediteraneea. Gallic acid was widely made by maceration of Gallnuts/Allepo. Tartaric acid from the pecipitate of wine on amphor-bottom. All natural sources.



Ancients mastered also quite well lenses and especially parabolic mirrors known as catoptrics. Archimedes perfected the parabolic calculation followed by Apollonius from Pergammon. The Pharos tower/Alexandria featured a 90 cm diameter parabolic mirror handmade from speculum - a certain mix of bronze. Just that was copied by Herschel in his 90 cm telescope - the first in modern era. Also 100% handmade by Herschel in the style of Egyptian masters. And that was because Herschel was master in Latin and old Greek... check the book The Crystal_Sun by Robert Temple.


That one is NOT present in the "official" paleo-tech history but we have several indices: the Baghdad battery, a vedic text on splitting water with the mysterious energy of Cu-Fe batteries, several accounts on lights don't using oil / everlasting, and maybe the devices like the the speaking bush of fire (Tesla singing coil??) or the Ark of Covenant... For sure the magnetic and electrostatic energy were known by Greeks (they gave their names) Note that Tesla was a student of VEDIC texts!


BLOCKCHAIN DEMO was made by the "annonymous" Satoshi in his Oct 2008 paper. [ the front-speaker of Bill-Gates bgC3 ] Claiming "pseudo-genial " > 100% annonymity and 100% decentralization. That paper was an intellectual scam! Just as "vaccines = safe" today. I met by hazard Bitcointalk straight from the beginning. It took 3 years to question the underlying tech.

Starting with 2012 I pointed the whole "genial" Satoshi demo as a scam which will lead to COLLAPSE or SURVEILLANCE, ultimately to "beast-money"- Rev. 13:16-18. Any average mathematician could detect what I said but all behaved just like doctors with RNA-vaccines today.... GREED shut-down any intelligence & common sense.  

I was smashed from forums then from Medium. MY POINTS published +2012 >>

1. - The account keys can be broken by Shor's and Grovers algorythms, check below.** Anyone ingnored the FACT that q-computers will be soon available. Your money is NOT by you but in the ledger. And your only acces is by PP-keys which can and will be broken. 

2. - Blockchain is a p2p network. Like Bittorent. This can be easy watched on UDP by someone like NSA.. Correlating transaction-times with the IP and public ledger you soon know WHO made the "annonymous transaction". 

3 - any Bittorenty like network needs a bootstrap - DNS seed. Those are super-central servers. BTC has 5 hardcoded (inside software). Who owns the DNS servers owns BTC network.

4. - The "perfect decentralization" via "byzantine fault tolerance" probability was the BIGGEST SCAM. And "mining pools" soon proved they will surpass 50% BFT. That is: you can make a consensus-code of "miners" on-top of the BTC code. 

5 - The whole language of "cash / coins" and miners is a scam. In fact are zero-cash and zero-miners but a bank-account and a consortium of "cloned banks". THERE IS NO CAHS. Cash is in the pocket only! 

6. - There is "no intrinsic value". Another huge scam of "scarcity" made by Szabo. Anything is a game set by the programing team. It's a pure FIAT. And basta. Scarcity can be only PHYSICAL. 

7. - Any, just any online money gain "value" just like the normal money - if backed hiddenly by previous capital hence "ESTABLISHMENT". Many other coins failed value! Coz not backed by ..Rothschild money , media and ..laundery. 

8. - As the network grows the POW algorythm will eat too much ressources. Proven today: any blockchain NEED SOON a body-measurement - 060606 - which is finite! [ the ONLY real solution] And that was the plot from beginning!!! No, they will not use YOUR DOG for mining unfortunately.. (but that would be a nice solution). Corollary the implant could be foreseen as the "final solution"!  

For all that I was smashed since 2011 from any online group... 

** Grovers algorythm can attack some symmetric keys by brutefore Shor's algorytm can solve assymetric keys. Both are quantum algorythms that can run only on quantum-computers. Shor's was invented in 1994 and Grovers in 1996. Both together can break the Bitcoin blockchain (your keys) and any crypto blockchain that is NOT quantum. Curiously the first real blockchain was used by Stornetta starting with 1994

THUS: from the very inception of the blockchain the high mathematicians (like those working at NSA or Microsoft) KNEW  IT WILL BE BROKEN. And thus the whole planning of the Apocalyptic events.

Check the full Bill-Gates as Satoshi - secret story here: Check too:


Again the crypto-chain idea was ancient: basic gogol-numbers as required by crypto were studied by greeks; read "The Sand Reckogner" /Archimedes. + You can use as Base27 code the isopsephic 27 letters alphabet (3^3=27) and also create foot-sums of a page. Kinda CRC verification. Summing the sum of 2 pages by gematria you get kinda "blockchain-hash". A unique verifiable number for 2 consecutive pages then a unique series of pairs: that's how they kept the sacred texts unchangeable. By gematria/isopsepic "blockchain". Kinda chain-CRC. So the chain-concept was known by antiques!

Ipsosephic sum (gematria) was used for INDEXING by Callimachus in Alexandria Library (pinakes) . ANY ancient text is indexed including Bible. The index is the basis of any computing OS today. As for the "back-box" model was borrowed from Kabbal.

Besides, ancients knew  cryptography - for ex "Caesar Cypher" or Arithmancy - , and was only a matter to develop a more refined version today. Psephisos-isopshephic are related to sum, check Apocalypse 666 - in isopsephic/arithmancy code.

The occultists and witches had also a "binary" form of divination -geomancy- which was wiped but remained as domino and dices. Surely tied to I-Ching as binary form... and to Pascal Trinagle called in India Meeru (Moriah Solomon's Temple mountain!)! Domino has 28 stones corresponding to the 27 ipsosephic -1 letters. Using this pattern you get the PUNCHCARD. As invented by Heron of Alexandria.

There you get the whole "software kernel" for Arachne's "eye-bee-mark".

A. KIRCHER an Jesuit disclosed all know-how about punch-cards around 1650, just after Rosicrucians announced the huge social transformations by "witchcraft" in FRAMA FRATERNITAS.

There is a link between 64 basepairs of DNA/RNA and the 65 ICHING. In China Tai Hsuan Ching a set of 81 tetragrams, corresponds to the Gematria/Ipsosephic 3x topic. There is also the link to the "Theory of Everything E8" check Tony Smith page.

But there is a difference between I-Ching and Tai Zuan Ching>> the first is in Base2-powers (the "beast") and the latter is in Base3-powers just like Gematria (sacred/occult). JESUIT MONKS just bought I-Ching to Leibnitz (an alchemst in fact) > he invented the binary as used today.

Anythig in that Base3-powers begins with 27 thus in 3^3. The triade-base. This is key for decimals [nr. 9] excluding the ignored "0" in theosophic summation > (0)123456789(0)123456789(00).... Check Plichta on #9 and 81 wit converses 81-18 or 27-72 or the 3x3 obsession of ..Tesla. That's isopshephy and gematria. And that numeral base is key to both masonry numbering and the code inside Apocalypse: 666+333=999 the maximal nr written with a triade. Some numbers are unexpanable outside geometry - the Pythagoreic series and angles.

Note that the concept of Aristotle that all elements can be reduced to triangle tetrahedron is correct. We have the tetrahedron of chemical affinity, the periodic table of Adomah (the only correct ), any regular polyhedron is reductible to tetrahedron (hence also n-polytope projection) And the tetrahedron of DNA codons!


This point is short because the data abut automatons in antiquity is quite known

Once you have the data-theory (kinda cybernetics see above) and the punch-card memory (as flavor the data-cylinder) the step to automata (robots) is straight.

in the lineage of robots made by Greeks (Ctesibus, Philo, Heron) Al Jazari.

There are many examples of automata in Greek mythology: Hephaestus created automata for his workshop the eagle whch ate Prometheus liver was made from bronze.. Talos was an artificial man of bronze;  Daedalus used quicksilver to install voice in his moving statues; King Alkinous  employed gold and silver watchdogs.

Rhodes island had a tradition of mechanical engineering; the island was renowned for its automata.  Heron of Alexandria invented  hydraulics, pneumatics, and mechanic automata a water organ, a programmable cart.


How about that? Isaiah 59:5 and Amos 5:2 mentions WWW (3 hooks/waw letter = 666) and the "spider-web" (not a real web, but for deception, check the text!).

Do they could envision "internet"? Not directly but by extrapolation. Forests forms indeed an internet via fungus tied to roots - shamans knew that! The ants/bees use something like chemical TCP-IP - shamans knew that! And above all that is the legend of the spider-web as told in Ovids Metamorphoses/Arachne and the True Story Lucian of Samosata. Lucifer used explicitly a "spider-web" in that war... also portable cameras (eyes) or liquid oxygen.. You need a clear intuition to understand the connection between webbing or needlework and mathematical patterns. That's why they used the webbing metaphor of the spider.

Using the pinakes universal index they could envision a network of texts beginning wit the very network of ancient libraries. {in fact hellenistic texts are ALL interlocked by a gematria chipher and the said blockchain) Check how you can do interlinked texts COLDSTORED today (here, bottom)

Acoustic, peumatic and finally electric transmission follows. Vawes (thalasos) of accoustic nature were well mastered long-range, in pipes. Hence data transmission. The library as "server" was described later by the Rosicrucian Francis Bacon in his book : The New Atlantis...

In pre-Noahide (pre-flood) times many inventions existed. Partly are kept in pre-noahide indian writings. Instant communication was described in Mahabharatta just as the flying machines and atomic bomb. Other vedas describe elctricty clearly, including thesplt of water in O + H2. That instant communication (maybe kinda internet?) was noted by the learned coming in India via Al. Makedon conquest. They formed Alexandrian Libray some eyars later... Do not forget the "clearseeing crystal-spheres" of witches, in european stories. And many others.

Some reference texts are kept secret. The principle is simple: data-storage (existed) and data-transmission (existed) = internet...

..just as Basel is linked with DNA research (check below), Zurich is linked with the first real users internet - EIN 1973 (no, not the ARPANET in USA)... One node was Zurich another course London... Follows TBL CERN 1980-89. First idea Wells the World-Brain put at work by Paul Otlet 1908 - an electro-mechanical kinda internet. The idea of rosicrucian Bacon/New Atlantis... a bit electro-mechanical conversion of ancient PINAKES.

Complementary to banks monopoly via USURY they built slowly a WEB Isaiah 59:5 and Amos 5:2 . Anything depends on the SERVER and thus the server can do DENIAL OF SERVICE-- with the result> nobody can buy or sell without... Rev 13:16-18.


The emerging of agricultural civilization 10k years ago is coupled with a curious GMO of wild plants to fit the agricultural agenda. It was said by Chinese and Mezoamericans, a certain fish or snake-like winged god > Fu-Xi by Chinese, Quetzacoal in America or Drako in Dacia; he gave the tools of civilization to humans...

>> The Dragon gave his knowledge to the beast / Rev. 13:4

It's not only that they improved plants by artificial selection. Genetic markers points on focused manipulation!

And that's especially valid for cereals. Corn from the wild teosine (uneatable) by a mutation of tga1 (teosinte glume architecture1) gene.

Emmer wheat (AABB) crossed with an unrelated form of wild goat grass, (Aegilops tauschii (DD)), to produce a new grain whose genetic structure contained 42 chromosomes (AABBDD).. No wild forms of hexaploid wheat exist on the earth. 

 Check other anomalies here [ ]

You hardly recognise [] the wild peach or carrot as being related to modern counterpart. Carrot was subject of further GMO in the 17 century. The initial purple carrot was interdicted by church as "whichcraft" (read GMO..) -- coz prolonged the life via the purple Anthocyanin ..just as the red rice in Japan, interdicted to peasants. Then some alchemists created the orange one in the honor of Orange House (famous for alchemy too) --- It might be that we ALWAYS ate GMO, but correctly made - not shitty as today.

Do not forget the proven manipulation of Akenathen genes 3500 years ago - cortex gene CXPAC5 []. So we have some "hard facts". Anaxagoras, Aristotle Lucretius etc, knew some of "Mendelian mechanisms". But the declared gene-manipulation is written in the very first treatise of alchemy "The Book of Stones" by Al Jabir, cca 750 A.D. 

Takwin was called the creation of "artificial life". That's about in al-Jabir compendium. The Book of Stones includes several recipes for creating creatures such as scorpions, snakes, and even humans (homunculus) in a laboratory environment, which are subject to the control of their creator. 

The Arabic original of the ninth-century Kitāb al-Nawāmīs has not been discovered, We got 3 incomplete chapters translated poorly in Latin. "Liber Vaccae" or "Book of the Cow" lays out the homunculus creation formula in bizarre detail. The process begins by mixing human semen with a mystical phosphorescent elixir and ends with a newborn homunculus emerging from a cow [source: Van der Lugt].

Jabir states in his Book of Stones (4:12) that "The purpose is to baffle and lead into error everyone except those whom God loves and provides for!" - quite the idea of "pharmakon" in Apocalypse! Rev 18:23 - by pharmakeia were all nations deceived.

From "Liber Vaccae" = artificial homunculus, comes the term "vaccination". Apparently related to cow (vaccae) innoculation ... But nope - smallpox was only a STEP! The cow (vaccae) innoculation was found by Lady Montague in S-Turkey the region of 7 churches, Pergammon and all alchemical recipes including photocopy or spells with mercury and alum-salts (as used in vaccines or witches-gypsy). After Diocletian and Theodosius condemned alchemy most gnostic-alchemists around 550 A.D. migrated to Persia. There you get the Al-Jabir compendium 750 A.D.! As both greek and jewish mythology speaks about humans made from clay (earth-element) by a god, the idea of manipulation existed all along. Greek texts are full of "chimeras" and in the Middel Age a full collection existed Monstrorum Historiae = GMO Then Golem and Frankenstein...

The very "Magnus-Opus" of Alchemy is related to a change of humans toward immortality by 4 alchemical steps.  Check also "transubstantiation"! So the kernel of GMO can be traced back to the oldest epoch in human history, thus the "documentation" of TRANSHUMANISM is deeply rooted in occult-alchemy. 

Of course automata/robots can only "enrich" that biolological manipulation . 


Caduceus was clearly a DNA symbol in alchemy... Separate DNA is incredibly simple and recipes available in some occult texts like Al Jabir: salt, pure water, ethyl-alcohol evt soap (pure). That's all you need. Any kid can do. A bunch of Fe-Cu batteries (Badghad) do a basic electrophoresis [similar to electroplatting..] to separate molecules as in full segmenting. It can be built at home .

Somehow ancients knew that DNA is LIGHT thus the PHALLUS represented HELIOS. - check Delos island phallus statues and masons symbolic... Check phallus-phos-phosphorous Greek root of words. (indeed DNA is based on Ph! ) And Phosphorous is the NJ in John Gospel...

Remember how Basel and Zurich are the 2 occult towns in Swiss/ Klaus-Schwab link? [REVT2] > From Basel came the discoverer of DNA/1860-64 > Friedrich  Miescher. His father was professor at the Basel University...(old Bern/Basel fam 1350..) Already 1881  Albrecht Kossel  Germany separated all nucleotides; adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T) and uracil (U).

Long time the genetic code was believed to reside in nucleus proteins.  Oswald Avery 1943-44 gave the proof that DNA is the code-bearer. But this man was involved in the Rockefeller "spanish-flu" affair and worked at Rockefeller all along! He and a colleague produced the famous "vaccine' which induced the Rockefeller "Spanish Flu"... coupled with FED overtake by the 7 bankers.

Now the puzzle fits perfectly together...


Modern humans have cranial capacities from 950 cm 3 to 1800 cm 3, but the average volume of a modern human brain is 1300 cm 3 to 1500 cm [ ]

Since 10000 years human brain shrinks from 1500 average to 1350. [ ]

The right proportion of phosphorous and omega in HEMP OIL (not drug-weed!) and FISH helps the growing of brain. Sacharides and cereals like grains shrink the brain. That's why the agricultural revolution 8k years ago. You need DUMBS and a SMART ruling class.

Paracas Coneheads (c. 700 BC - 100 AD) - average, the cranial capacity is 1.5 Ltr's, approximately 25% larger than contemporary skulls, and weigh as much as 60 percent more. [ ] !! Some coneheads 1.8 - 2.0 Ltr's. [ ]

Mezoamerica coneheads have european origins by PCR tests. [ ]

+35% of our genes are responsible only with cortex. Search "cortex growth gene". Brain can refold it's DNA and can change his epigenetics (on-off genes)! Meditation itself can change / refold brain DNA. Quite flexible! mRNA and RNA can change DNA new study found (hence mRNA vaccines too..)! The gene-manipulation of pharaoh cortex CXPAC5 was not targeted to grow the fronto-temporal computer but mostly the "third eye" -pinneal-pituitar- root of the brain.


It looks like a very very difficult and hard intervention - It's about penetrating the thick bone of the skull. Again you get a surprise; that intervention, called "trepanation" was performed since ...NEOLITHIC and was quite common, including in the middle-age. Once the skull penetrated the brain don't feel a thing, coz there are no pain-nerves... Probably the reasons were various, mainly to release the cranial pressure after some battle-wound. Or for "magical purposes". Kinda "skull acupuncture/tatoo" as the brain develops in foetus from skin-tissue...Just like Dr. Hannibal Lecter #3...

Why our ancestors drilled holes in each other's skulls - BBC



This point is related to that culture or race having another kind of skull as common humans. Was named by Hippocrate [the father of european medicine] "macrocephali".

Facts proves they are related to Akenathen lineage which had elongated skull & jaw, and also (today proven) a modified -seemingly GMO- gene CXPAC5 []. A similar elongated jaw/skull was present in Habsburgs lineage. Not a "degenerative" feature, but simply a recessive gene which can be maintained only by imbreeding...

Elongated skull (natural or shaped) was found ( in all "pyramid-zones" like: Egypt, MezoAmerica but also Malta, N-BlackSea (former hunic, Scythians later khazars space) From 5th century some remains (by hunic or goths migration 5th cent?) found in S-Germany too. Genetic markers points to S-Carpaths/Dacia (at that time under goths, coming from east i.e. Scytians or a mix with local rulers-class called "Tarabostes"!). All have caucasian genes incl in S-America or Texas [] Prognathysm + elongated skull is present by Habsburgs

[ ]

If you study the given links there are 2 facts: they were scattered all over the globe and some (likely "organic" not shaped) had a bigger cranial volume - 1500-1.800 cmc. Hippocrates ( 400 BC) tells us that the practice among the Scythians (Khazars later) was for the purpose of giving a certain aristocratic distinction. Amedée Thierry, in his “History of Attila,” says the Huns used it for the same reason.

Hippocrates > " There is no other race of men which have heads in the least resembling theirs". ...At first, usage was the principal cause of the length of their head,but now nature cooperates with usage. They think those the MOST NOBLE who have the longest heads...".

Nobody wants to be ruled by "redheads". Bad fierce temper.. Yet it's a fact (proven by famous painters like Duerer) that the ruling black nobility was ginger, all over the Europe. And today gingers are Gates, Boris, Prince Harry or Trump... The gene that determines red hair is MC1R, which used to be referred to as R1a1. R1a map of migration> Egypt, W-China, E-Ural... Europe. Besides known density in Irland and Scotland partly Netehrlands there is a huge density in East-Urals middle of Asia. We find redhead mummies in north-China. Vikings (VI-kings = 6-kings) also red-haired.

Mary Magdalene: Princess of Orange, by Ralph Ellis (buy online) points on "Sang-Real" or Sinclair... [] This aspect is important because of 2 details; the legend of Jesus (David) lineage via Maria Magdalena thought to be red-haired and having children with Jesus - the "Sang-Real"/ Sinclair story, Merovigians Priory of Sion . The real lineage of Orange-House named after their ginger hair. A gnostic legend or secret.. ? The gnostc Gospel of Mary Magdalene depict her with leadership roles and independent. The Bible mentions an exorcism first (..bad temper?):

Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” – Mark 16:9

Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna...” – Luke 8:1-3

Also some unexpected mummies from Egypt> Ramses Pharaoh with red-hair (also many mummies depicted with blue eyes like berbers...) It's known that Ramses worshiped Seth, the red-haired god of chaos, because of their belief to a divine lineage to him. Red-haired makes 1-2% of earth population.

Summing certain longheads and redheads you get both lineages of Black Nobility which also invented and/or possess the Order of the Golden Fleece; hence the "argonauts" stealing the souls-gold of human kind! That being the key of apocalyptic events, they shall be on top of *.orgs like Masons or Jesuits. Events prove that: overal 33 in media. The signal for masons: top-work here, don't counter that one!

LHC-CERN (accelerators foreword)

That LHC synchrotron has only one purpose: to free Satan (point mentioned in Apocalypse) and to thrown the marked souls of mankind (that's the Golden Fleece Order purpose) in Hell / the lake-of-fire, as again mentioned in Apocalypse. Done by opening the inter-dimensional portal. Is constructed over an area where Romans had an Apollyon/Abbadon temple and there is the statue of Shiva the destroyer (Abbadon in Hindu). It's a pure "alchemical device".

CERN+WWW+CHAINS+VAX are a single effort to steal human souls (GOLDEN-FLEECE)

WWW and BLOCKCHAIN are only the efforts to collect the souls.That's why www was invenetd at CERN by TBL with is family-related to GATES. .. www was only a honey-trap.


Ancients knew the so-called "atomic power ". Mohenjo Daro, Sodom-Gomorrah... the nuclear ancient war described in Mahabharatta (and cited by Oppenheimer at the first atomic blast) etc. More recent Dacians used natural uranium mineral as a poison in wars (kinda dirty-bomb) and even underfloor heating  with that natural uranium oxide in lead-vessels - water floating around the vessels ensured heat at Samisegetuza. They enriched the yellow natural compound by a natural water-vortex ...

From Dacia's very rich uranium mineral Romans made a phosphorescent glass. (that mountain was completely plundered by USSR between 1948-58.)

Al Jabir gives detailed accounts howto make heavy-water (or hs light counterpart) by 800 cycles distillation at precise controlled temperature. Year 750 A.D. !

Mount Kailish is considered by some researchers an ancient reactor... Located in Pakistan where also the first distillery devices (3500 years ago) were found as archeological artefacts. From here there is only a step further to particle accelerators. 

The main mistification of accelerators in old writings was made by Dujardin; in his alchemical compendium 1890.. all devices and old drawings are noted as "distillation aparatus". But in fact are different: some are sublimation-deposition (kerotakis) some are dark-chambers for photography developing.. and Cleopatras "distillery of souls" can be assumed with a ..cyclotron. Just compare the images with a small cyclotron.

A particle accelerator is the way to restore the 2 pillars by "goldening Saturn"/Satan with humans energy. The transmutation from lead (Saturn) to gold (Helios) back. The old accounts are Cleopatras Chrisopoeia "distillery of souls" and "chrysopoeia", and also the Buddha/Meeru story [almost identical with mount Meeru (Jainism)/Moriah (Solomon's Temple) and the R11:9 fall of the pillars] The "distillery" of Cleopatra [] looks like a circular synchrotron or the Nibelungs Ring...

If the 21 grams experiment 1907/MacDougall-Massachusetts is correct >> 21g= 1 887 385 875 MJ = 450k TNT. 15k TNT =Hiroshima. At 6,66 mild humans you can indeed re-fire a star (smashing souls in the hyperdimensional, parallel-space "lake-of-Fire")! The fallen pillars (Rev 11) reconstruction and Virgil #4 enclogue "Saturn's return" as on the $$-bill. 

A synchrotron is basically an accelerator on the principle of homopolar motor but with controlled magnetic field in vaccum. A ciclotron is basically a linear Lorenz accelerator put in circle and magnetic-controlled. Having 2 counter-rotating beams you get a particle collision and full energy release => LHC. Some crystal versions can reduce hugely the lenght. Telsa's ray device was basically an electrostatic accelerator. And he also experimented with homopolar motors. You can make too a micro hadron collider but too small to change the Universe..:) 

Now: The secret vril tech (inspired by sanskrit vimanas seemingly) was noted as having 2 counterrotating mercury discs just as the homopolar motor (hence cyclotron too) but double/ direction-mirrored. 2 spiral (CR) disks were used also by also by Tesla's homopolar and Schaubergers "implosion". That would be the basis of Glocke (timetravel)and Nazi-UFO...

No idea if that tech is real; but.. what in fact a hadron collider does is.. 2 CR accelerating particle-beams. That's LHC. Just saying. PERIOD.

Maybe technical terms are hard. Imagine a rotational slingshot, but for particles instead stone. That's a synchrotron. The kind of slingshot Michelangelo carved David - he shot Goliaths single eye with that sling. Hence.. the accelerator SYMBOLIC ENCRYPTION is present in the Bible too, besides Chrisopoeia, Buddha/Meeeru etc...


How about the theory required for LHC? Today is called STRING theory and has pretty much nothing to do with the classic atomic model. It appeared around 1970 and uses a CHORD-MODEL and MULTIDIMENSIONS. It would be complicated here to explain that one... But the strings were known by Pythatoga (the chord theory, magic numbers, "spheres music" etc) and superior dimensions are pointed in Plato's Republic and Timaeus. Also the projetion of stereographic sphere was called by Vitruvius "Arachne". And the key to multi-dimensions is the antique stereographic sphere reused by Riemann with imaginary numbers> √-1. That's the whole difference. :)

Basically the string theory chords-model is "inspired" from pythagoreic sphere-music.

All the theory was described in Musurgia Universalis by the Jesuit Kircker, coupled with the punch-card. In fact Musurgia Universalis means "Universal Music". That's the Boethius neoplatonic "sphere music" with all consequences: the music of CELESTIAL BODIES. Check another jesuit atomic theory based on "strings" - Boscovich.

A note: Einsteins relativity is NOT VALID in circular referential frames (rotational acceleration) In contrast Aristote's DeCaelo (2300 years ago) gives as "natural" for light/aether just that rotational frame. But of course I cannot explain here all mistifications in modern science. Better check this >

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